1.Effects of Extruding Technological Parameters on In Vitro Protein Digestibility of Flaxseed;挤压膨化工艺参数对亚麻籽体外消化率的影响
2.Effects of moisture of flaxseed powder on denaturation temperature of protein;亚麻籽粉含水率对其蛋白质变性温度的影响
3.Study on detoxification technique of flaxseed with water boiling methods;水煮法对亚麻籽脱毒的工艺研究

1.The seed of flax, especially when used as the source of linseed oil; flaxseed.亚麻籽亚麻的籽,尤指用于制作亚麻籽油的籽;亚麻仁
2.The seed of flax, the source of linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations.亚麻籽用于制亚麻油和配制药用润滑膏的亚麻种子
3.Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint.亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。
4.Functional Properties, Structure and Application of Flaxseed Gum;亚麻籽胶的功能性质、结构及其应用
5.The Metabolism of Flaxseed Lignans in Rats亚麻籽木脂素在大鼠体内的代谢研究
6.Examples are soybean, rapeseed and tlaxseed, wheat germ, hempseed, and perilla oils, with soybean being the most important.例如大豆、油菜籽和亚麻籽、小麦胚、大麻子和紫苏子油。
7.mass of e.g. linseed or cottonseed or soybean from which the oil has been pressed; used as food for livestock.从中可以榨出油来的亚麻籽或棉籽、大豆块;用作家畜饲料。
8.Description: Clear, yellowish oily liquid, typical in taste and odor, The Linseed oil is obtained by pressing and refining process of the seeds of Linseed followed by a rofining process.性状:本品为亚麻籽经过机榨和精制加工,黄色油状液体,具有典型的亚麻籽油的味道和气味。
9.The stone wheel crushes it to a pulp, which is then pressed to extract the oil.译文:亚麻籽先由石滚碾成浆,然后再拿去榨油。
10.The rheology property of linseed gum solution of low-concentration was studied.对低浓度亚麻籽胶溶液的流变特性进行了研究。
11.A half-and-half mixture of linseed oil and turpentine.亚麻籽油和松节油两种成分各占一半的混合物
12.Study on Oils Extraction and Cyanogenic Glycosides Elimination with Two-liquid-phase System and Resulting Protein Characterization of Flaxseed;亚麻籽双液相萃油脱氰苷及蛋白特性研究
13.Study on Extraction、Isolation and Activity of Flaxseed Lignans;亚麻籽中木脂素的提取分离及活性研究
14.The influence of secoisolariciresinol diglusoside on non-emasculated rat in BPH亚麻籽木脂素对非去势大鼠前列腺增生的影响
15.Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction Technology of Oil from Flaxseeds超声波辅助提取亚麻籽油的工艺条件优化
16.The Study on HACCP Security System Construction in the Refining Process of Flaxseed Oil亚麻籽油精炼过程中HACCP安全体系的构建
17.Effects of Flaxseed Gum on Textural Properties of Low-temperature Chicken Sausages亚麻籽胶对低温鸡肉火腿肠质构特性的影响
18.In this presentation the recovery of residual oil from flax seed cake after pressing will be used as an example.本文以压榨后的亚麻籽饼渣为例,阐述对剩余油料的回收。

1.Study on the rheological properties of isolated linseed protein.;亚麻籽分离蛋白流变学特性的研究
2.Effects of Linseed on Performance and Muscular ω-3 PUFA Deposition of Broilers;亚麻籽对肉鸡生产性能及肌肉中ω-3 PUFA富集的影响(英文)
3)flax seed亚麻籽
1.Using flax seed,rice powder,lecithin,the flax seed bread was produced.亚麻籽是一种ω-3脂肪酸植物资源,ω-3脂肪酸具有重要的生理功能。
2.The article discussed α-linolenic acid,dietary fiber and Lignans(SDG) in flax seed could be used to prevent hypertension,high blood grease and cancer.综述了亚麻籽富含α-亚麻酸、木酚素等多种功能性活性物质,可用来预防和治疗高血压、高血脂、癌症等多种疾病。
4)flaxseed gum亚麻籽胶
1.Research progress and appliance in food Industry of flaxseed gum;亚麻籽胶的研究进展及在食品工业中的应用
2.Application of flaxseed gum in low-fat luncheon meat;亚麻籽胶在低脂午餐肉中的应用
3.Influence of flaxseed gum on quality of fish meatball;亚麻籽胶对鱼丸品质的影响
5)flaxseed meal亚麻籽粕
1.Influence of extrusion on chemical components and texture of flaxseed meal;挤压膨化对亚麻籽粕中化学成分及结构的影响
2.The extrusion quality of flaxseed meal was studied with Brabender DSE-25 Twin-Screw Extruder.利用DSE-25型双螺杆挤出机对亚麻籽粕进行挤压膨化质量研究。
3.In this paper, flaxseed meal after removing cyanogenic glucoside is added into wheat flour to compare its effects on the dough properties, bread baking characteristics, bread staling and retrogradation during the storage period.本文将亚麻籽粕脱除毒性物质生氰糖苷后,将其添加到面粉中,以研究其对面团特性、面包烘焙品质以及面包贮存过程中老化程度的影响。
6)linseed meal亚麻籽粕
1.The effects of different proportion of detoxified linseed meal powder on dough rheological properties and bread baking properties were investigated by Brabender Farinograph,Brabender Extensograph and Micro Stable System Texture Analyser,ect.采用粉质仪、拉伸仪、质构仪等分析手段探讨脱毒处理后的亚麻籽粕粉添加到小麦粉中对面团流变学特性(粉质特性、拉伸特性)、面包烘焙特性的影响。
2.In this paper,removing cyanogenetic glycoside in linseed meal was carried out by Brabender Lab-station of DSE-25 Twin-Screw Extruder.利用BrabenderDSE-25双螺杆挤压机对亚麻籽粕进行了挤压脱除生氰糖苷的试验,考察了加工条件(水分含量、加工温度、螺杆转速、喂料速度)对系统参数(扭矩、4区压力、5区压力)和脱毒效果的影响。
3.In this paper, linseed meal was processed by extrusion, microwave heating, autoclaving, microbe fermentation, water boiling and solvent extracting.采用挤压法、微波法、压热法、微生物法、水煮法、溶剂法等对亚麻籽粕进行处理,由比色滴定法测定亚麻籽粕中氢氰酸含量,比较分析不同处理方法对亚麻籽中生氰糖苷的脱除效果和机理。

亚麻籽这种小的红棕色果实,有极强的坚果风味,即使在烤制食品中也是如此。实际上,许多欧洲国家,在几乎所有的食品中,面包师都经常使用这种谷物,如饼干、蛋糕、面包等。记住,一定要将这种谷物研磨,从而得到最佳的效果。如果是整粒的话,那么,将会未经消化便被排出体外。烹调难易度:容易。这种谷物具有坚硬的外壳,必须被部分压碎或碾磨(可以用咖啡研磨机或混合机),从而将其营养释放出来。压碎或碾磨后的果实,可以加在面包或松饼中,或加在酸奶或谷类食品的上面。营养价值:不含胆固醇,富含纤维和n 3脂肪酸,n 3脂肪酸含有有助于预防心脏病和其他慢性病的营养成分。购买指南:尽管亚麻籽和研磨后的亚麻食品开始在大超市中出现,但这种食物仍是在健康食品店中容易找到。将所有的颗粒密封在容器中,在室温下可以存放一年。将研磨后的果实放在冰箱中可以保存30天。