根长,Root length
1)Root length根长
1.Salt tolerance of 19 alfalfa varieties in geminating period has been studied by measuring the germinating energy,germination rate,seedling height and root length under the treatments with 0.0%的Nacl溶液分别对19个苜蓿品种种子进行处理,通过发芽势、发芽率,幼根长和幼苗高对各品种种子萌发期耐盐性进行了研究。
2.The growth characteristics of the root length, amounts and the height of baby rice seedlings during the breeding period were studied.对培育期乳芽的根长、根数和高度等生长特征的研究结果表明 ,练苗环节对根长和乳芽高度的增长速度有明显的抑制作用 ,但对乳芽根数的增加无影响。
3.The results showed that root length, root number, base thickness, middle thickness of root, and root volume in drought field correlated significantly with that under aeroponic sys.结果表明 ,在 2种栽培条件下水、陆稻的根长、根数、根基粗、根中粗和根体积等性状相关显著 ;水、陆稻不同的品种间根系性状的差异均达极显著水平 ,陆稻品种的根比水稻品种的长 ,根的基部粗。

1.These plants have very deep roots.这些植物的根长得很深。
2.He has a long stick.他找了一根长的木棍。
3.It looks like a long funnel.它看上去好像是一根长长的烟囱。
4.The old man leant on a long wooden staff.老人拄着一根长长的木手杖.
5.To propagate(a crop) from ratoons.使长根蘖截根栽培(作物)
6.Roots @grow into@ plants.根“成长为”植物。
7.The part of a plant embryo that develops into a root.胚根,小根能长成根部的植物胚部分
8.Roots differ from shoots in lacking chlorophyll and not producing buds or lives.根据种子中根的生长情况,可将根分为须根系和直根系。
9.This wire is three times the length of that one .这根金属线的长度是那根的3倍。
10.Find the required length of key based on the torque value of the gross shaft.根据整根轴的扭矩值求需要的键长。
11.a pipe 20 metres in length一根二十米长的管子
12.The stick is seventy centimetres long .这根棍有七十厘米长。
13.a plant that grows from a bulb.由球根生长成的植物。
14.The column measures two feet around.这根柱子周长2英尺。
15.This long sentence doesn't make sense at all.这个长句子根本讲不通。
16.Some plants root easily.有些植物容易生根成长。
17.I'm no draughtsman, I'm afraid, ie no good at drawing.我根本不擅长画画.
18.Give me a piece of rope; any length will do.给我一根绳子,多长都行。

Length of root根长
3)long root长根
4)Length of shoot and root芽长根长
5)Maximum root length最长根长
1.In order to research the function of wetland plants in constructed wetland, four wetland plants in the field were collected to investigate physiological character including the maximum root length, the root volume, the plant density, concentration of N, P and zinc.野外调查分析了4种常见湿地植物的最长根长,根系体积,植物密度,植株的氮、磷和锌含量等对人工湿地去除污染物、人工湿地设计和人工湿地使用寿命的影响。
6)Root length growth根伸长生长
1.Electrophysiological mechanism of root length growth of Arabidopsis thaliana inhibition by JA-Me;茉莉酸甲酯抑制拟南芥根伸长生长电生理学机制
