皖南地区,southern anhui
1)southern anhui皖南地区
1.The author suggests that people in southern Anhui develop tourism products with distinctive features,adopt modern operational manner and expand the range of tourism products so as to revitalize the production and operation of the tourism products.皖南地区旅游资源非常丰富,旅游商品生产、经营源远流长。

1.Comparison of Folk Women s Garment in Minnan, Jiangnan, Wannan Area in Modern Times;近现代闽南、江南、皖南地区民间妇女服饰比较
3.A comparative analysis on the healthy situation of the mind and body between deaf and healthy students in south Anhui province;皖南地区聋生与健生身心健康状况比较分析
4.Thoughts on the Production and Operation of Tourism Products in Southern Anhui;关于皖南地区旅游商品生产与经营的思考
5.Summarize The Development of Anhui southernpart s Industry in S UI-TANG and WUDAI Dynasty;隋唐五代时期皖南地区工矿业发展概述
6.Study on the Genotype Distribution of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Southern Anhui Province皖南地区丙型肝炎病毒感染的基因型研究
7.Study on High-yielding Seed Production Technique of Xinlongyou No.1 in Anhui South Region新隆优一号在皖南地区高产制种技术研究
8.The uplift-depression of the magnetic basement is more orless conformable with that of the Moho in Central and Southern Jiangsu,Western Zhejiang and Southern Anhui.在苏中、苏南、浙西、皖南地区,莫霍面与磁性基底升降大体一致。
9.The Application of Dynamic Consolidation in a Foundation Treatment Project of Southern Anhui强夯法地基处理技术在皖南地区某工程中的应用
10.Epidemiological Study on Distributive Characteristics and Risk Factors of Injuries in Middle School Students of Wannan Area;皖南地区中学生伤害的分布特征及危险因素的流行病学研究
11.To Study on Constructing Logistics System of the Marketing Fresh Agricultural Products--Take Example for Southern Area of Anhui Province;鲜活农产品营销的物流系统构建研究——以安徽省皖南地区为例
12.The Research of the Inheritance and Development about the Traditional Elements of Architecture Creation in Wannan Area皖南地区建筑创作中传统元素的继承与发展研究
13.Sequence stratigraphy of the Devonian-Triassic strata in Southwest Anhui,China皖西南地区泥盆纪─三叠纪层序地层
14.Investigation into the folk skirts in the central plain of Shanxi,southern mountainous areas of Anhui,southern areas of Yangtze River in Neoteric China;近代晋中、皖南和江南地区民间裙装探究
15.Area Division of Changjiang River and the South Area of Anhui Province according to the Disasterdegrees of Schistosomiasis;皖江流域及其以南地区的血吸虫病害度区划
16.The Landforms of the Area along the Qingyi River and Shuiyang River and the New Crustal Movement;皖南青弋江、水阳江地区地貌与新构造运动
17.Geomagnetic Observation and Analysis in the Juncture Region of the Jiangsu-Shandong-Henan-Anhui Provinces and the South Yellow Sea Region苏、鲁、豫、皖交界及南黄海地区地磁监测与分析
18.On the Stimulus and Influence of the Foodstuff Trade in the Middle Part of Anhui and in the South of the Yangtze River in Qing Dynasty;论清代皖中地区与江南米粮贸易的动因与影响

Southwest Anhui皖西南地区
1.Sequence stratigraphy of the Devonian-Triassic strata in Southwest Anhui,China皖西南地区泥盆纪─三叠纪层序地层
2.This paper deals with the characters of tiurist resource and the conditions of their exploitation in Southwest Anhui.皖西南地区旅游资源丰富、品位高 ,对国内外游客有着较强的吸引力 ,但因多种原因 ,开发利用程度较低 。
3)regions along yangtze River of sourthern Anhui皖南沿江地区
4)Wannan region Han nationality皖南地区汉族
5)Magushan Tea and Silkworm Cocoon Factory皖南丘陵地区
6)south Anhui and north Jiangxi皖南赣北地区

太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASC Ta iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。