1.The Curative Effect of Spick to Cure Prosopo-fleck脉冲激光治疗面部雀斑的临床观察

1.Intense Pulsed Light Treatment of Facial Freckles in Quantitative Research强脉冲光治疗颜面部雀斑的定量研究
2.Treatment of facial freckles with a novel intense pulsed light device新型强脉冲光治疗面部雀斑疗效观察
3.Clinical Study of Q-swiched Nd:YAG Laser and Intense Pulsed Light in Treatment of Facial Freckles调Q-Nd:YAG激光及强脉冲光治疗面部雀斑的临床研究
4.A marking that resembles an eye, as on the tail feathers of a male peacock; an eyespot.眼状斑象眼睛似的斑,如在雄孔雀的尾部的羽毛上
5.Using by the traditional and modern craft of adoption, through the verification, it can be good for the female face.经验证,有益于女性面部黄褐斑、娠斑、斑、水斑等色素斑的消退。
6.common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown.常见的北美洲雀鸟,喉部有白色斑点,头冠为黑白相间的条纹。
7.His face is peppered with freckles.他的脸上满是雀斑。
8.Thoughts of Antonia with her candid eyes, the touch of freckling on her pink-white skin, the fair hair gathered back, sprang up in Shelton.谢尔顿忽然想起了安东妮亚,她的率直的眼睛,白里透红的面孔上的雀斑,拢在后面的金色的秀发。
9.There were no scars that he could see.Julia had turned a shade paler, so that her freckles were showing, but she faced O'Brien boldly.他看不到有什么疤痕,袭莉亚脸色有点发白,因此雀斑就露了出来,但是她大胆面对着奥勃良。
10.Mrs. Han was very homely with her red hair and freckled face, which looked like flyspecks on a cake, but her manner was so lively that she seemed electrifying.韩太太虽然相貌丑,红头发,满脸雀斑,像面饼上苍蝇下的粪,而举止活泼得通了电似的。
11.produce specks in or on.在……内部或表面上加上斑点。
12.A rounded eyelike marking, as on the tail of a peacock.眼状斑点圆形眼状的斑点,如孔雀尾巴上的
13.small wild dog of eastern Asia having facial markings like those of a raccoon.亚洲东部的小野狗,象浣熊一样面部有斑点。
14.The students get under Mary's skin by talking about her freckles.学生们谈论玛丽的雀斑,使她深感困扰。
15.His face was flecked and creased with age.随着年事增长他脸上有了雀斑和皱纹。
16.Across the bridge of her nose ran an adorable little line of freckles.鼻梁上长着一排惹人心疼的小雀斑。
17.Ann' s face and back are covered with freckles.安的脸上和背上长满了雀斑.
18.Freckles are simply concentrations of melanin.雀斑不过是高浓度的黑色素。

1.Q-Switched Ruby Laser in Treatment of Facial Freckles;Q-开关红宝石激光治疗雀斑疗效观察
2.Clinical Observation of Freckles Treated with Photo-rejuvenation of Intense Pluse Light;强脉冲光子嫩肤治疗雀斑的临床观察
3.Fixed amount of facial freckles curative effect judge by laser;激光治疗面部雀斑疗效的定量判定
1.The clinical observation of treating freckles by combining Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser with intense pulse light;Q开关Nd:YAG激光联合强脉冲光治疗雀斑临床观察
2.Application of surface anesthesia in treating freckle with chemical peeling;表面麻醉在化学剥脱术治疗雀斑中的应用
3.Treatment of facial freckles with a novel intense pulsed light device新型强脉冲光治疗面部雀斑疗效观察
1.We chose the pulsed dye laser which wavelength is 510nm and pulse width is 300ns to treatment ephelides.用波长 51 0 nm、脉冲持续时间 3 0 0 ns的脉冲染料激光治疗雀斑 ,能选择性地作用于黑色素小体 ,而对周围组织影响甚少。
5)Freckles and freckletous naevus雀斑及雀斑样痣
