2)epichrosis leucasmus therapy白癜风治疗
3)Vitiligo/acup-mox ther白癜风/针灸疗法
4)VITILIGO/TCM-WM therapy白癜风/中西医结合疗法
5)Baidianfeng Pill白癜风丸
1.Quality Standard for Baidianfeng Pills;白癜风丸质量标准的研究
2.Content Determination of Ferulic Acid in Baidianfeng Pill by HPLC;HPLC法测定白癜风丸中阿魏酸的含量
1.Using the Computer Digital Image Analysis to Evaluate the Efficacy of Vernonia Anthelmintica Willd for Treatment of Vitiligo;计算机图像分析系统评价驱虫斑鸠菊软膏治疗白癜风的疗效观察
2.Treatment and nursing for vitiligo by narrow-band ultraviolet B;窄谱中波紫外线治疗白癜风疗效的观察及护理
3.Polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene BsmI in patients with vitiligo;白癜风患者维生素D受体BsmI基因多态性的研究

1.The Clinical Observation and Study on the Mechanism of Blood Deficiency Wind Sheng-type Vitligo by the Treatment of Baidian Creme and Intake of Traditional Chinese Medicine白癜霜联合内服中药治疗血虚风盛型白癜风临床观察及机理初探
2.Clinical observation on the therapeutic efficacy of the vitiligo oral capsule with narrow-band ultraviolet B radiation(NB-UVB)in treating Vitiligo白癜风胶囊口服配合窄谱中波紫外线照射治疗白癜风疗效观察
3.Observation of 308nm Excimer Laser Combining with Compound Herbs Granule for the Treatment on Vitiligo of Face308nm准分子激光联合白癜冲剂治疗面部白癜风临床观察
4.Nursing care of vitiligo patients treated by epidermis grafting machine表皮移植机治疗白癜风病人的护理
5.Study on Vitiligo's Traditional Chinese Medicinal Literature and on the Law of Its Prescriptions, Herbs, and Treatments Based on Syndrome Differiation;白癜风中医文献与方药证治规律研究
6.The Relationship between VDR Polymorphism and Genetic Susceptibility of Vitiligo.;VDR基因多态性与白癜风相关性研究
7.The Correlation between TCM Syndrome Type of Vitiligo and HAL-DQB1 Alleles;白癜风中医证型与HLA-DQB1的相关性研究
8.The Report of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma Accompanied Vitiligo;皮肤恶性黑素瘤并发白癜风病例报告
9.HLA-DQB1 Alleles in Patients with Vitiligo in Jianzhe China;江浙籍汉族白癜风与HLA-DQB1相关性研究
10.Investigation of life quality index among adult patients with vitiligo on head and neck成人头颈部白癜风患者生活质量调查
11.Retrospective Analysis on Cinical Treatment of Epichrosis Leucasmus by Autogenous Scarfskin Transplantation自体表皮移植治疗白癜风的临床研究
12.Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Nursing Intervention Measure Plus UVB on Vitiligo护理干预联合UVB治疗白癜风疗效观察
13.Detection and analysis of rheumatoid factor in 132 cases of vitiligo132例白癜风患者血清类风湿因子的检测及分析
14.Oral Qubaifangji Plus Autologous Epidermal Transplantation in the Therapy of Vitiligo;口服祛白方剂配合自体表皮移植治疗白癜风
15.Efficacy Observation of Xiaobai Granules with Halometasone in the Treatment of Vitiligo消白颗粒联合卤米松治疗白癜风疗效观察
16.Therapeutic Observation of TCM Recipe Combined with Epidermis Transplant in the Treatment of Vitiligo中药加自体表皮移植术治疗白癜风疗效观察
17.A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported.报告1例斑秃伴白癜风和盘状红斑狼疮。
18.③A few vitiligo cases onset while born, not all acquired.③白癜风并非完全后天发病 ,少数出生时即可发生

epichrosis leucasmus therapy白癜风治疗
3)Vitiligo/acup-mox ther白癜风/针灸疗法
4)VITILIGO/TCM-WM therapy白癜风/中西医结合疗法
5)Baidianfeng Pill白癜风丸
1.Quality Standard for Baidianfeng Pills;白癜风丸质量标准的研究
2.Content Determination of Ferulic Acid in Baidianfeng Pill by HPLC;HPLC法测定白癜风丸中阿魏酸的含量
1.Using the Computer Digital Image Analysis to Evaluate the Efficacy of Vernonia Anthelmintica Willd for Treatment of Vitiligo;计算机图像分析系统评价驱虫斑鸠菊软膏治疗白癜风的疗效观察
2.Treatment and nursing for vitiligo by narrow-band ultraviolet B;窄谱中波紫外线治疗白癜风疗效的观察及护理
3.Polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene BsmI in patients with vitiligo;白癜风患者维生素D受体BsmI基因多态性的研究

白癜风酊二号药物名称:白癜风酊二号英文名:适应症: 用于白癜风。 用量用法: 每晚涂搽1次。类别:皮肤病用药