维管束植物,vascular plants
1)vascular plants维管束植物
1.New distribution records of eight vascular plants in Fujian Province;福建8种维管束植物分布新记录
2.Flora characteristics of vascular plants of coastal wetlands of southern Laizhou Bay and its protection;莱州湾南岸滨海湿地维管束植物的区系特征及保护
3.Flora characteristics of vascular plants in wetland nature reserves in Beijing.;北京湿地自然保护区维管束植物区系特征分析

1.Studied on the Flora of Vascular Plant and Plant Resources of Suzhou苏州市维管束植物区系和植物资源研究
2.It has been applied to attached algae and submerged vascular plants.这已经用于附生藻类和沉水维管束植物中。
3.In BMR there are 1 056 species of vascular plants, belonging to 556 genera and 154 families.据统计,该区有维管束植物154科,556属,1056种。
4.Preliminary Analysis of the Resources and Floras of Aquatic Plants in Lishui City,Zhejiang Province;丽水市水生维管束植物资源及区系的初步分析
5.An analysis of the Vascular plants in Dayangshan of Jinyun, Zhejiang Province;浙江缙云大洋山维管束植物的初步分析
6.Flora characteristics of vascular plants of coastal wetlands in Yellow River Delta黄河三角洲滨海湿地的维管束植物区系特征
7.Diversity and Conservation Priority of Wetland Vascular Plant in Yeyahu Nature Reserve, Beijing;北京市野鸭湖自然保护区湿地维管束植物多样性及其保护研究
8.The Analysis Of Ecological factors Affecting The Growth And Distribution Of Aquatic Vascular Plants;影响水生维管束植物生长与分布的主要生态因子分析
9.Remediation of Heavy Metals Pollution in Water Environment by Hydrophyte and Algae水环境重金属污染的水生维管束植物和藻类的修复
10.Life form spectra,leaf character,and hierarchical-synusia structure of vascular plants in Thuja sutchuenensis community崖柏群落维管束植物生活型组成、叶子性状及层次层片结构
11.The supporting and water-conducting tissue of vascular plants, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels; woody tissue.木质部在维管束植物中的起支撑作用和输水作用的组织,主要由管胞和管道组成;木质组织
12.Chromosomal Localization of rDNA in Species of Subgenus Strobus (Pinus);松属单维管束亚属植物rDNA的染色体定位研究
13.Bundle sheath The ring of parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous tissue, usually one cell thick, that surrounds the vascular bundle in an angiosperm leaf.维管束鞘:在被子植物叶中,围绕维管束的通常是一层薄壁或厚壁细胞。
14.A type of undifferentiated plant tissue that gives rise to vascular tissue.原始形成层植物分层组织的种类,产生维管束组织
15.The cells of leaf bundle sheath contain numerous chloroplasts and starch grains.叶的维管束鞘细胞含有许多叶绿体和淀粉粒,可以断定它是四碳植物.
16.Any of various vascular plants, including seed plants and ferns, having a conducting system of xylem and phloem.导(维)管植物任何种类的维管植物,包括种子植物和蕨类植物,具有木质部和韧皮部导管系统
17.A cell in the xylem of vascular plants.管胞在维管植物的木质部中的细胞
18.Studied on the Flora of Vascular Plant and Wild Plant Resources of South Dahong Mountain;湖北大洪山南麓维管植物区系和植物资源研究

vascular plant维管束植物
1.Floral characteristics and protection of vascular plants in coastal wetlands of Jiaozhou Bay;胶州湾海岸湿地维管束植物的区系特征与保护
2.Gaowangjie Nature Reserve which is abundant in plant species with 1 883 species of vascular plants which belonging to 204 families and 846 genera,is located at central south part of Wulingshan Mountain in Central China.该地区物种丰富,已查清维管束植物204科846属1 883种,其中蕨类植物37科83属201种,裸子植物7科12属16种,被子植物160科751属1 666种;区系成分复杂,种子植物科级分布型可划分为10个分布型11个亚型,属级可划分为15个分布型20个亚型;特有成分多样,共有2个中国特有科25个中国特有属,众多中国特有种;区系起源古老,成分以中亚热带为主,过渡性特征显著;珍稀植物富集,有国家级重点保护野生植物74种(包括36种兰科植物)和湖南省地方重点保护野生植物25种。
3.There are 5 type wetland creatures,such as phytoplankton,zooplankton,zoobenthos,water bird and vascular plant,which have important roles on structure and function of ecosystem of coastal wetland in Jiaozhou Bay.对胶州湾海岸湿地生态系统结构和功能起重要作用的湿地生物有浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖动物、水禽和湿地维管束植物5大类。
3)Vascular Bundle plant维管束植物
1.Floristic analysis of vascular bundle plant in Baxianshan Nature Reserve,Tianjin;天津八仙山自然保护区维管束植物分析
2.Flora of wild vascular bundle plants in mountainous area of Beijing;北京山区野生维管束植物区系
4)vascular plant具维管束植物;维管植物
5)aquatic vascular plants水生维管束植物
1.The role of aquatic vascular plants in remediation of water pollution: a review;水生维管束植物在水污染中的应用
2.The resistance of six aquatic vascular plants to different concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.针对6种水生维管束植物在人工培养条件下对不同浓度氮、磷元素培养液的耐受性作了定性、定量的观察与分析。
3.The aquatic vascular plants resources and communitieses are investigeted and analyzed in this paper.据调查统计,全市共有水生维管束植物26科45属67种。
6)Aquatic vascular plant水生维管束植物
1.There are 42 species, 30 genus,23 families aquatic vascular plant in the lake.湖内有水生维管束植物23科,30属。
