皮肤纹理,skin texture
1)skin texture皮肤纹理
1.Algorithm of skin texture classification based on skin texture features;一种基于皮肤纹理特征的皮肤分类算法

1.Correlation of skin topography with age and sites in Caucasian women白种人女性皮肤纹理与年龄和部位相关性研究
2.A Study of Quantitative Evaluation Method for Skin Aging of Dorsal Hard Texture;手背部皮肤纹理老化定量评价方法研究
3.Research on the Relationship between Skin Texture, Roughness, Elasticity Versus Age and Body-Sites of Female;女性皮肤纹理、粗糙度、弹性与年龄和部位相关性研究
4.The Research of Comparing UV Exposure in Shenyang and Sanya on the Skin Texture of Hand Back沈阳与三亚两地人群紫外线暴露对手背部皮肤纹理影响的比较研究
5.marbleized pink skin.粉红色皮肤有着大理石般的纹理。
6.texture and appearance of the skin of the face.皮肤和面部的纹理和外表。
7.A line or crease in the skin, as from age.皱纹皮肤上的皱纹,如因年老而引起
8.Morphological Studies of the Skin and Skin Sense Receptor of Japalura Splendida Barbour and Dunn;丽纹龙蜥皮肤与皮肤感受器的形态学研究
9.Pattern of marks, esp the colours of skin, fur or feathers斑点,花纹(尤指皮肤、毛皮或羽毛的颜色)
10.Texture Analysis on Two-photon Excited Microscopic Images of Human Skin Hypertrophic Scar Tissue皮肤增生性疤痕组织的双光子显微图像纹理分析
11.seal-split cowhide bag海豹纹理状裂纹牛皮袋
12.line (on a surface,eg a wrinkle or scar on skin)(物体表面的)纹,线(如皮肤上的皱纹或伤疤).
13.Our prints are made of raised and lowered skin.我们的指纹和掌纹是由高低起伏的皮肤形成的。
14.It improves rough and wrinkled skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines.它能改善粗糙和起皱的皮肤,减少幼纹。
15.(used of the skin of the face) contracted into wrinkles.(用于面部皮肤)收缩成皱纹的。
16.Their backs are covered with oily, ribbed skin.它们后背上是油滑的、带有棱纹的皮肤。
17.This boy is big, but he is clever and deft.他满脸皱纹,皮肤很黑,头发灰白稀疏。
18.Analysis of Dermatoglyphics in 400 Chinese Women我国妇女皮肤沟纹图型400例分析

1.Study on quantitative evaluation indexes for skin aging of dorsal hand texture;手背部皮肤纹理老化定量评价指标研究
3)skin-texture detection皮肤纹理检测
1.This paper presents a skin-texture detection method based on adaptive wavelet invariant moments AWIM.该文提出一种基于自适应小波不变矩的皮肤纹理检测方法,首先利用统计颜色空间模型分割出疑似皮肤区域,再利用自适应小波不变矩来描述皮肤的纹理特征,该特征具有平移和缩放不变性。
4)Skin wrinkle皮肤皱纹
5)coat patterns皮肤斑纹
1.Highly biological and life organisms are intriguing and fascinating problems, one of which is the variability and complexity of animal coat patterns.高级生物生命组织的形成机制是十分吸引人的课题,动物皮肤斑纹的变化和复杂性是其中的一个问题。
6)skin care皮肤护理
1.Recent trends in skin care polymers;皮肤护理聚合物的最新发展趋势
2.Objective To study the therapeutic effect of facial mask therapy in combination with skin care in the treatment of facial acne.目的研究石膏倒膜疗法结合皮肤护理治疗寻常型痤疮的疗效,探讨皮肤护理在治疗中的作用。

阴茎干全周皮肤撕脱后阴囊皮肤埋藏术阴茎干全周皮肤撕脱后阴囊皮肤埋藏术 手术名。阴茎皮肤撕脱伤修复术之一。硬膜外麻醉 、腰麻或全麻。清创,尽可能多保留阴茎皮肤缺损近侧有生机之皮肤,剪除缺损远侧之皮肤及包皮,达近阴茎冠2~3mm处,以防术后淋巴水肿。在阴囊前壁做两平行横切口,深及内膜,距离同阴茎皮肤缺损。自两切口向中间分离形成皮下隧道,将阴茎自隧道穿进,遮盖阴茎皮肤缺 损,露出阴茎头。将隧道之近远二缘与阴茎皮肤间断缝合,留置气囊导尿管。待愈合后,将阴茎自阴囊上移下,并以两侧皮瓣包绕阴茎两侧及腹侧缺损,皮片两缘对合成锯齿状,以免日后因瘢痕挛缩影响勃起。术后加压包扎,用抗生素预防感染,雌激素防止阴茎勃起,1周后拆线并拔除导尿管。 