景观异质性,landscape heterogeneity
1)landscape heterogeneity景观异质性
1.The change of landscape heterogeneity in the entrophication of lakes;湖泊富营养化过程中的景观异质性变化
2.Landscape heterogeneity of urban vegetation in Guangzhou.;广州城市绿地系统景观异质性分析
3.Using the theory of landscape heterogeneity to guide the construction of urban landscape;以景观异质性理论指导城市景观建设

1.Heterogeneity in Landscape Planning and Design;景观异质性在景观规划设计中的重要性
2.Landscape Heterogeneity Changes in Landscape System of Eastern Section of Qilian Mountain祁连山东段山地景观系统景观异质性变化
3.Landscape heterogeneity maintenance and development in mountainous area in Guizhou province;贵州山地景观异质性及其维护和发展
4.Landscape Heterogeneity Assessment and Landscape Pattern Optimization of the Sightseeing Agriculture in Zhejiang Province Based upon the Concept of Recycle Economy;浙江省观光农业基于循环经济的景观异质性分析与景观格局优化
5.Application of Landscape Heterogeneity Indices for Ecological Restoration--A Case Study of Depleted Mined Land;生态恢复中景观异质性指标的运用——以矿区废弃地为例
6.Research on the Soil Erosion Landscape Heterogeneity of Different Soil Types in Three Gorges Reservoir(Chongqing)三峡库区重庆段不同土壤类型土壤侵蚀景观异质性分析
7.Analysis on Green System Landscape Heterogeneity of Small City Based on SPOT Image基于SPOT5图像的小城市城区绿地系统景观异质性分析——以邹城市为例
8.The Landscape Heterogeneity of Arid Oasis-Desert Ecosystem and Possible Response to Regional Climate Change;干旱绿洲—荒漠生态系统景观异质性及其对气候变化的可能响应研究
9.The Study of Historical and Heterogeneous Evolution on Urban Cultural Landscape of Xi an;西安市文化景观的历时性与异质性过程分析
10.Analysis on the Spatial Heterogeneity of Tropic Rainforest--A case study on the forest landscape in Tongbiguan Nature Reserve热带雨林景观空间异质性分析——铜壁关自然保护区森林景观范例
11.Analysis on spatio-temporal heterogeneity of vegetation landscape and its cause in Southern Yunnan Province滇南地区植被景观时空异质性及其成因
12.This article studied the double properties, that was naturalness and artificiality, as well as rural landscapes, characterstics of diversity and heterogeneity.研究了农村景观的双重属性,即自然-人为性,以及多样性、异质性特征。
13.Study of Character on Village Landscape Ecosystem Phosphorus Spatial Heterogeneity and Change of a Long Period of Time in the Hilly Area of the Middle Sichuan Basin;川中丘区村级景观生态系统磷素空间异质性特征及长期变化研究
14.Discussion on Temporal-Spatial Variability of Soil Chemical Properties and Evolvement of Landscape Pattern in the Luo Hilly Riparian Zone洛河丘陵区河岸带景观格局演变与土壤化学性质时空变异探讨
15.Landscape structure study of Longhua Area in Shenzhen City during the fast urbanization processStructure and heterogeneity analysis of forest land深圳市龙华地区快速城市化过程中的景观结构研究——林地的结构和异质性特征分析
16.Implicit Structure,Isomorphism,Heterogeneous:Expression of Environmental Characteristics of Urban Landscape Architectural Forms隐构·同构·异构——城市景观建筑形式的环境性表达
17.On the Heterogeneity of the Natural Perception and the Philosophical Neutralization--The Preparatory Discussion on Heterogeneity Theory;论自然直观的异质性与哲学中立化——异质性理论的预备性探讨
18.Spatial Distribution of Soil Quality on Cropland under Different Landscape Positions in the Loess Plateau of China;半干旱黄土丘陵区不同景观位置下农田土壤质量分异

landscape heterogeneity indices景观异质性指标
1.Aimed at this problem, this paper brings forward that application of landscape heterogeneity indices will ensure success and precision of ecological restoration.针对这一问题,在土地利用格局分析的基础上,提出运用景观异质性指标对受损景观的生态恢复和重建进行定量分析,从而提高结果的精确性和成功率。
3)theory of landscape heterogeneity景观异质性理论
1.The dominant factors causing the pollution are analyzed by means of the method and theory of landscape heterogeneity.通过系统研究 ,定量分析了南京市 1 997-1 999年水质污染、大气环境质量、酸雨等现状 ,进而系统探讨了该市城市化进程中出现的主要生态环境问题 ,并运用生态景观异质性理论和方法 ,结合实际调查情况 ,对主要的生态污染致成原因进行了分析 ,最后提出了具体的南京市生态环境问题治理与实现可持续发展的对策。
4)Landscape heterogeneity in mountainous area山地景观异质性
5)Agricultural landscape heterogeneity农业景观异质性
6)landscape pattern heterogeneity景观格局异质性

卵巢混合性生殖细胞-性索间质性肿瘤卵巢混合性生殖细胞-性索间质性肿瘤  本瘤1921年首次由Masson描述,直到1972年由Telerman首次命名为本瘤,并沿用至今,本瘤病因尚不明了。发生年龄自新生儿到67岁妇女均可发生,少数为男性。临床表现:患者为正常女性及男性外表,女性病人可有下腹包块,发生蒂扭转时有下腹痛,并有急腹症症状,可有内分泌紊乱,性早熟表现,男性有睾丸增大。染色体核型分析均正常。内分泌检查与临床表现符合,肿瘤为单侧,圆形或卵圆形。表面光滑,直径2.5~30cm,实性肿瘤内有囊性区。切面灰白、灰红或淡黄至淡褐色。镜下有梭形细胞及生殖细胞。治疗:视情况采取单纯手术,或手术加放疗及化疗。需长期随访。预后:单纯本病者良好。