1.Effect of yang-xue-run-fu-yin combining with vein block on elderly pruritus;养血润肤饮结合静脉封闭治疗老年皮肤瘙痒症
2)Yongxue Ruifu soup养血润肤汤

1.Clinical Effect of "Yangxuerunfufang" in the Treatment of Chronical Blood Vacuity Wind-Dryress Pruritus养血润肤方治疗血虚风燥型皮肤瘙痒症的临床疗效观察
2.Treatment Chronic Itch of Skin on Enriching the Blood and Moistening Dryness in 48 Cases养血润燥法治疗慢性瘙痒性皮肤病48例
3.The evaluation of clinical nursing efficacy of Ziyinrunfu softening prescriptions in patients with pruritus senilis滋阴润肤方治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的疗效评价
4."this formula helps soothe dry, itchy skin"本配方可以滋润干燥发痒的皮肤
5.He anointed sunburned place with cold cream.他用润肤油涂在被太阳炙伤的地方。
6.A case of acute monocytic leukemia accompanied with skin infiltration of a child小儿急性单核细胞白血病伴皮肤浸润1例
7.Water locking magnes can deeply nourish skin, constantly supplement and lock water for skin, keep skin in completely moisturized and relaxed state.锁水磁石,可深层滋养肌肤,持续为肌肤补水并有效锁水,使肌肤完全处于润泽轻松的状态。
8.The Gerontism Itch of Skin Treated with Method of Providing Blood and Smoothing Liver and Eliminating Wind养血柔肝祛风法治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒
9.Step2: Replenish goes beyond moisturizing and actually nourishes your skin with powerful antioxidants to make it feel soothed and smoothed instantly.第二步:营养液不仅滋润皮肤,而且补充营养,抗氧化物使你的皮肤立即感觉柔嫩舒适。
10.Vitamin nourish skin,give skin uniforn nourishment,let it keep whitening,moisture and crystal.维他命成分,充分滋养肌肤,富于均衡的滋养度,令肌肤保持柔润白皙,晶莹剔透。
11.Do not use lotions or oils to lubricate the skin.不要用润肤剂或油类来润滑皮肤。
12.The best ways to keep your skin in good condition is sufficient sleep.充足的睡眠是保养皮肤的最好方法。
13.Senile Cutaneous Pruritus by Using the Yangxue Qufeng Decoction Clinical Observation养血祛风汤治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的临床观察
14.Repair of the soft tissue defect of extremity with fasciocutaneous flap incorporation the nutrifying vessel of cutaneous nerves皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复四肢皮肤缺损
15.Rich jojoba oil and its moisturizing formula make skin feel incomparably fine and smooth.丰富的荷荷芭油,保湿滋润配方令肌肤感受无比细腻光滑。
16.Gently massage wet skin circularly, focusing on coarse parts( knee, elbow, heel, and shank).以打圈方式轻轻按摩湿润肌肤,重点护理粗糙部位(膝盖、肘、跟、腿等)。
17.On the other hand, metastatic melanoma is quite common in cases of deeply invasive malignant melanoma of skin and, sometimes, mucous membrane.另一方面,在皮肤和粘膜恶黑深部浸润时,转移是常见的。
18.glyceryl ricinoleatec柔软润肤保湿、乳化剂

Yongxue Ruifu soup养血润肤汤
4)Nutritional agents营养润肤
5)enriching blood and moistening dryness养血润燥
1.Cutaneous pruritus is a common clinical symptom of primary biliary cirrhosis, which can be treated by enriching blood and moistening dryness, expelling wind and stopping itching; disinhibiting dampness and relieving jaundice, expelling wind and stopping itching, with good effects.皮肤瘙痒是原发性胆汁性肝硬化临床常见症状之一 ,通过中医辨证施治 ,以养血润燥、祛风止痒法 ,或利湿退黄、祛风止痒法 ,有一定疗效。
6)enriching the blood and moisturizing the intestine养血润肠

养血润燥养血润燥 养血润燥   治疗学术语。指润燥法。治疗血虚便秘的方法。症见面色苍白、唇爪欠红润,时觉头眩、心悸、大便干结难下、舌质嫩而色淡、脉细数。常用何首乌、当归、生地、麻仁、桃仁等。