隶属函数,membership function
1)membership function隶属函数
1.Fuzzy control with heterogeneous distribution membership function for fluctuation in fuel pressure;油压扰动的非均匀分布隶属函数模糊控制方法
2.Constructing method of fuzzy membership function of geotechnical parameters and its application;岩土参数模糊隶属函数的构造方法及应用
3.Equivalent characteristic of membership function type in rock mass fuzzy classification;岩体模糊分类中隶属函数的等效性

1.secondly, the determination of fuzzy probability function ( subordination function ) ;第二,模糊概率函数(隶属函数)的确定;
2.The grey number decision making based on TOPSIS and subordinate function;基于TOPSIS和隶属函数的灰数决策模型
3.The Philosophical Consideration in Establishing the Membership Function of a Fuzzy Set;模糊集合隶属函数确定中的哲学思考
4.Interval number fuzzy evaluation based on trapezoid subordinate function基于梯形隶属函数的区间数模糊评价方法
5.Attributes to the function for the case of fuze tolerance grades have been taken as examples.以引信公差等级指标为例构建了隶属函数
6.Membership Function Applied in Mechanical Structure of the Theory of Fatigue Damage Research and Application;基于隶属函数的机械结构疲劳损伤研究及应用
7.A Study on Subject Function of Fuzzy Frequency Pattern Recognition;模糊频域模式识别可调精度的隶属函数
8.Fuzzy Risk Evaluation on Stage of Conceptual Design Based on Membership Function基于隶属函数的化工设计危险性评估研究
9.Analysis of total duration's membership function and path criticality in a fuzzy network模糊网络总工期隶属函数及路径关键度分析
10.Effect of Natural Drought Stress on 10 Kinds of Castor (Ricinus communis) Plant Seedlings Evaluated with Physiological and Biochemistry Indices用隶属函数值法评价10个蓖麻品种抗旱性
11.An Overview of Membership Function Generation Methods of Fuzzy Reliability Analysis机械模糊可靠性分析中隶属函数的确定方法
12.Fuzzy Neural Networks Based on Adjustment of Interactive Membership Function基于交互式隶属函数调整的模糊神经网络
13.New Method of Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning Based on Gaussian-type Membership Function基于高斯型隶属函数新的模糊插值推理方法
14.Comprehensive Evaluation of Cold Resistance on Four Lysimachia Plants by Subordinate Function Values Analysis利用隶属函数法对4种珍珠菜属植物的抗寒性综合评价
15.Comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance of four Lysimachia species by using subordinate function利用隶属函数法对4种珍珠菜属过路黄抗旱性的综合评价
16.The applications of fuzzy mathematics in condition assessment of bridges were discussed.探讨了模糊数学中的隶属函数在桥梁技术等级状态评估中的应用。
17.Analysis and application of weight coefficient and attribution function during fuzzy evaluation of fault sealing断层封闭模糊评判中权重系数及隶属函数的分析应用
18.Method of determining membership and nonmembership function in intuitionistic fuzzy sets直觉模糊集隶属度与非隶属度函数的确定方法

subordinate function隶属函数
1.The grey number decision making based on TOPSIS and subordinate function;基于TOPSIS和隶属函数的灰数决策模型
2.Through establish fuzzy collective of oxide,fix (it's) differentiate reference data from subordinate function,according suitable degree to differentiate acidity and basicity of oxide.通过对氧化物建立模糊集,按照其隶属函数,确定氧化物酸碱性判别参数,根据贴近度确定氧化物的酸碱性。
3.This paper applied subordinate function of fuzzy mathemetics to the classfication of rock drillability.利用模糊数学中的隶属函数对岩石可钻性进行了分级,收到较好效果。
3)membership functions隶属函数
1.A method of establishing multivariant membership functions is offered and three such functions are founded, which are employed in the classification of 47 coalfaces in good results.介绍了一种构造多元隶属函数的方法。
