1.Ultrastructural observation of melanosome complexes in the tumor cells in basal cell epithelioma;基底细胞上皮瘤细胞内黑素小体复合体形成的超微结构观察

1.Significance of aberrant melanosomes in the diagnosis of malignant melanoma异常黑素小体在恶性黑素瘤诊断中的意义
2.The Study on regulation of melanogenesis in the responese of murine melanoma cells to Radix Scutellariae;黄芩提取物对体外培养小鼠黑素瘤细胞黑素生成的调节作用
3.Effect of Tribulus Terrestris Extract of Different Dosings on Melanocortin-1 Receptor Expression in Mouse Hair Follicles不同剂量刺蒺藜对小黑鼠毛囊黑皮素1受体表达的影响
4.The Inhibition Effect on Mouse Melanoma Cells Train by Ganoderma Lucidum Polysaccharides in Vitro灵芝多糖对小鼠黑素瘤细胞的体外抑制作用
5.Gene Therapy of Mouse-endostatin Delivered by Adenovirus Vectors to Melanoma;内皮抑素基因腺病毒载体表达系统治疗小鼠黑色素瘤的实验研究
6.Research on the Obesity Promotion of Mice through Naked Plasmid Injection of Canis Melanocortin Receptor-4犬黑素皮质素受体-4裸质粒注射促进小鼠肥胖的研究
7.A precursor cell of a melanocyte or melanophore.成黑素细胞产生黑素细胞的母体细胞
8.Experrimental Study on in Vitro Induction of the Mouse Melanoma-Specific T Lymphocytes and Their Anti-Tumor Activity;小鼠黑素瘤特异性T淋巴细胞的体外诱导及抗瘤活性的实验研究
9.Generation and Characterization of Anti-idiotypic Antibodies Against Mouse B16 Melanoma;小鼠黑色素瘤抗独特型抗体的制备及生物活性研究
10.Establishment of Highly Metastatic Models of Melanoma in Mice in Vivo Screening and Cell Lines;黑色素瘤小鼠高转移模型体内筛选和细胞系的建立
11.Effect of Tribulus Terrestris Extract of Different Dosage on Melanocortin不同用量刺蒺藜对小鼠毛囊黑皮素1受体表达的影响
12.Secretory expression vector V-pLNCX-s-hri inhibits the growth of mouse B16 melanoma分泌性表达载体V-pLNCX-s-hri对小鼠B16黑色素瘤生长的抑制作用
13.Effdct of Jacobine Total Alkalines on the Proliferation of Melanoma B16F10千里光总碱对体外培养的小鼠黑色素瘤细胞增殖的影响
14.These granules consist of the actual pigments: eumelanin and phaeomelanin.正是这些小颗粒组成了二种色素:真黑素和棕黑素。
15.Morphological Study on Pineal Gland in African Ostrich Chicks and Distribution of Melatonin Receptor in Cerebellum and Spleen;非洲雏鸵鸟松果体的形态学和褪黑素受体在小脑和脾脏内的分布研究
16.Effects of Retinoic Acid on B16 Murine Melanoma Cells and Normal Human Melanocyte;维甲酸对小鼠B16黑素瘤细胞和正常人黑素细胞的影响
17.Objective:In the present study the effects of melatonin (MLT) on apoptosis and cell cycle progression in mouse thymocytes in vitro was investigated.目的 :研究褪黑素对体外培养的小鼠胸腺细胞凋亡及细胞周期进程的影响。
18.Effects of Melatonin and Its Receptor Antagonist Luzindole on Airway Inflammation and Remodeling in a Mouse Asthma Model;褪黑素及其受体拮抗剂对哮喘小鼠模型气道炎症和气道重构的调节作用

3)melanosome biogenesis黑素小体发生
4)Melanosome distribution黑素小体分布
5)Melanosome motility黑素小体运动速率

松果体素,褪黑素,褪黑激素,美乐托您,眠钠多宁,美拉托宁药物名称:美拉托宁英文名:Melatonin别名:松果体素,褪黑素,褪黑激素,美乐托您,眠钠多宁,美拉托宁外文名:MT,Melatonin药理作用:MT即5-甲氧基-N-乙酰吲哚乙胺.对睡眠倾向的调节有密切关系,称作生物时相性的生理物质。本品能有效地促进生理性睡眠冲动,改善睡眠质量和脑电活动。对长途飞行的时差、昼夜颠倒,长期失睡,更年期情绪不稳,睡眠障碍有良效。MT能进入细胞的脂类膜和细胞核,是目前最佳的抗自由基剂,长期使用可使体内体表的紫褐斑和某些色素减褪。适应症:用于肝炎、高血压、糖尿病,癌肿等病人的MT分泌紊乱,作车辅助治疗,能显著缩短病程或改善生活质量。用法用量:口服:30岁以下:一般无须应用。31-40岁:1mg/每晚或睡前服。 41-60岁:1-3mg/每晚或睡前服.规格:片剂:1mg, 1.5mg 3mg.类别:下丘脑垂体激素及有关药