生态系统多样性,Ecosystem diversity
1)Ecosystem diversity生态系统多样性
1.Biodiversity includes ecosystem diversity, species diversity , gene diversity and landscape diversity.生物多样性包含生态系统多样性、物种多样性、基因多样性和景观多样性。
2.Based on Miami model,this paper calculated the human appropriation of net primary production(HANPP) in the middle reach of Heihe River basin,discussed the relations between the HANPP and ecosystem diversity,and compared the values of HANPP and ecological footprint(EF) in sustainability assessment.基于Miami模型,对黑河流域中游净初级生产力的人类占用(HANPP)及其与生态系统多样性的关系进行了研究,并对HANPP与生态足迹(EF)指标在可持续发展评估方面的价值进行了比较。
3.This paper summarizes the progresses of the species diversity research of pteridophytes on both the method of biodiversity research and three aspects of biodiversity (species diversity,genetic diversity and ecosystem diversity) in the last twenty years in China.物种多样性是生物多样性研究的一个重要层面 ,该文从生物多样性的 3个层面 (物种多样性、遗传多样性和生态系统多样性 )以及多样性研究的方法 ,概述了近 2 0年来中国蕨类植物多样性研究的进展 ,讨论了蕨类植物多样性研究中存在的一些问题。

1.The Influence of Environmental Pollution on Ecosystem Diversity and Complexity环境污染对生态系统多样性和复杂性的影响
2.Study on Species and Ecosystems Biodiversity in the Upper Reach of Minjiang River;岷江上游植物物种多样性与生态系统多样性研究
3.Community and Ecosystem Diversity of Bryophyte in Chongming Island;崇明岛苔藓植物群落及生态系统多样性的研究
4.Species and Ecosystem Diversity of Bryophyte in Foping Nature Reserve;佛坪国家自然保护区苔藓植物的物种及生态系统多样性
5.Effect of Biodiversity on the Services Function of Urban Ecosystem;生物多样性对城市生态系统服务功能的影响
6.Microbial Technology and Application in Agro-ecosystem农田生态系统微生物多样性研究方法及应用
7.Plant Diversity and Its Distribution Pattern in the Forest Ecosystem of Lushan Mountain;庐山森林生态系统植物多样性及其分布格局
8.Effects of Plant Species Diversity on Ecosystem Functioning in Artificial Grassland;人工草地植物种多样性对生态系统功能的影响
9.Diversity of beetle assemblages in lac-plantation-farmland ecosystem紫胶林-农田复合生态系统甲虫群落多样性
10.Diversity of heteropteran communities in lac plantation-farmland ecosystem紫胶林-农田复合生态系统蝽类昆虫群落多样性
11.Diversity of grasshopper community in lac plantation-farmland ecosystem紫胶林-农田复合生态系统蝗虫群落多样性
12.Degeneration and Restoration of Species Diversity of a Desert Riparian Ecosystem荒漠河岸生态系统退化与物种多样性恢复研究
13.The Relationship between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Danxia Herbaceous Communities on the Lithoid Cliff丹霞岩生草本植物群落中生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系
14.Effect of Drought Stress on the Relationship of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Funtion;干旱胁迫对生物多样性与生态系统功能关系的影响
15.Quality of the largest biological diversity and productivity of an ecosystem of the planet.最大质量?生物多样性及生产力的一个地球生态系统。
16.The impact of biological invasion on the biodiversity of the agro-ecosystem生物入侵及其对农田生态系统中生物多样性的影响
17.Diversity of Coleoptera Insects in Rice Planting Traditional Ecosystem of Yuanyang Terrace云南元阳梯田稻作传统农业生态系统中鞘翅目昆虫多样性研究
18.Plant Diversity and Ecosystem Functions in a Long-term Continuous Planting Eucalypt Plantation Experiment;连栽桉树人工林植物多样性与生态系统功能关系的长期实验研究

Diversity of ecosystem types生态系统类型多样性
1.species richness,diversity of ecosystem types,completeness of vertical stratification of vegetation,endemism,and extent .本文作者根据科学性、代表性和实用性的原则,提出了生物多样性综合评价的5个指标,即物种丰富度、生态系统类型多样性、植被垂直层谱的完整性、物种特有性、外来物种入侵度,确立了生物多样性综合评价方法;并以全国31省(市、区)为单元,开展了全国生物多样性综合评价,将各省(市、区)生物多样性分为四个等级。
3)Farmecosystem diversity农田生态系统多样性
1.Farmecosystem diversity in typical agricultural regions of China.;我国主要类型农业地区农田生态系统多样性的研究
4)Agroecosystem diversity农业生态系统的多样性
5)Tea garden ecosystem diversity茶园生态系统多样性
6)biodiversity-ecosystem function relationship生物多样性-生态系统功能关系

山地气候资源多样性的生态景观山地气候资源多样性的生态景观 山地气候资源多样性的生态景观 崔读昌撮