1.Relationship between Attachment,Parenting Style and Depression;依恋与父母教养方式及抑郁之间的关系
2.Mediation Effect of Coping Strategies on the Relationship between Attachment and Negative Emotions in College Students;应对策略在大学生依恋与负性情绪中的中介作用
3.The Characters of Infant-fosterer Attachment in Young Autistic Children;婴幼儿孤独症患者亲子依恋类型及影响因素分析

1.Dogs are more faithful animals than cats; these attach themselves to places, and those to persons.狗比猫忠心,后者依恋地方,前者依恋人。
3.Romantic attachment is adult's emotional bond with partner.婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间的依恋情感联结。
4.The Investigation and Analysis of 104 pairs of College Students in the Love Attachment Relationship.;对104对恋人依恋现状的调查分析
5.The Relation among Romantic Attachment, Personality Traits and Marriage Quality婚恋依恋、人格特质与婚姻质量的关系
6.He adored his mother.他依恋自己的母亲。
7.Children always cleave to their mother孩子总是依恋母亲。
8.I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.我依恋故乡的一草一木。
9.I had a great attachment for the Doctor我对于博士非常依恋
10.A Study of the Relationship among Adult Attachment, Family Expressiveness and Infant Attachment;父母依恋、家庭表露与幼儿依恋三者关系的研究
11.Children in Divorce Family: the Lack of Safety Attachment in Family and Compensation in Teacher-Student Relationship;离异家庭儿童依恋缺失及师生关系的依恋补偿
12.The activation of adult attachment system by attachment-related emotional information:the evidence from ERP依恋性情绪信息对成人依恋系统的激活——ERP研究
13.A Compile of Attachment Questionnaire for Two-to-four-year-old Children and Assessment of Their Attachment Security;2-4岁幼儿依恋问卷的编制和依恋安全性的测量
14.Inventory for Adolescent Attachment Scale and Research on the Characteristics of the Development of Attachment among Left-behind Students Who is in Junior Middle School青少年依恋量表的编制及留守初中生依恋发展特点研究
15.The Comparative Research on Liushou Junior High School Students' Attachment, School Belonging and Resilience留守初中生亲子依恋、监护依恋、学校归属感与复原力的比较研究
16.I missed the days when they were as attached to me as Rebekah's little girls were to her.我留恋过去的一些日子,那时他们像丽贝卡的小女孩们依恋妈妈一样依恋着我。
17.You must have become in some degree attached to the house.你一定相当依恋这所房子吧!
18.He has a fixation on older women.他对于年长的女人有病态的依恋

Adult Romantic婚恋依恋
1.Review and Prospects of Study On Adult Romantic Attachment;成人婚恋依恋研究回顾与展望
3)attachment(to/for sb/sth);affection;devotion依恋;眷恋;留恋
4)Adult attachment成人依恋
1.A Study on the Relationship between Depression and Adult Attachment of College Students;大学生抑郁情绪与成人依恋的关系研究
2.On Relationship between Adult Attachment and Mental Ill Health;成人依恋与心理健康问题研究
5)Peer attachment同伴依恋
1.②Peer attachment anxiety was significantly positively correlated to interpersonal sensitivity, depr.目的:探讨大学生同伴依恋与心理健康的关系及性别角色化的作用。
2.The results indicated as follows:The gender,age and only child or not all have different impacts on the adolescent risk-taking behaviors;Personality has a direct influence on adolescent risk-taking behaviors,and alienation of peer attachment is a mediator between personality and adolescent risk-taking behaviors.该文采用问卷法对671名初、高中生及大学生进行青少年冒险行为、人格、同伴依恋调查。
3.In order to probe into the situation and development tendency of the adolescence’attachment and the relationship with interpersonal trust, the research is devised of transect study and Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment which originated from aboard and Trust Scale are adopted.为探讨青少年依恋状况和发展趋势及与人际信任的相互关系,本研究采用横断面设计,使用国外引入并修订的父母与同伴依恋问卷以及信任量表,在苏州部分小学和中学抽取了1572名小学高年级、初中和高中学生进行研究,通过相关分析、差异分析及回归分析等统计方法来研究青少年依恋与人际信任的关系。
6)attachment strategy依恋策略
1.Internal working model is an important concept in attachment theory,which integrates cognitive emotional theory,the explanation of psychological pathology to some of the potential significance of reasons,the insecure attachment strategy proposed by Kobak,Dozier,Mikulincer and others find a new way to study the occurrence an.内部工作模式是依恋理论中的重要概念,它整合了认知情感理论,对解释病理心理症的某些潜在原因有重要意义,Kobak、Dozier、Mikulincer等人提出的不安全的依恋策略开拓了另一种研究精神病理发生发展的思路。

依恋依恋attachment 依恋(attaehm。。t)婴儿寻求并企图保持与另一个人,通常是母亲的亲密的身体联系的一种倾向。具体表现为啼哭、笑、吸吮、喊叫、呛呀学语、抓握、身体偎依和跟随等行为。这是婴儿与母亲或其他照料者之间一种积极的、充满深情的感情联结,它对」二激发父母和照顾者精心地照料后代,对形成儿童最初的信赖和不信赖的个性特点有重要影响。一般婴儿从六七个月起积极寻求依恋的对象,当依恋对象离开时会出现哭喊、不安或反抗等现象;当依恋对象在时,婴儿会安心地玩、探索周围环境。如果母亲或专门的照料者对婴儿的反应是敏感的、合作的、积极的,婴儿易形成安全的依恋,反之则可能形成不安全的依恋。哈罗(Harl。w,H.)对巨河猴的代理母猴的实验研究表明,皮肤接触是形成母子依恋的一个重要因素。因此,启发人们在养育婴儿时,除满足生理上的需要外,要防止婴儿的‘。皮肤饥饿”。 (刘金花撰曹子芳审)