1.Effect of short-term high sodium intake on blood pressure in healthy young male;短期摄入负荷量食盐对健康男青年血压的影响

1.a handsome tall young man英俊而高大的男青年
2.cut the foreskin off male babies or teenage boys.切割男孩或男青年的阴茎包皮。
3.a teenage boy worried about his spots, ie acne因出粉刺而烦恼的十几岁的男青年
4.'It's none of your business ' the young man said rudely.那男青年却粗暴地说∶"这与你无关"。
5.The young man is settled in a trade.这个男青年已开始从事一项事业。
6.A good many young men leave their jobs voluntarily.许多男青年自愿地离开他们的工作。
7.This college prepares boys to enter the army as officers.这所学院培养男青年入伍当军官。
8.any handsome young man.指任何英俊的青年男子。
9.A young person, especially a young male in late adolescence.青年,小伙子年轻人,尤指处于青少年后期的男性
10.a young person (especially a young man or boy).未成年人(尤指青年或男孩)。
11.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.一个青年男子和一个青年女子坐在我的后面。
12.Attack and Defense Analysis of Chinese Young Men s Basketball Team in 2003 World Youth Basketball Championships;2003年世青赛中国青年男子篮球队攻防能力分析
13.Statistical Analysis of Techniques of China Youth Men s Basketball Team in the 7th World Youth Men s Basketball Championship;中国青年男篮第7届世青赛技术统计分析
14.The two young persons obeyed.这一对青年男女遵命照办。
15.The young Boy was growing by leaps and Bounds.年青的男孩正快速地长大。
16.The young man had the face to sing to her.那个青年男子竟厚着脸皮对她唱歌
17.She set her cap at the young engineer.她想赢得那个青年工程师(男子)的爱
18.Young women's attitudes toward the idea of "men managing external affairs women internal青年女性对于“男主外女主内”的态度

young men青年男性
1.Objective:To investigate the prevalence and related factors of prostatitis-like symptoms among young men.方法:应用NIH-CPSI和自行设计的前列腺炎相关因素问卷对潍坊市潍城区2500例青年男性(年龄18~30岁)进行调查,收集相关信息,进行病例对照研究,筛选前列腺炎样症状发生的危险因素。
3)male youth男性青年
1.Variation of tear film stability on the male youth working in desert;戈壁环境对男性青年泪膜稳定性的影响
4)Male youngsters男青少年
5)young male青年男子
1.Effects of hemoconcentration in young males under stress condition on six hormones.;青年男子应激时血液浓缩对六种激素的影响
2.Effect of strenuous exercise on six hormones in young males;运动对青年男子血清六种激素的影响
6)youth men's basketball team青年男篮
