1.Clinicopathologic and ultrastructural characteristics of complicated Kaposi s sarcoma following renal transplantation;肾移植术后发生卡波西肉瘤的临床表现及病理学特点

1.Expression of MT1-MMP and ARHGDIB in Kaposi's Sarcoma Tissue in Xinjiang新疆卡波西肉瘤组织中MT1-MMP和ARHGDIB蛋白的表达
2."As the immune system deteriorates, they develop diseases such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, cytomegalovirus (CMV), lymphoma, or Kaposi sarcoma. ".随着免疫系统的恶化,会发展出诸如卡氏肺囊虫性肺炎、巨细胞病毒、淋巴瘤或卡波西氏肉瘤等疾
3.Kalman-Bucy filter卡尔曼-布西滤波器
4.He found Psyche sleeping in her room.他发现波西卡正在她的房间里熟睡。
5."So from then on Psyche began her new life."从此,波西卡开始了她全新的生活。
6.Aphrodite asked Cupid to punish Psyche.阿芙洛狄特要丘比特去惩罚波西卡。
7.This made Aphrodite even angrier with Psyche.这使得阿芙洛狄特对波西卡更为恼怒。
8.So from then on Psyche began her new life.从此,波西卡开始了她全新的生活。
9."I'm one of the invisible servants of this place."波西卡夫人,我是这座宫殿中一个隐形仆人。
10.Once,there was a young woman by the name of Psyche and she was extraordinarily beautiful.从前,有位名叫波西卡的年轻女子,她非常美丽。
11.A lively round dance originating in Bohemia and performed by couples.波尔卡舞源于波西米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈
12.A city of western Colombia on the Cali River southwest of Bogot?It was founded in1536.Population, 1, 347, 810.卡利哥伦比亚西南部一城市,位于波哥大西南的卡利河沿岸。建于1536年。人口1,347,
13.But they had planted the seed of suspicion in Psyche's mind.但是,她们已经在波西卡的心里种下了怀疑的种子。
14.And he sprang for the window and stared her as he stood there. "You've lost me forever,Psyche.他跃上窗台站在那儿盯着她说:"你已经永远失去我了,波西卡。
15.And the old woman said,"Psyche is not like another mortal women and she will not marry a mortal husband.这位老妇人说道:"波西卡和别的凡间女子不同,她不会嫁给凡人。
16.It belongs European wood. The distinctive color from others is on the purity and clearness presentation.即西卡蒙水波。产于欧洲。色泽白皙光洁,呈现光水影的效果。
17.Time went by and Psyche's father realized that his daughter was not like other mortals.时光流逝,波西卡的父亲也意识到他的女儿与众不同。
18.Now, Aphrodite was very jealous goddess and she grew very angry about Psyche.阿芙洛狄特是位嫉妒心很强的女神,她对波西卡大为恼怒。

Kaposi's sarcoma卡波西肉瘤
1.Clinical analysis of 25 patients with Kaposi's sarcoma25例卡波西肉瘤临床分析
2.A case of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma艾滋病相关型卡波西肉瘤1例
3)Kaposi sarcoma/diagnosis卡波西肉瘤/诊断
4)Kaposi sarcoma/therapy卡波西肉瘤/治疗
5)Kaposi sarcoma associated卡波西肉瘤相关
6)Kalman-Bucy filter卡尔曼-布西滤波
1.Based on the analogy between structural mechanics and Kalman filtering, a new extended Kalman-Bucy filtering algorithm was presented to identify parameters of continuous time systems.根据结构力学与卡尔曼滤波相模拟的理论,构造了一种新的用于连续系统参数识别的广义卡尔曼-布西滤波计算格式。

卡波孟药物名称:延通心英文名:Carbocromen别名: 卡波孟;乙胺香豆素;乙氧香豆素;隐痛散 ,延通心外文名:Carbocromen 适应症: 可用于慢性冠脉功能不全及预防心绞痛的发作。还可用于预防手术、麻醉时引起的冠脉循环障碍及心律失常。 用量用法: 1.口服:1次75~150mg,1日3次。重症于开始时可1次口服150mg,1日4次,待症状改善后减至1次口服75mg,1日3~4次。 2.肌注或静注:1次20~40mg,1日1~2次。必要时可静滴,1次40~80mg。 3.喷雾吸入:每次揿吸2~3次(相当于本品3~5mg),1日3次。 注意事项: 1.可产生食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、失眠、头痛等反应。 2.静注过快可引起短暂面部潮红、胸部热感、心悸等,静注液宜以5%葡萄糖液10~20ml稀释后慢推(3~5分钟推完)。 规格: 片剂:每片75mg。 针剂:每支40mg(2ml)。 气雾剂:每瓶14g,内含本品350mg。 类别:防治心绞痛药