1.Technical Standardization for Environmental Friendly Production of Pear;梨果无公害标准化生产技术
2.Empirical Studies on Behavior of Farmer Family at Different Stages of Standardized Pear Production;梨果标准化生产不同阶段农户行为的实证研究
3.Study on the Exportation Competitiveness and the International Market of Chinese Pear;中国梨果出口竞争力和国际市场研究

1.The Study on the Organization Structure and the Changes During Storage of Yali Pear Fruit and Whangkeumbae Fruit;鸭梨、黄金梨果实结构及贮藏过程中的变化研究
2.Study on Relationship Between Seed Number and Fruit Quality of Nanguoli Pear种子数与南果梨果实品质的关系研究
3.Study on Isoenzymes of Polyphenol Oxidase of Nanguoli s Core,Pulp and Peel;南果梨果皮、果肉、果心多酚氧化酶同工酶的研究
4.hawthorn and pear shreds红果(山楂)拌梨丝
5.Ap- ples, pears, peaches, plums.苹果,梨,桃子,李子。
6.This orchard yields apples and pears.这果园出产苹果和梨。
7.its pear-shaped edible fruit仙人果的果实(像梨,可食).
8.A variety of pear with green skin and firm, smooth flesh.安茹梨一种绿皮,果肉硬而润滑的梨
9.All the orchard trees are white,让苹果梨树繁花满枝。
10.Do you like pear more than apple ?你喜欢梨更甚于苹果吗?
11.This pear is rotten at the core.这个梨子的果心腐烂了。
12.The avocado is an oily fruit,鳄梨是一种油性水果,
13.Apples, bananas, pears, strawberries, oranges...苹果、香蕉、梨、草莓、橘子……
14.A tropical American tree(Persea americana) having oval or pear-shaped fruit with leathery skin, yellowish-green flesh, and a large seed.鳄梨树一种热带美洲乔木,(美国鳄梨鳄梨属)有椭圆形或梨形果实,果皮坚韧,果肉黄绿色,核大
15.Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on Preservation Effectiveness of Wonhuwang Pears, Whangkeumbae Pears and Housui Pears at Different Temperature不同温度条件下1-MCP对圆黄梨和黄金梨及丰水梨保鲜效果的影响
16.Classification of Pear and Apple-pear by RAPD;RAPD在梨品种资源及苹果梨分类上的应用研究
17.I like fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas...我喜欢吃水果,比如苹果、梨子、香蕉等等。
18.I like apples better than pears.苹果和梨比较起来,我更爱吃苹果。

Pyrus ussriensis maxim nanguo's core南果梨果心
3)Fruit quality of apple pear苹果梨果质
4)apple-pear pomace苹果梨果渣
1.The results showed that the cellulose content of DFS prepared from apple-pear pomace is high,reaching 40%,and phenolic compound content is 0.本研究以苹果梨果渣为原料,采用化学法分离不溶性膳食纤维,并测定了其化学组分和物理特性。
5)nanguo pear南果梨
1.Study on separation of flavone from Nanguo pear with AB-8 macroporous resin;AB-8型大孔树脂分离纯化南果梨黄酮类化合物的研究
2.Effect on Biochemical Changes of Nanguo Pear Packaged with Freshness Protection Paper during Cooling Storage;包纸处理对南果梨冷藏时生化变化的影响
3.GEOLOGICAL AND GEOCHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT IN ANSHAN REGION:Its correlation to the Nanguo pear;鞍山地区地质地球化学环境特征与南果梨相关性研究
6)Fruit of red pear红梨果实

梨果肉石细胞 李正理提供[图]