草仙乙肝胶囊,Caoxian Capsule of hepatitis B
1)Caoxian Capsule of hepatitis B草仙乙肝胶囊
2)Zhenzhucao Yiganshukang capsule珍珠草乙肝舒康胶囊
1.Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of alpha interferon combining with Zhenzhucao Yiganshukang capsule on patients with chronic hepatitis B.目的探讨干扰素(IFN)α-2b联合珍珠草乙肝舒康胶囊治疗病毒性慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)抗病毒作用的临床疗效。
3)Compound Xiancao Capsule复方仙草胶囊
1.The Expression of Compound Xiancao Capsule on IL-6 TNF-α of IgA Nephropathy Tissue复方仙草胶囊对IgA肾病大鼠肾组织IL-6 TNF-α表达的影响
2.Objective:To study the curative effect of Compound Xiancao Capsule in cooperating into Western Medicine on adult refractory nephritic syndrome(RNS).目的 :探讨复方仙草胶囊配合西药治疗成人难治性肾病综合征(RNS)的临床疗效。

1.The Expression of Compound Xiancao Capsule on IL-6 TNF-α of IgA Nephropathy Tissue复方仙草胶囊对IgA肾病大鼠肾组织IL-6 TNF-α表达的影响
2.Determination of Trace Elements in Fu-Fang-Xian-He-Cao -Chang-Yan Capsule of Yi Nationality’s Medicine by ICP-AES;彝药复方仙鹤草肠炎胶囊中微量元素的测定
3.The Studies on the Anti-Inflammatory Effects and Mechanisms of FYC;复方鱼腥草胶囊的抗炎作用及机制探讨
4.Determination the Contents of Bruchine and Agrimophol in Pingxiao Capsule by HPLCHPLC测定平消胶囊中马钱子碱和仙鹤草酚的含量
5.Clinical and Experimental Studies on Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis by Composite Pupa Cordyceps Fungus Powder Capsule;复方蛹虫草菌粉胶囊治疗慢性支气管炎的临床与实验研究
6.Determination of Stachydrine Hydrochloride in Compound Leonurus Soft Capsules by HPLCHPLC法测定复方益母草软胶囊中盐酸水苏碱的含量
7.A Clinical Observation of Dahuang Lingxian Capsule for De-creasing Residual Stone Rate and Recurrence Rate of Cholelithi-asis After Operation大黄灵仙胶囊降低胆石症术后残石率及复发率疗效观察
8.Effect of Complex Prescription Herba Siegesbeckiae Capsule on the Express of Cytokine and COX-2 of Acute Gouty Arthritis in Rats;复方豨莶草胶囊对实验性大鼠急性痛风性关节炎细胞因子及COX-2表达影响的研究
9.Effects of Prescription Herba Siegesbeckiae Capsule on Rats Hyperuricemia and Uratic Renal Injury;复方豨莶草胶囊对大鼠高尿酸血症及痛风性肾损伤的影响的实验研究
10.Determination of Glycine and Methionine in Compound Glycyrrhizin Capsules by Precolumn Derivatization HPLC柱前衍生化HPLC法同时测定复方甘草酸苷胶囊中甘氨酸和蛋氨酸的含量
11.Objective To investigate the chronic toxicity of Compound Radix Angelicae Dahuricae capsule.目的考察复方白芷胶囊的长期毒性。
12.Study on Compound Roxithromycin Sustained-Release Pellets;复方罗红霉素缓释微丸胶囊剂的研制
13.Study on the Preparation and Pharmacodynamics of Co-Lingzhijingtang Capsule;复方灵芝降糖胶囊工艺及药效学研究
14.Pharmacology of Fufang Sanqi Capsule on Experimental Myocardial Ischemia;复方三七胶囊抗心肌缺血药理学研究
15.Acute Toxicity of Compound Pueraria Extract Capsule on Mice复方野葛根胶囊的急性毒性作用研究
16.Determination of Baicalin in the Pearl Acne Compound Capsule复方珍珠暗疮胶囊中黄芩苷含量测定
17.Effect of Fufang Xueshuantong capsule on traumatic hyphema复方血栓通胶囊治疗外伤性前房积血
18.Study on the TLC Identification Method for Compound Pueraria lobata Capsules复方野葛根胶囊的薄层色谱鉴别研究

Zhenzhucao Yiganshukang capsule珍珠草乙肝舒康胶囊
1.Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of alpha interferon combining with Zhenzhucao Yiganshukang capsule on patients with chronic hepatitis B.目的探讨干扰素(IFN)α-2b联合珍珠草乙肝舒康胶囊治疗病毒性慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)抗病毒作用的临床疗效。
3)Compound Xiancao Capsule复方仙草胶囊
1.The Expression of Compound Xiancao Capsule on IL-6 TNF-α of IgA Nephropathy Tissue复方仙草胶囊对IgA肾病大鼠肾组织IL-6 TNF-α表达的影响
2.Objective:To study the curative effect of Compound Xiancao Capsule in cooperating into Western Medicine on adult refractory nephritic syndrome(RNS).目的 :探讨复方仙草胶囊配合西药治疗成人难治性肾病综合征(RNS)的临床疗效。
4)Yigan Ling Capsule乙肝灵胶囊
1.Determination of Paeoniflorin in Yigan Ling Capsule by HPLC;HPLC法测定乙肝灵胶囊中芍药苷的含量
5)Yiganning capsule乙肝宁胶囊
1.Determination of paeoniflorin in Yiganning capsule by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定乙肝宁胶囊中芍药苷的含量
6)Yigankang Capsule乙肝康胶囊
1.Protective Effects of Yigankang Capsule on Experimental Hepatic Injury;乙肝康胶囊对实验性肝损伤的保护作用

草仙乙肝胶囊药物名称:草仙乙肝胶囊汉语拼音:Caoxian Yigan Jiaonang主要成分:虎杖、川楝子(炒)、猪苓、当归(土炒)等二十一味。性状:胶囊剂,内容物为棕黄色或棕褐色颗粒;有特异香气,味微苦。药理作用:可降低动物化学性肝损时血清中GOP、GTP及血脂的量,对鸭乙肝病毒复制也有一定的抑制作用。功能与主治:清热解毒,健脾利湿。用于湿邪困脾证,症见身重懒动、胁痛、脘闷腹胀、便溏等,以及慢性乙型病毒性肝炎见于上述证候者。用法与用量:饭后口服。一次6粒,一日3次。3个月为一疗程,或遵医嘱。不良反应:禁忌症:孕妇忌服。注意事项:规格:每粒装0.4g。贮藏:密封,置阴凉干燥处。有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是