河岸带,riparian zone
1)riparian zone河岸带
1.Heavy metal soil pollution in the Qinhuai River riparian zone;秦淮河河岸带典型区域土壤重金属污染分析与评价
2.Concept and function of ecological riparian zone;生态河岸带的概念及功能
3.Application of GIS coupling technology to comprehensive assessment of ecological riparian zone;生态河岸带综合评价与GIS耦合研究

1.Function development and protection of riparian belts along middle stem of Haihe river;海河干流中段河岸带功能开发与保护
2.Theory and Application of Comprehensive Assessment of Ecological Riparian Zone;生态河岸带综合评价理论与应用研究
3.The Research on Landscape Eco-Planning of Chang Zhu Tan Xiang jiang River Strand;长株潭湘江河岸带景观生态规划研究
4.Riparian structure in Shanghai:Types,distribution and improvement上海地区河岸带结构:类型、分布及改进
5.Studies on Riparian Leaf Litter Decomposition in Xiangxi River Watershed;香溪河流域河岸带叶片凋落物的分解研究
6.Analysis and Planning for Landscape Pattern of Riparian Vegetation along Wenyu River Watershed文峪河流域河岸带植被景观格局分析与规划
7.Pilot-scale Study on Canna glauca L.Riparian Zone for Treatment of Polluted River Water美人蕉河岸带处理受污染河水的中试研究
8.The Study on Soil Nature at Riparian Zone of Qinhuai River and Taihu Lake;秦淮河河岸带与太湖湖滨带土壤特性的初步研究
9.Flora、Structure and Biodiversity Characteristics of Riparian Vegetation on Down-reach Floodplain of Yellow River in He nan;黄河下游河南段河岸带植物区系、群落结构及多样性特征研究
10.The Ecological Restoration of Riparian Zone of River in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province;常州市河岸带现状与生态恢复对策的初步研究
11.Nitrate Reduction in Riparian Soils in Forest and Cropland Landscapes;森林、农田背景下河岸带土壤反硝化作用研究
12.Structure and Dynamic of the Riparian Forest Community in Chang Bai Mountain;长白山河岸带森林群落结构与动态研究
13.Research on Restoration & Reconstruction of Riparian Buffer Strip in Shan-xi Lan-yi River;山西岚漪河河岸缓冲带恢复重建研究
14.That is when the Nile river flooded its banks, bringing water and fertility to the land.也就是当尼罗河水溢上河岸,把河水和丰收带给沿岸土地的时候。
15.We reached the safety of the river bank, ie a place where we would be safe.我们到了河岸的安全地带.
16.Military conflicts are very frequent in the west bank of Jordan River and Gaza zone.约旦河西岸和加沙地带 武装冲突频繁.
17.Study on Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in Coastal and Estuarine Region;河口海岸带附近地下水运移规律研究
18.The Riparian Vegetation Buffer Width Planning Study in Chongming Island, Shanghai, China崇明岛河岸植被缓冲带宽度规划研究

1.A study on riparian area and its ecological rehabilitation;河岸带及其生态重建研究
2.Function development and protection of riparian belts along middle stem of Haihe river;海河干流中段河岸带功能开发与保护
3.A conceptual framework of riparian ecosystem management and its key problems;河岸带生态系统管理研究概念框架及其关键问题
3)Fenhe river riparian zone汾河河岸带
1.This paper took the Fenhe river riparian zone for research object.以汾河河岸带为研究对象,在分析河岸带地理环境及植被类型的基础上,阐述了河岸带植被管理对生物多样性保护的重要作用,并在此基础上提出了河岸带及其植被的科学管理对策,为河岸带植被的开发利用和保护提供科学依据。
4)riparian vegetation河岸带植被
1.The riparian vegetation was sampled using a transect approach across an altitude gradient (1 020-1 240 m) in the Caijiachuan watershed of the Loess Plateau in Jixian County,Shanxi Province of northern China.河岸带植被是陆地和水生生态系统过渡区环境变化的敏感指标。
5)ecological riparian zone生态河岸带
1.Qualitative and quantitative function regionalization of ecological riparian zone;生态河岸带功能区划的定性与定量研究
2.Function regionalization of ecological riparian zone is part of river function regionalization.生态河岸带功能区划是河流功能区划的重要组成部分,合理的功能区划有利于保护河岸带、河流以及整个流域的生态,有利于生态河岸带资源的合理开发利用,使其发挥最佳的效率,同时生态河岸带的功能区划也是生态河岸带管理的基础。
6)riparian plant zone河岸植物带
