
1.Analysis of the status of TB infection in HIV/AIDS patients in Hubei ProvinceHIV/AIDS患者肺结核患病调查分析
2.How to identify tuberculosis cases in a prevalence survey如何在患病率调查中确诊结核病患者
3.Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in patients with chronic kidney diseases慢性肾脏病患者心血管疾病患病率调查
4.Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Guangzhou(Canton)District--An Epidemiologic Study in a Population of 42,789广州地区42,789人口的糖尿病患病率调查
5.Investigation of Arrangement of Common Diseases in Primary and Secondary School Students易县中小学生常见疾病患病顺位调查
6.Investigation and Analysis of the Prevalence of Depression in T2DM Patients2型糖尿病患者抑郁患病率调查与分析
7.A Preliminary Survey on Prevalence of Nasal Allergy in Medical Students大学生鼻变态反应患病率的初步调查
8.According to the latest surveys many Britons suffer from heart disease.据最近调查显示, 许多英国人患心脏病.
9.An Investigation of Onset Age of Psoriasis in 1280 Cases1280例银屑病患者初发年龄调查报告
10.How Much Salt Do CKD Patients Take Per Day? A Cross Sectional Study;慢性肾脏病患者钠盐摄入的现况调查
11.The Prevalence of Hypertensionin in the Guangxi Bai Ku Yao Population;广西白裤瑶族人群高血压患病率调查
12.Investigation in Renal Function of 168 Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;168例2型糖尿病患者肾功能调查
13.Investigation of systemic diseases of older patients in a periodontal clinic;牙周科老年患者系统性疾病情况调查
14.Investigation on the Defence Knowledge for HBP With 118 Patients;118例高血压病患者防治知识调查分析
15.Study of the quality of life in elderly patients with coronary artery disease老年冠心病患者生活质量调查及分析
16.The effect investigation of health propaganda and education in the chronic diseases健康宣教在慢性病患者中的效果调查
17.Epidemiological survey of 1079 acute poisoning patients1079例急性中毒患者流行病学调查
18.Behavior and cost of medication among diarrhea patients in Guangxi广西腹泻病患者诊治行为及费用调查

prevalence survey现患率调查
1.Nosocomial infection point-prevalence survey in three consecutive years;连续3年医院感染现患率调查报告
3)Head Fire Investigation Branch火患调查科科长
4)Etiology survey病原调查
5)investigation among patients病人调查
6)disease investigation病害调查
1.Altogether 16 diseases are discovered during the course of disease investigation and the preliminary disease factor appraisal of 26 kinds of carnations in the freshly cut flowers production bases of Xinxiang.通过对新乡地区鲜切花生产基地的2 6个香石竹品种进行了病害调查与初步病原鉴定,共发现16种病害。

患病率患病率sickness rate 表示某个时间内某病的病例数(包括新老病例但不包括死亡和已痊愈者)与同期平均人口之比。