1.Clinical Observation of Headache Treated by Needling Zuqiaoyin(GB 44);针刺足窍阴穴治疗头痛疗效观察
2.Diagnostic value of headache after taking nitrates in coronary artery diseases;应用硝酸酯类药物出现头痛诊断冠心病的价值

1."He has a headache, aching Bones and joints. "他头痛,骨头、关节也痛。
2.Headache: Pain in the upper portion of the head头痛: 头颅上部的疼痛。
3.I've had a bad stomach-ache and a terrible headache for two days.我腹痛和头痛已两天了。
4.I am tired and have a headache.我累了,而且头痛
5.It's my wife that has the headache,“头痛的是我老婆,
6.She has a headache and is rather indisposed.她头痛,颇感不适。
7.My headaches are so-called migraines which recur all the time.我的头痛又叫偏头痛,老是不停发作。
8.Thomas Jefferson’s headaches: Were they migraines?托马斯·杰弗逊的头痛:是偏头痛吗?
9.Pathophysiological Research of Pain in Migraine and Cluster Headache偏头痛与丛集性头痛的疼痛发生机制研究
10.Headache,myalgia and arthralgia caused by an intravenous infusion of iron dextran静脉滴注右旋糖酐铁引起头痛、肌痛和关节痛
11.I had a headache and fever and a pain in the chest.回家后就感觉头痛、发烧,胸部疼痛。
12.She had a headache and vapours.她头痛,并胡思乱想。
13.I am indisposed with a headache.我头痛了,感到不舒服。
14.My head aches for want of sleep.我因为睡眠不足而头痛
15.My mother is very subject to headaches.我母亲动不动就头痛
16.The medicine soothed his headache.这种药减轻了他的头痛
17.He is going to the doctor because of a headache.他因为头痛他去看病
18.Headaches: Multifold.最头痛的事:多方面的。

1.Clinical Observation of Headache Treated by Needling Zuqiaoyin(GB 44);针刺足窍阴穴治疗头痛疗效观察
2.Diagnostic value of headache after taking nitrates in coronary artery diseases;应用硝酸酯类药物出现头痛诊断冠心病的价值
3)headache and dizziness头痛头晕
1.Transcranial Doppler (TCD) was used to test the blood stream of cranial artery of 160 cases of headache and dizziness.经颅多谱勒超声(TCD)对160例头痛头晕患者进行颅内动脉血流检测,结果表明139例患者颈内动脉、大脑前动脉、大脑中动脉、椎-基底动脉均有不同程度的血流速度异常及频谱形态改变,21例流速无异常,但双侧血流不对称。
4)I have a headache (stomachache).我头痛(胃痛)。
5)Breast distending pain乳房胀痛
1.Objective To study the effects of Kuntai Capsule(KTC),a Chinese herbal preparation,on the quality of life(QOL),breast distending pain and vaginal bleeding in women at early stage of menopause.每3个月随访1次,受试者每日记录乳房胀痛和阴道流血情况,随访时完成绝经期生活质量量表,用药前后分别行盆腔超声、乳房超声检查及血清雌二醇(E2)、卵泡刺激素(FSH)测定。
6)Rutong Pills乳痛丸
1.Determination of tanshinone Ⅱ_A in Rutong Pills by HPLC;HPLC法测定乳痛丸中丹参酮Ⅱ_A
