聋哑学校,deaf-mute schools
1)deaf-mute schools聋哑学校

1.Study on Teachers Attitude toward the Programs for Handicapped Pupils in Regular Class;盲校/盲聋哑学校教师随班就读的态度研究
2.On the Application of Health Care in the PE Teacning of Schools for the Deaf-Mutes卫生保健在聋哑学校体育教学中的应用
3.Deaf-mute School Physical Education Status Quo and Development Strategy of Jiangsu Province;江苏省聋哑学校体育教学现状与发展对策
4.Effects of health education in Shaoxing School for Deaf-mutes, Zhejiang Province;绍兴市聋哑学校开展健康教育的效果调查
5.In the Silent World:Design and Planning of Nanyang School of Deafmutes特定于无声处——南阳市聋哑学校规划及单体设计
6.The Xiamen Special Education school was established in1959.厦门市特殊教育学校的前身是厦门聋哑学校,创办于1959年。
7.Reasons for Deaf Students’ School-Weariness in Undeveloped Rural Areas and Its Strategies--A Case Study of Quzhou School for the Deaf;欠发达地区农村聋校学生厌学情绪原因调查与对策研究——以浙江省衢州市聋哑学校为例
8.The Investigation and Analysis of Extracurricular Reading on Students with Hearing Disabilities --An Example from Quzhou School for the Deaf in Zhejiang province;听障学生课外阅读情况调查与分析——以浙江省衢州市聋哑学校为例
9.Research on Improving the Teaching Quality of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet in Schools for Deaf mutes by “Direct reading Method”;用“直读法”提高聋哑学校汉语拼音教学质量的研究
10.They are going to build a school for the deaf and the blind .他们将为聋哑和盲人建一所学校。
11.The deaf and dumb are sent to a special school.聋哑人都被送到一所特殊的学校读书。
12.The boy was sent to a special school for the deaf.那个男孩被送到特为聋哑人办的学校去了。
13.Gallaudet says it is the world's only liberal arts university where everything is designed for deaf or hard-of-hearing students.哪个学校是专门为聋哑学生或者听力有障碍的学生设计的,是。
14.The Status Study of P.E.Activities of the Deaf and Dumb Students in Extra-curriculum in Anhui Special Schools;安徽省特殊教育学校聋哑学生课外体育参与现状研究
15.He was hired as a teacher in a new school for the deaf in Boston, Massachusetts.他受雇于马萨诸塞州波士顿一所新办的聋哑人学校。
16.set up one school for the blind, four schools for deaf-mutes and six schools for mentally retarded children;协助政府发展特殊教育,已办盲人学校1所、聋哑人学校4所、弱智儿童学校6所;
17.Gallaudet College加劳德特学院(聋哑人学院)
18.More than1000 students attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.国家聋哑人技术学院有超过1000名学生。

the schools for the blind,deaf and dumb盲聋哑学校
3)Federal Institute for Deafmutes联邦聋哑学校
4)deaf-mute student聋哑学生
1.[Objective] To investigate the prevalence rate and the related factors of the deaf-mute student s malocclusion in Xiamen, China.[目的]了解厦门地区聋哑学生错畸形的患病情况及相关因素。
2.However, compared to the normal population, the deaf-mute students who lost all or nealy most of the hearing, they have been lacking one kind of important cognitive ability——natural languag.然而,聋哑学生作为丧失了全部或大部分听力的特殊群体,与正常学生相比,他们缺少了一种重要的认知技能——自然语言。
5)deaf-mute students聋哑学生
1.Based on the results of physical fitness test of deaf-mute students,this study designed physical exercise prescription for deaf-mute students and discussed the effects of the exercise prescription on improving the physical and mental health and self-exercise competency,in order to provide the helpful references of theoretical and experimental research.根据聋哑学生体质健康测试的结果,为聋哑学生设计具有针对性的健身运动处方,探讨健身运动处方对提高聋哑学生身心健康和自主锻炼能力的锻炼效果,为其健身锻炼提供理论与实验研究的依据。
6)deaf mute students聋哑大学生
1.The test with a multiple-index-test on deaf mute students constotution is the first time in this area .首次对聋哑大学生进行多指标体质检测,结果显示:聋生的身高、体重、胸围、简单反应时、判断移动反应时、50m跑、立定跳远等指标与普通大学生无显著差异;肺活量和1000m(女800m)跑则非常显著的差于普通大学生,提示加强聋生体育锻炼的科学指导,增强聋生体质是重要的。

杭州聋哑学校杭州市聋哑学校创建于1931年,是浙江省历史最为悠久的一所特殊学校,曾成为浙江省特殊教育教研、科研、师资培训中心。学校在七十多年的奋斗历程中,努力把聋哑学生培养成残而有为的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,在全省乃至全国具有一定的知名度。学校现设小学部、初中部和职高部,共20个教学班,254名学生。小学阶段,课程设置以文化课为主,教师采用 “口语、手势语、书面语相结合”的教学方法实施教学。1998年,学校与国内聋儿康复实验研究有较大影响的省中医学院耳聋康复研究所进行合作,在我省首次开办了学龄聋儿听力语言康复班,开发聋童残余听力,培建其有声语言。初中阶段,根据学生的兴趣、爱好和个性特长,增设工艺美术和服装等职业劳动课,培养学生一技之长。1997年,学校创办了职业高中班,先后设置了工艺美术、服装和计算机等专业,以适应聋生自身发展的需要及市场经济和社会发展对人才的要求。近几年来,学校的教学观念不断更新,办学条件不断改善,办学水平不断提高,办学效益有了新的提高。学生在省市特教会组织的各项竞赛中以及杭州市中小学生艺术节、科技节上均获好成绩,职高学生在市专业会考和等级考试中成绩连年名列前茅,初、高中毕业生升学成绩突出,为聋孩子进高一级学校继续深造,提高综合素质创造了条件。学校拥有一支师德高尚、业务精良的师资队伍,具有大专以上学历的教师,占全校教师总数的80%以上,有的已成为全国、省、市级骨干教师,有的曾获全国、省、市级荣誉称号,教师的教科研论文曾多次在省市论文评选中获奖。目前,全校师生正团结一致,抢抓机遇,奋力拼搏,向更新、更高的目标攀登。