
1.Usefulness of high resolution CT in the diagnosis of pulmonary carcinomatous lymphangitis高分辨率CT对肺内癌性淋巴管炎的诊断价值
2.Bacterial afterwards can be caused to send infection and lymphatic after the skin is broken phlogistic, erysipelas.皮肤破后可引起细菌继发感染及淋巴管炎、丹毒等。
3.Nodular thickening of interlobular septa can be seen in lymphangitic carcinomatosis, sarcoidosis, and silicosis.讨论:结节样小叶间隔增厚可见于癌性淋巴管炎、结节病和矽肺。
4.inflammation of a blood vessel or lymph duct.血管或淋巴导管发炎。
5.lymphatic vessel【解】淋巴腺, 淋巴管淋巴管
6.Inflammation of a lymph node or gland.淋巴腺炎淋巴结或淋巴腺的炎症
7.The comparative study of four methods for therapy of chronic lymphedema, chronic lymphangitis and chronic lymphadenitis四种方法治疗慢性淋巴水肿、淋巴管(结)炎的比较研究
8.Of or relating to lymph, a lymph vessel, or a lymph node.淋巴的淋巴、淋巴管或淋巴结的或与之有关的
9.a lymph node that is inflamed and swollen because of plague or gonorrhea or tuberculosis.瘟疫,淋病或肺炎引起的淋巴腺发炎。
10.acute infective lymphadenitis急性感染性淋巴结炎
11.pestilential bubo疫病性腹股沟淋巴结炎
12.acute mesenteric lymphadenitis急性肠系膜淋巴结炎
13.chronic lymphadenitis of mesentery慢性肠系膜淋巴结炎
14.Inflammation of one or more lymph nodes.淋巴结炎一个或多个淋巴结发生的炎症
15.Difference of T Lymphocyte Subsets Expression in Blood of Children with Bronchiolitis or Asthma毛细支气管炎与支气管哮喘患儿血T淋巴细胞亚群表达异同
16.vascular system导管[血管、淋巴管]系统
17.The study of blood and lymph vessels.血管淋巴管学,脉管学对血管和淋巴管的研究
18.Experimental Study on the Effect of Thoracic Duct Ligation/Conduction in Rats on Severe Acute Pancreatitis Accompanied by Acute Lung Injury胸导管淋巴液对重症急性胰腺炎并发肺损伤影响的实验研究

4)carcinomatous lymphangitis癌性淋巴管炎
1.Methods The CT films of the 6 cases of lung carcinoma with carcinomatous lymphangitis proved pathologically were reviewed retrospectively.目的探讨癌性淋巴管炎在CT上的征象及其对肺癌的诊断价值。
5)Lymphangioitis epizootica流行性淋巴管炎
1.In addition,the author introduced some comprehensive approaches to control Lymphangioitis epizootica.采用微生物学技术,从流行病学、临床诊断、血相及血液生化指标测定、微生物检验及感染途径等方面,对陕西省舍饲布尔山羊良种肉羊罹患流行性淋巴管炎病进行了较详细的研究。
6)epizootic lymphangitis of horse马列性淋巴管炎

淋巴管炎淋巴管炎〖HT5”SS〗lymphangitis 一般指细菌(常为溶血性链球菌)侵入损伤的皮肤所引起的淋巴管的急性炎症,亦可由于丝虫阻塞淋巴管而引起。多发生于四肢、患者除有发热外,在皮肤内可见一条红线从伤口一直引伸至邻近的淋巴结。皮肤内淋巴管发炎时称为“丹毒”。治疗包括使用抗菌药物、局部热敷、抬高患肢等。淋巴管炎反复发作可引起淋巴管阻塞、淋巴潴留,最后皮肤增厚形成象皮肿。