心理负担,Psychological burden
1)Psychological burden心理负担

1.Her heart was too much contracted. She could not have spoken由于心理负担太重了,她不可能开口。
2.Exploring Art of Classroom Teaching and Lightening Students Load Burden on Psychology;探索课堂教学艺术 着重减轻学生心理负担
3.The psychological burden of family members of dementia patients老年痴呆患者住院治疗对家属心理负担的影响
4.we want to avoid being overrun by junk and that feeling of "being mentally weighed down."因为我们不想被杂乱无章和“心理负担过重”的感觉侵扰,
5.marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness.以很大的心理负担为特点;特别是被悲伤、烦恼或者疲劳所压垮。
6.burdened psychologically or mentally.有心理或者精神上的负担。
7.Think Psychological Strategies about Lightening Students Burden;减轻学生过重课业负担的心理学思考
8.I fear that Vincent is too hot-headed to be made responsible for dealing with customers' complaints.我担心文森特太鲁莽,负责不了处理顾客的投诉。
9.Susan unburdened herself of her terrible secret.苏珊把藏在内心的可怕秘密全盘托出,解除了心理上的负担。
10.free in,out and stowed船方不负担装、卸、理舱费
11.Kindness and understanding will often draw a boy to unburden his conscience.仁爱和理解常会使得男孩吐露真情,解除良心的负担。
12.A Study on Influencing Factors of Burdens and Mental Health of Caregivers of Stroke Patients;脑卒中患者非正式照顾者负担和心理健康相关因素研究
13.Economic and psychological burden of suicide in the country of Dalian;大连市农村居民自杀死亡情况及所致经济负担和心理影响的研究
14.Correlation between Burden of Care and Mental Health of Family Members of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease老年性痴呆患者亲属照料负担与心理健康的相关性分析
15.I feel sorry for my husband. He really has a load on his mind.我很为我的丈夫担心,他脑子里的负担真的很重。
16.Panic can constrict the blood vessels and impose an additional burden on the heart.恐慌会使血管收缩,增加心脏负担。
17.Exams used to be like a burden weighing heavily upon our minds.考试曾是我们心头上一块沉重的负担.
18.He strained his heart by overwork.他因过劳而心脏负担过重。

processing load处理负担
1.Firstly a suitable network model was proposed and the processing load of the key network nodes using various mobility support protocols was analyzed theoretically.为对移动支持协议的可伸缩性进行研究,提出一个合适的网络模型,在此网络模型的基础上采用理论分析的方法分析使用各移动支持协议时关键节点的处理负担,并通过数值仿真的方法对只使用移动IP协议和引入层次移动时HA的处理负担以及采用M IP-RR、C IP和HAWAII等不同的微移动协议时GW的处理负担进行比较。
3)reasonable burden合理负担
1.During Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese Communist Party made new policy--reasonable burden, centralized income and expenditure, centralized progressive tax, separate agricultural tax and industrial and Commercial tax.抗日战争时期,晋察冀抗日根据地的合理负担、统收统支、统一累进税、农业税和工商税分别征收等政策,使人民负担在当时特定社会条件下逐渐完善并趋向合理。
4)Caregiver burden护理负担
1.Objective:To evaluate the quality of life and caregiver burden among relatives of cancer patients,and analyze the influence factors.目的:评价癌症患者家属的护理负担和生活质量,并对其影响因素进行研究。
5)Trial burden审理负担
6)cardiac cost心脏的负担
