透明胶纸粘贴法,Cellophane tape method
1)Cellophane tape method透明胶纸粘贴法
1.47%,respectively by squeezing method,cellophane tape method,scraping method and examining plucked eyelashes,and the detection rate.方法:应用挤压刮取涂片法、透明胶纸粘贴法、刮脂法、眼睫毛检查等4种方法对同一人群进行蠕形螨检查。

1.Effectiveness of Cellophane Tape Method in Demodex Treatment透明胶纸粘贴法治疗大学生蠕形螨疗效分析
2.Cellophane: A soft, high gloss, colourless, transparent paper, used mainly for packing and decorating. It is made by means of viscose process.玻璃纸:有光泽,柔软,无色透明的纸,供包装和装饰用.用粘胶法制造.
3.sellotape torn pieces of paper用透明胶带把碎纸粘在一起
4.Masking tape: A translucent, light-blocking red adhesive tape for masking out the protected areas on film.遮光胶纸(红胶纸):在菲林片上,遮盖保护范围用的半透明但遮光的红色有粘性胶带.
5.What's the objection to Scotch tape?透明纸胶带有什么不行?
6.decalcomania (excl. window transparencies)贴花纸(不包括窗用透明纸)
7.decalcomania ,for decorative or utility purposes (excl. window transparencies)贴花纸,用于装饰或实用目的(不包括窗用透明纸)
8.A pre-shaped hollow case of clear plastic is heat sealed to enclose goods onto a backing board which have been printed and coated with blister pack solution.把物品放在一个定形透明胶壳内,用热力把它封贴在一片印好和涂上压索油的纸板上。
9.The surface strength, brightness, opacity, glossiness, and absorbency are influenced by the amount of binder in the coating.涂料中胶粘剂的用量直接影响纸张的印刷表面强度、白度、不透明度、光泽度和吸收性。
10.Synthesis and Properties of a Self-adhered and High Transparent Silicone Gel自粘性高透明有机硅凝胶制备与性能
11.One of these packages is sealed with Scotch tape.有一个包是用透明纸胶带封的。
12.A hinge used to fasten stamps in an album.胶纸用来将邮票固定于集邮册的透明纸带
13.Widely used for perfect binding( especially in conjunction with hot-melt adhesive as two-shot proces); for spine gluing in sewn work; for tipping on endpapers; and for casing in.它广泛的用作胶装(别是连同热熔胶一起,作两次胶胶装)装的胶脊;衬纸粘贴和上书壳。
14.It stuck firmly in his consciousness like a piece of sticky flypaper.那张呈文,牢牢地贴在他意识里,像张粘苍蝇的胶纸。
15.Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?墙纸能粘贴在墙上吗。
16.Test method for water penetration rate of pressure-sensitive tapesGB/T15330-1994压敏胶粘带水渗透率试验方法
17.Testing method of sizing for paper--Liquid permeance methodGB/T5405-1985纸施胶度的测定液体渗透法
18.Preparation of Highly Transparent Polyurethane Adhesive for Composite Film高透明复合薄膜用聚氨酯胶粘剂的制备

cellophane swab method透明胶纸拭子法
1.Method By way of cellophane swab method, it is stuck to the anus surrounding of the subjects, and then taken away from it to be sent for examination of ova under a microscope.方法 采用透明胶纸拭子法。
3)Scrathcellulose tape透明胶纸拭肛法
4)sticky tapes透明胶带纸
1.Chromatic polarization phenomenon in sticky tapes透明胶带纸中的色偏振现象
5)transparent adhesive透明胶粘剂
1.Rezearch progress of transparent adhesive for optical appliance;光学用透明胶粘剂的研究进展
6)adhesive tape pasting method胶带粘贴法