2.The fuzzy probability of two typical structures in geomechanics engineering,underground diaphragm wall and retaining wall,is calculated by three representational membership functions and a probability density function for the performance function.目前岩土工程中模糊可靠度计算时隶属函数的选取还没有一个统一标准,针对这种现状进行研究,选取了三种具有代表性的隶属函数,并将其分别应用于岩土工程中的两种典型结构:地下连续墙和挡土墙,通过模糊可靠度的计算以及比较分析,得出如何选取优化隶属函数的有益结论,对工程应用具有实际的指导意义。
3.Fuzzy set theory is combined with high-order BP neural networks in this paper,and the structure and characteristic of high-order fuzzy BP neural networks and its two-orer algorithm and membership functions are introduced.将模糊逻辑理论与高阶BP神经网络结合起来,讨论了高阶模糊BP神经网络的结构、特点、二阶算法以及隶属函数的确定。
4)subjection function隶属函数
1.It picks up the features of air-attack weapons; sets up standard data-base of models; makes up the subjection function; and finally, presents an air-attack weapons identification based on fuzzy recognition.提取空袭兵器特征指标,建立标准模型库,构造了隶属函数,构建空袭兵器的模糊识别模型。
2.Target threat criterions is quantified via analyzing the characteristics of air target threat and making use of subjection function in fuzzy mathematics.通过分析空中目标威胁的特点,应用模糊数学中隶属函数对目标威胁指标进行了量化。
3.Based on the single indices of an air conditioning system,this paper employs fuzzy mathematic fundamental theory and logic inferential method,educes the subjection functions of the single indices and adopts fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate air conditioning systems. 在空调系统单项评判指标的基础上,运用模糊数学的基本理论和逻辑推理的方法,导出了单项评判指标的隶属函数,并采用模糊综合评判的方法评判空调系统,从而为更客观地评判空调系统性能提供了一种方法和思路。
5)Subject function隶属函数
1.Fuzzy statistic clustering theory may be applied to establish a subject function taking safety degree of banks as a clustering criterion to classify for quantitative analysis,and Shishou River is taken for an instance.为定量分析岸坡发生崩岸的危险程度,采用模糊统计聚类理论,建立了以岸坡安全程度为聚类标准的隶属函数,并以石首河段为例对岸坡进行了聚类判别。
2.This paper analyses the main factors effecting partner selection in dynamic alliance and the ratio distribution of the goal,adopting coherence matrix,fuzzy subject function and genetic algorithm in analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to solve the problem of partner selection in dynamic alliance,and tests the feasibility and validity of the algorithm by carrying on instance emulation.分析了影响动态联盟伙伴选择的主要因素及目标的权重分配,采用层次分析法中的一致性矩阵、模糊隶属函数与遗传算法结合来解决动态联盟中伙伴选择问题,并进行了实例仿真,表明了算法的可行性和有效性。
3.The theory of the fuzzy pattern recognition is described and the subject function with adjustable precision is studied in this paper.文中阐述了旋转机械故障诊断模糊模式识别的原理,研究了诊断精度可调的隶属函数,构建了一个自适应扩充的诊断系统;测试结果表明,此模糊模式识别系统能够高精度地诊断出样本库中存在的故障类别,可用于旋转机械工况的实时监测和诊断场合。
6)membership function隶属度函数
1.The determine method of membership function in fuzzy control;模糊控制中隶属度函数的确定方法
2.Fuzzy-rough set membership function based on uncertainty process knowledge representation不确定性工艺知识的模糊粗糙隶属度函数表示方法
3.The visually dynamic simulation for controlling wellbore trajectory was made by using Matlab/Simulink fuzzy tool box,and the membership function of i.用Matlab/Simulink模糊工具箱选择及确定系统的输入、输出模糊变量的隶属度函数,对井眼轨迹控制的可视化进行了动态仿真,从而得到了系统输入、输出控制变化曲线,实现了对井眼轨迹的有效控制。
