1.A Study on Factors Related to Abstinence or Relapse in Heroin Addicts;海洛因依赖者操守成败相关因素的调查分析
2.Objective: To understand the status of drug withdrawal and abstinence of drug abusers doing rehabilitation through labour.目的:了解戒毒人员的戒毒和操守状况。
3.Objective: To explore the factors correlated to abstinence or relapse in heroin addicts living in community,and provide scientific data for policy making on relapse prevention.目的:正确推断社区吸毒解教人员操守保持的相关因素,为制定有效的戒毒政策提供科学依据。

1.Code of Conduct (SEHK, HKFE)《专业操守规例》(联交所),《操守准则》(期交所)
2.Corporate Finance Adviser Code of Conduct《企业融资顾问操守准则》
3.Council on Professional Conduct in Education [CPC]教育人员专业操守议会
4.rule of professional conduct [veterinary surgeon]专业操守规则〔兽医〕
5.Council on Professional Conduct in Education教育人员专业操守议会。
6.Code of Conduct for Share Registrars《股份登记机构操守准则》
7.Companies (Reports on Conduct of Directors) Regulation《公司(董事行为操守报告)规例》
8.Code of Conduct for Corporate Finance Advisers (SFC)《企业融资顾问操守准则》(证监会)
9.conduct of business standards业务操守准则,商业道德标准
10.Without evil or sin, esp sexual sin;virtuous, chaste无邪的;清白的;有操守的;(尤指)贞洁的
11.Develop moral standards throughout society Based on honesty and moral integrity形成以诚信为本,操守为重的良好风尚
12.Ethical Award Scheme [Independent Commission Against Corruption]专业操守奖励计划〔廉政公署〕
13.Their conduct and etiquette are governed by the Code of Conduct for the Bar of the HKSAR.大律师的操守和业内成规,受香港大律师公会专业守则所约束。
14.Comply with laws、 rules、 stipulation and other social norm, keep high standard enterprise integrity.遵守法律法规、定及其它社会规范,保持高标准的企业操守
15.The Advisory Committee also proposed the development of a code of ethics for school managers, stipulating their professional conduct and responsibilities.建议亦包括须为校董发展一套专业操守,列明校董应有的道德操守及其应尽的责任。
16.Webster's Dictionary defines morality as ethics, upright conduct, conduct or affitude judged from the moral standpoint.韦氏词典将道德定义为伦理规范、正直的操守、从道德角度判断的操守或态度。
17.We must have the right kind of character-character that makes a man, first of all, a good man in the home, a good father, a good husband-that makes a man a good neighbor.我们必须有好的操守--有操守的人才能治家、才能做好父亲、好丈夫,最后才会是好邻居。
18.Have a strong sense of enterprise, take initiative and have good occupation ethics.有强烈的事业心,工作积极主动,良好的职业操守

1.It is not appropriate for China, and it can affect the integrity of the planning profession and planners.尤其会影响规划事业和工作者的的操守
4)abstinent time操守时间
1.Objective: To reduce the relapse rate and prolong abstinent time of the drug addicts by the intervention on their relatives and to explore the integrative intervention model on drug abuse.目的:通过改变吸毒人员家属配合帮教的心理行为延长脱毒人员的操守时间,提高预防复吸的效果,探索预防复吸的综合干预模式。
2.Objective: To explore an effective psychological intervention to reduce relapse rate and prolong abstinent time of female addicts.目的:探索较为有效的综合性的院内心理干预方法,以降低女性戒毒人员的复吸率和延长其操守时间。
5)humani stic spirit人文操守
6)moral integrity to hold ambition守志节操
