1.Clinical Efficacy of Mizolastine in the Treatment of Dermatographism;咪唑斯汀治疗皮肤划痕症临床观察

1.Clinical observation on 30 cases with dermographism treated with desloratadine and BCG Polysaccharide and nucleic acid preparation地氯雷他定联合斯奇康治疗皮肤划痕症30例临床观察
2.Detection and evaluation of SOD,GSH-PX,MDA in serum of patients with dermatographism皮肤划痕症患者血清超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶及丙二醛的检测及意义
3.(in surgery)make small cuts in(skin,etc); cut off skin from(a part of the body)(外科)在(皮肤等)上做小切口或划痕,割去(身体部位) 的皮肤.
4.A mark raised on the skin, as by a whip;a weal or welt.伤痕皮肤上隆起的痕记,如鞭痕;条状鞭痕或条痕
5.By decreasing the release of these chemicals in the skin, fluocinolone reduces inflammation and relieves itch.透过减少这些化学物质在皮肤层,氟轻松能减轻炎症和解除痕痒。
6.Scar: Mark left on the skin after a wound heals.瘢痕: 伤口愈合后残留在皮肤上的瘢痕。
7.Blotchy skin is a symptom of many skin diseases.皮肤上出现污斑是许多皮肤病的症状。
8.lipoidosis cutis et mucosae皮肤粘膜类脂沉积症
9.rophica cutis idiopatica maculosa斑状特发性皮肤萎缩症
10.a disease affecting the skin.影响到皮肤的各种病症。
11.MicroRNAs and Chronic Inflammatory Skin DisordersMicroRNAs与慢性炎症性皮肤病
12."Complications of Burns include respiratory problems, infection, ulcers in the stomach or duodenum, and, especially in Brown skin, thick scarring."烧伤的并发症包括呼吸问题、感染、胃或十二指肠溃疡,特别是皮肤会留下褐色和厚的瘢痕。
13.scores made by a knife on the bark of a tree用刀在树皮上划的痕迹.
14.To raise marks on(the skin), as by whipping.留下鞭痕在(皮肤)上留下隆起的痕记,如用鞭子打
15.hollow scar left on the skin,esp after smallpox;pock-mark皮肤上凹陷的疤痕;(尤指天花的)麻点,痘痕.
16.ligature mark in hanging; ligature mark in strangulation. ligature mark in hanging缢沟 。缢索在颈部皮肤的印痕。
17.The scar flawed her skin.疤痕在她皮肤上造成缺陷。
18.delicate skin that scars easily.娇嫩的皮肤很容易留下疤痕

1.Clinical analysis of 90 cases dermography皮肤划痕症90例临床分析
1.Clinical observation on 30 cases with dermographism treated with desloratadine and BCG Polysaccharide and nucleic acid preparation地氯雷他定联合斯奇康治疗皮肤划痕症30例临床观察
5)epidermal scratch皮肤划痕
1.Comparison of the intranasal and epidermal scratch immunization with DNA vaccine of Hantaan virus;汉滩病毒核酸疫苗滴鼻及皮肤划痕免疫小鼠的比较研究

皮肤幼虫移行症皮肤幼虫移行症 有些蠕虫,人体不是它们的正常宿主,其幼虫可在人体组织中长期移行,不能发育为成虫,可引起局部的或全身的病变,称为幼虫移行症。在人体皮肤中长期移行时产生的损害,称皮肤幼虫移行症。