面部皮肤病,facial dermatosis
1)facial dermatosis面部皮肤病
1.Objective To investigate the demodex infection of facial dermatosis patients.目的 了解面部皮肤病患者蠕形螨感染情况。
2.Objective To study the demodex in fection of facial dermatosis patients.目的:了解面部皮肤病患者蠕形螨感染情况。

1.Observation on therapeutic effect of liquid nitrogen cryotheray on facial dermatomes液氮冷冻治疗面部皮肤病变的疗效观察
2.The Investigation of the Demodex Infection on Facial Dermatosis Patients in Dalian;大连市部分面部皮肤病患者蠕形螨感染情况调查
3.tuberculosis of the skin; appears first on the face and heals slowly leaving deep scars.皮肤结核病;首先在面部出现治愈后留下伤疤。
4.Nursing for Patients with Facial Cancer and Pre-cancerous Lesion Treated with Photodynamic Therapy面部皮肤癌和癌前病变患者光动力疗法的护理
5.Clinical and pathological analysis of basosquamous carcinoma in maxillofacial area颌面部皮肤基底鳞状细胞癌的病理诊断及治疗
6.basal cell carcinoma of face面部皮肤基底细胞癌
7.care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage and the application of cosmetic creams.用化妆品护理面部皮肤。
8.Histopathological Characteristics of Four Kinds of Pigmented Skin Disorders on Chinese Women s Faces;中国女性面部色素增多性皮肤病的组织病理学研究
9.Pathogenesis and Prescription Rule of Study on External Therapy Formulae of Aging of Facial Skin of Women女性面部皮肤衰老的病因病机及外用方剂组方规律研究
10.And demodectic acne rosacea, demodectic blepharitis, demodectic pruritus in external auditory meatus and demodectic papillitis are the common demodicidosis.蠕形螨病好发部位多见于鼻、睑缘、外耳道,面部皮肤等。
11.Clinic analysis study of calcified epithelioma in head and face头面部皮肤钙化上皮瘤临床分析研究
12.She has pink cheeks and a flawless complexion.她面颊粉红,面部皮肤光洁无瑕。
13.a skin disease of adults (more often women) in which blood vessels of the face enlarge resulting in a flushed appearance.一种发生在成年女性脸部的皮肤疾病。
14.Facial reconstruction using local flaps after geometry segmenting the defect on the face面部皮肤缺损几何分解后局部皮瓣修复
15.Application of Local Flap in Reconstruction of the Skin Defects in Maxilafacial Trauma局部皮瓣在颌面部创伤伴皮肤缺损中的应用
16.Itching under the cast is a common problem.病人常常感到管型下面的皮肤瘙痒。
17.Comprehensive and Orderly Description on the Clinical Manifestations of Skin Disease全面、有序地描述皮肤病的临床表现
18.(used of the skin of the face) contracted into wrinkles.(用于面部皮肤)收缩成皱纹的。

facial skin面部皮肤
1.Quantitave evaluation of skin protectors s influence on facial skin;护肤品对面部皮肤影响的量化评价
3)facial epidermal pigmented dermatoses面部浅表色素性皮肤病
1.Objective: To observe clinical changes in patients with facial epidermal pigmented dermatoses treated with Q-switched Ruby laser.提要目的:观察Q-开关红宝石激光治疗面部浅表色素性皮肤病疗效。
4)Head dermatoses头部皮肤病
5)maxillofacial derma颌面部皮肤
1.Analysis the chroma range of Chinese maxillofacial derma in Sichuan;四川地区中国人颌面部皮肤的色域分析
2.The Chroma Study of Chinese Maxillofacial Derma in Sichuan;四川地区中国人群颌面部皮肤的色度研究
6)Skin superficial mycosis皮肤浅部真菌病

大疱性皮肤病  以直径大于0.5cm水疱为基本损害的一组皮肤病。临床不多见,但多数病程为慢性,病情较重,有的还可危及生命。早期诊断和及时治疗,预后一般良好。    分类  可分为原发性及继发性两大类(见表)。本条目主要介绍原发性大疱性皮肤病。    发病机理  除先天性大疱性表皮松解症及慢性家族性良性天疱疮为遗传性皮肤病外,其余多与自身免疫有关。在患者血清中有针对表皮或基底膜成分的自身抗体,皮肤损害中有免疫球蛋白和(或)补体的沉积。    临床表现  基本损害为直径大于 0.5cm的大疱。初起损害限局,若不及时治疗可泛发全身。发生在粘膜部位如口腔内的疱易破溃成为糜烂面,自觉疼痛。若水疱泛发,糜烂面积大,由于蛋白质大量丢失,患者抵抗力下降,易继发细菌感染等合并症,不积极治疗,愈后不好。    诊断  主要依靠临床表现、皮肤损害的组织病理检查及免疫荧光检查三方面。此时,发病年龄、起始部位及对治疗的反应等也有助于诊断。    治疗  除先天性大疱性表皮松解症及慢性家族性良性天疱疮外,主要是口服皮质类固醇激素,对顽固的病例必要时需佐以免疫抑制剂如环磷酰胺、氨甲喋呤等。在治疗过程中应加强支持疗法,如注意营养及水电解质平衡,服用补气血、滋阴的中药等。对长期服用皮质类固醇激素的患者,还应注意预防激素的副作用。