次全切除术,Subtotal excision
1)Subtotal excision次全切除术

1.Total or near-total bilateral thyroidectomy after subtotal bilateral thyroidectomy甲状腺次全切除术后再行双侧全/近全切除术的探讨
2.D: I think a subtotal thyroidectomy is necessary.我想需要做个甲状腺次全切除术
3.The ear cancer was treated by subtotal temporal bone resection.中、外耳癌则实行颞骨次全切除术
4.Clinical analysis of 23 cases of supracervical hysterectomy;腹腔镜子宫次全切除术23例临床分析
5.Clinical Application of laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy腹腔镜下子宫次全切除术的临床应用
6.The clinical experience of laparoscopic and transvaginal subtotal hysterectomy腹腔镜与经阴道子宫次全切除术的临床体会
7.Effect of electroacupuncture in patients undergoing subtotal thyroidectomy改良电针在甲状腺次全切除术中的应用
8.The effect of laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy on the stress responses for patients腹腔镜子宫次全切除术对患者机体应激的影响
9.Comparison of Two Types of Subtotal Thyroidectomy Surgery Complications甲状腺次全切除术两种不同术式近期并发症的比较
10.Clinical analysis of 14 patients with cervical stump myoma after subtotal hysterectomy子宫次全切除术后宫颈残端肌瘤的临床特点及手术治疗
11.Intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay monitoring during subtotal parathyroidectomy in secondary hyperparathyroidism术中甲状旁腺激素测定监测继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进次全切除术
12.Clinical Analysis of 54 Cases of Laparoscopy Subtotal Hysterectomy腹腔镜次全子宫切除术54例临床分析
13.Results The COTs had a total removal in 44 cases ((78.6%)) and subtotal removal in 12 ((21.4%)).结果44例肿瘤(78.6%)获手术全切除,12例(21.4%)为次全切除。
14.Results Volumetric resection was achieved in 14 cases, and subtotal resection was in 2 cases.结果术后影像复查显示:肿瘤全切除14例,次全切除2例。
15.Analysis of 30 cases with vaginal hysterectomy for non-prolapsed uterus非脱垂子宫经阴道次全子宫切除术30例分析
16.Peri-operative Care of Low Sacral Tumor by Posterior Subtotal Resection低位骶骨肿瘤经后路次全切除围手术期的护理
17.A clinical analysis and prevention for hypoparathyroidism caused by total,subtotal thyroidectomy or second operation甲状腺全次全切除或二次手术致甲状旁腺功能低下352例临床分析
18.To present a new technique of reconstruction after extended partial laryngectomy to restore the essential function of larynx.目的:修复喉部分切除、扩大部分切除及次全喉切除术后缺损,恢复喉功能。

Subtotal hysterectomy次全子宫切除术
3)subtotal colectomy结肠次全切除术
1.Randomized clinical trial comparing subtotal colectomy and combined use of subtotalcolectomy and modified Duhamel procedure for severe functional constipation;结肠次全切除联合改良Duhamel术与结肠次全切除术治疗重度功能性便秘前瞻性随机对照研究
2.Comparison of outcomes of laparoscopic-assisted and open subtotal colectomy for Hirschsprung s disease of allied disorder in children;腹腔镜辅助下小儿结肠次全切除术与开腹手术的比较研究
3.Methods A comparison of the surgical efficacy of the two techniques used in 68 patients who were,divided into subtotal colectomy group(32 patients,SCG)and intraoperative colonic irrigation group(36 patients,ICIG),was performed.方法对比分析我院采用结肠次全切除术(SCG,32例)和术中灌洗一期吻合术(ICIG,36例)治疗左半结肠癌致肠梗阻患者的疗效。
4)subtotal splenectomy脾次全切除术
1.Experimental study of subtotal splenectomy for treating portal hypertension;脾次全切除术治疗门脉高压症的实验研究
5)subtotal gastrectomy胃次全切除术
1.The preliminary research on effects of enteral nutrition in preventing postsurgical gastropareis syndrome after subtotal gastrectomy of gastric cancer patients;用肠内营养预防胃癌患者胃次全切除术后胃瘫综合征
6)Subtotal hysterectomy子宫次全切除术
1.Role of PK scalpel in laparoscopic operation subtotal hysterectomy;PK刀在腹腔镜下子宫次全切除术中的价值
2.Objective To discuss application of subtotal hysterectomy in cesarean section(CS).结论子宫次全切除术是抢救CS术中急诊危重出血患者生命的一项重要措施。
3.Objective To investigate the indications of subtotal hysterectomy and the prevention of the complications form the removal of cervical stump.目的探讨子宫次全切除术的手术指征及残端宫颈切除术并发症的预防。

子宫切除术子宫切除术 即指子宫全切除术。可经腹、经阴道、经腹腔镜下行子宫切除术。详见各有关词条。