1.Observation on the effect of compound Weialu combined with UVB on vitiligo patients;维阿露联合窄谱UVB照射治疗白癜风疗效观察
2.Efficacy of Weialu combined with cutivate cream on vitiligo维阿露联合丙酸氟替卡松软膏治疗白癜风疗效观察

1.Efficacy of Weialu combined with cutivate cream on vitiligo维阿露联合丙酸氟替卡松软膏治疗白癜风疗效观察
2.an Alpine variety of enchanter's_nightshade.阿尔卑斯种的露珠草。
3.He is Aunt Lucy's son.他是露西阿姨的儿子。
4.Aunt Lucy, What do you prefer?露西阿姨,你喜欢吃什么?
5.They are Aunt Maggie and Aunt Lucy.他们是马吉阿姨和露西阿姨.
6.Lanolin body Wash With Vitamin E维他命E羊脂沐浴露
7."You can say that again,"grinned α."你说得对,"阿尔法露齿而笑。
8.Aunt Lucy and Cousin Harry are coming, too.露西阿姨和哈里表哥也要来。
9.Where are Aunt Lucy and Cousin Harry?露西阿姨和哈里表哥在哪里?
10.Aunt Lucy and Cousin Harry are from the UK, too.露西阿姨和哈里表哥也来自英国。
11.Aunt Lucy and Cousin Harry are at the airport, too.露西阿姨和哈里表哥也在飞机
12.Amoxicillin Sodium and Clavulanate Potassium阿莫西林钠克拉维酸钾
13.Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium阿莫西林克拉维酸钾
14.Argo-Swift alloy阿戈-斯维夫特四元合金
15.fabric of Guaxima fibre, woven机织古阿斯麻纤维织物
16.woven fabric of caroa fibre机织卡罗阿叶纤维织物
17.Abbevillian industry阿布维尔文化期工艺
18.Symbolic Meaning of Ah Q--Deeper motives of the True Story of Ah Q: Exposing the Formation and Cause of Vices and Meanesses of Some Chinese;阿Q的意义——《阿Q正传》的深层动机:揭露国民性及其成因

Amylo process阿米露法
1.Treatment of Psoriasis with Acitretine and Narrowband UVB:a Clinic Study;阿维A口服联合NB-UVB照射治疗银屑病(附53例临床观察)
2.The effect of acitretin on moderate to severe plaque psoriasis;阿维A治疗斑块状银屑病临床疗效观察
3.The effect of acitretin on serum MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in the patients with psoriasis vulgaris;阿维A对寻常型银屑病患者血清MMP-2及TIMP-2的影响
4)expose thought暴露思维
1.The Study about Liweininglu Influences the Senile and Atrophic Genital Tract and Vaginal ER-β of OXV SD-rat;丽维凝露对去卵巢SD大鼠生殖道衰老萎缩及阴道ER-β影响的实验研究

阿米露法分子式:分子量:CAS号:性质:淀粉质原料制造酒精的方法之一。经典的阿米露法是在蒸煮醪中接入纯粹培养的霉菌和酵母菌,密闭通风培养,利用菌体分泌的淀粉酶和酒化酶,分别使淀粉糖化和糖发酵为酒精,基本上糖化和发酵同时进行。使用的霉菌主要为德氏根霉(Rhigopus delemar)或爪哇根霉(Rhigo-pus javanicus)故又称根霉法。此法优点是发酵完全在无杂菌条件下进行,淀粉转化率高,成品质量较优,缺点是根霉的液化力弱,发酵时间较长,也不适宜浓醪发酵。故现今出现各种阿米露改良法:如阿米露酒母法、阿米露酒母-麸曲混合法、阿米露酒母-液体曲混合法等。