生态健康,ecological health
1)ecological health生态健康
1.Establishment of an urban river ecological health evaluation system;城市河流生态健康评价体系构建研究
2.Analysis of ecological health status at time scale in sandy area;固沙区时间尺度上生态健康状况分析
3.A Study on the Ecological Health Assessment of Dawen River;大汶河生态健康评价研究

1.Evaluation of Rural Land Ecological Carrying Capacity Based on The Ecosystem Health;基于生态健康的农地生态承载力评价
2.Bioassessment of Ecological Health Based on Benthic Macroinvertebrate in Anli Reservoir Wetland庵里水库湿地生态健康的生物学评价
3.The Study of Regional Land Use Change and Its Ecologic Health;区域土地利用变化及其生态健康研究
4.The Research on Ecosystem Health Evalution and Repairing Methods of North Canal北运河生态健康评价及修复方法研究
5.Ecological Mental Health --A New Vision in the Research of the Mental Health;生态心理健康——心理健康研究的新视野
6.Effects of the Intervention Measures to the Current Students Sub-health Conditin;健康干预对大学生亚健康状态改善效果评价
7.Research on sub-health of P. E. and Health of Colleges Students;谈谈体育与大学生健康的第三状态——亚健康
8.University Student Ecology Psychologically Healthy Education System Research;大学生生态心理健康教育的系统研究
9.A state of readiness or physical fitness.生理状况稳定或身体健康的状态
10.Pan-American Centre for Human Ecology and Health泛美人类生态和健康中心
11.The Health Assessment of the Agro-ecosystem in Weihai City of Shandong Province;山东省威海市农业生态系统健康评价
12.A Report on Analysis of the Mental Health Status of the Freshmen;高职院校新生心理健康状态分析报告
13.Ecological literature:a "Catalyst" for the Healthy Development of a Harmonious Society;生态文学:和谐社会健康发展的“催化剂”
14.To Physical Health-Wearing Green Clothes;身要健康 衣要绿装——议生态服装
15.To Promote Healthy Breeding of Aquatic in Ecological Ways;用生态方法促进水产动物的健康养殖
16.On the Mental State of Adult P.E. Students;成人体育专业学生心理健康状态研究
17.The Ecosystem Health Evaluation of the Agriculture in the North Bank of Yili Valley伊犁河谷北岸农业生态系统健康评价
18.Study on the Ecosystem Health Assessment Based on GIS&RS基于RS与GIS的生态系统健康评价研究

healthy ecology健康生态
1.Medicine of the 21st century will be liberated from the domination of medical doctrine,and to achieve the objective model of human healthy ecology.2 1世纪的医学 ,将要从疾病医学教条统治中解放出来 ,实现人类健康生态目标模式。
3)ecosystem health生态系统健康
1.Review of research on ecosystem health in riverine phreatic zones;河流潜流带的生态系统健康研究进展
2.Indicators and evaluation of ecosystem health of typical rivers in Shenzhen City;深圳典型河流生态系统健康指标及评价
3.A kind of method and its application for urban ecosystem health assessment;一种城市生态系统健康评价方法及其应用
4)health of ecosystem生态系统健康
1.Based on the connotation of health of ecosystem in mining areas and the evaluating indicator system,this paper puts forward the evaluation method of ecosystem health trend in mining areas.根据矿区生态系统健康内涵,建立了评价指标体系,提出了矿区生态系统健康趋势评价方法。
5)ecological environment and health materials生态环境与健康
6)river ecosystem health河流生态健康
1.The concept of river ecosystem health is expatiated,and the assessment methods for river ecosystem health are discussed.阐述了河流生态健康的涵义,探讨了国内外河流生态健康评价方法。

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学