1.A discriminative study of the chronology of Yao and Shun;古籍所载尧年代资料辨析
2.The Beena Marriage of Shun and the Fight for the Property Between the Yu Clan and Gui Clan;试论从妻居形态与虞、妫两族财产争夺案

1.Legend has it that King Shun had as his surname Yao.帝姓姚,史称“虞”。
2.The sons of Gershom: Shebuel the first.革的长子是细布业。
3.In the Tang Dynasty (A.D.618-907), a scholar named Zhang Wei had glorified King Shun with the following lines:唐朝的张谓曾赞颂说:
4.It was, perhaps; only Shun who brought peace to the multitude without taking any action against natural order.无为而治者,其也与?
5.People who come to pay homage to King Shun naturally will ask, when they arrive at the foot of Shunyuan Peak, why there is in sight only the Memorial Temple of Shun and not any mausoleum.寻访拜谒帝庙的游人,到了源峰下,不禁要问: 为何这里只有帝庙,不见帝陵?
6.The temple-mausoleum is located at the foot of Shunyuan Peak with the two peaks of Ehuang and Nuying attending upon it, one of either side.帝陵庙在源峰下,左右有“娥皇”,“女英”两峰相侍。
7.A Brief Review of Changes on the Shun s Story from Ancient Myth to Shunzi Bian of Dunhuang Bianwen;从上古神话到敦煌变文《子变》看故事的嬗变
8.On their recommendation, Yu, who had proved his ability in the course of flood control, became shun's aide and successor.首领们推举经过治水考验的禹来帮助工作,做的继承人。
9.When they were asked where was the mausoleum of King Shun, they said in reply, "King Shun became a deity and rose into heaven. There's no need for a mausoleum.“帝陵寝在何处?” 和尚答道: “帝成仙上了天,从来就没有什么坟墓”。
10.Myth,History,and Folk Literature--Changes from the Antiquity Myth to Dunhuang the Article "Shun Zibian" Looks at Shun Story Evolution;神话·历史·民间文学——从上古神话到敦煌变文《子变》看故事的嬗变
11.The sons of Moses: Gershom and Eliezer.摩西的儿子是革和以利以谢。
12.Small profits but quick turnover is our manage policy!薄利多销!是科仪表的经营方针!
13.50 times PTBD were successively done,4 times failed.蜳TBD术,50次成功,4次失败。
14.Zhejiang Sunny Group Co.,Ltd.浙江宇(集团)股份有限公司
15.Reliable quality is our mange target!质量可靠!是科仪表的管理目标!
16.Discussion about Three Years of the Ancient Mourning Period Lasting Only Twenty-five Months --A Concurrent Talk about Yao and Xun's Ages丧制三年为25月论──兼论尧、年岁
17.About4000 years ago, the deified Emperor Shun died on his southern progress here.四千多年前,帝“南巡狩,崩于苍梧之野”。
18.It was a great pity that he should have died in the wilds in the course of performing his duties.可惜帝不幸“野死”他乡,以身殉职。

Emperor Shun舜帝
1.A Survey of Emperor Shun During and Before Spring-Autumn;春秋及其以前帝传说新考
2.This text mainly investigates flowers and grasses which are related with Emperor Shun in the city of Yongzhou,shrubalthea,hedge Glorybind as well as their usage.探索与帝有关的2种植物,花和草的溯源,2种植物的经济和文化价值。
1.This text mainly investigates flowers and grasses which are related with Emperor Shun in the city of Yongzhou,shrubalthea,hedge Glorybind as well as their usage.探索与帝有关的2种植物,花和草的溯源,2种植物的经济和文化价值。
4)hedge Glorybind舜草
1.This text mainly investigates flowers and grasses which are related with Emperor Shun in the city of Yongzhou,shrubalthea,hedge Glorybind as well as their usage.探索与帝有关的2种植物,花和草的溯源,2种植物的经济和文化价值。
5)King Shun帝舜
1.King Shun and the formation of early civilized nation in China帝与我国早期文明国家的形成
6)Monarch Shun舜帝
