银屑病/药物疗法,psoriasis/drug therapy
1)psoriasis/drug therapy银屑病/药物疗法
2)PSORIASIS VULGARIS/TCD therapy银屑病/中药疗法
3)Psoriasis/TCM therapy银屑病/中医药疗法
5)Anti-psoriatic drug抗银屑病药

1.Studies on Elavating Antipsoriatic Drugs Efficacy in Th1-type Animal Model and Mechanism of Chinese Medicine Treatment;用Th1型动物模型评价抗银屑病药效及中药治疗的机制研究
2.Effect of Combined Herbal Medicine Therapy on the Expression of Psoriasis-associated Antigen-Pso p27 in Patients with Psoriasis Vulgaris中药综合疗法对银屑病相关抗原Pso p27在寻常型银屑病患者皮损中表达的影响
3.TRAIL: A New Therapeutic Drug Target in PsoriasisTRAIL作为治疗银屑病新的药物作用靶点
4.Effect of tazarotene cream and compound flumetasone on plaque psoriasis斑块状银屑病两药联合治疗效果分析
5.Design and Evaluation of Osthol Patches for Antipsorisis;抗银屑病蛇床子素贴剂的设计与评价
6.The Chemosynthesis of A771726 and Its Effect of Anti-psoriasis;A771726的化学合成及其抗银屑病作用研究
7.Clinical observation of kangyin 1 decoction on 41 cases of psoriasis vulgaris抗银1号方治疗寻常型银屑病41例疗效观察
8.The Effects of Anti-psoriatic Drugs or Compounds on the 5-Lipoxygenase Pathway of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism抗银屑病相关药物及化合物对花生四烯酸系统中5-脂氧合酶代谢途径的影响
9.Observation and nursing care of patients with psoriasis vulgaris treated with dermal medicated bath皮肤药浴治疗寻常型银屑病的观察及护理
10.A Compared Study on Psoriasis Vulgaris with Traditional Chinese Medicine中医药治疗寻常型银屑病临床比较研究
11.Review and Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Psoriasis in the Last 10 Years近10年来国内中医药治疗银屑病的状况分析
12.The Pharmacodynamic Test of Arotinoid Ethylester on Psoriasiform Mice Model;芳维A酸乙酯对银屑病样小鼠模型的药效学试验
13.Clinical and Experimental Study on Psoriasis Vulgaris Treating with Chinese Medcine Psoriasis Prescription No.1;中药复方治疗银屑病实验研究及临床疗效观察
14.Study on Abnormal Expression of Cytokines in Psoriasis and Related Drugs;银屑病细胞因子异常表达及相关药物的研究
15.Study of Modern Using Medicine Regulation in the Treatment of Psoriasis with TCM中医治疗银屑病相关文献的用药规律研究
16.Study on pharmacodynamics of Compound Coal Tar Lotion复方煤焦油洗剂治疗银屑病的主要药效学研究
17.Expression and Clinicopathological Significance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Condyloma Acuminata中药新普连膏对银屑病样小鼠模型影响的研究
18.Effect of promoting blood circulation formula on psoriasis model of mice活血化瘀中药复方对小鼠银屑病模型的影响

3)Psoriasis/TCM therapy银屑病/中医药疗法
5)Anti-psoriatic drug抗银屑病药
6)PSORIASIS VULGARI/ TCM-WM therapy银屑病/中西医结合疗法

白喉病药物新疗法白喉病药物新疗法  白喉专著。不分卷。黄省三撰。共分10章。顺序为绪论、流行病学、病因学、病理解剖学、症状、并发症、鉴别诊断、预后、预防和疗法。作者根据西医之新说,研究中药之效能,并据个人诊疗经验,撰成此书。1951年由中华书局出版排印本。