1.Rapid Determination of Trace Copper in Citalopram by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;火焰原子吸收光谱法快速测定西酞普兰中的微量铜
2.Chiral Separation and Quantitative Analysis of Citalopram by Capillary Electrophoresis with Dextrin as Chiral Additive;糊精介质中西酞普兰的毛细管电泳手性分离与定量测定
3.Comparison study of Citalopram and Citalopram combined with Risperidone in treatment of somatoform disorders;西酞普兰合并利培酮治疗躯体形式障碍的对照研究

1.A control study of escitalopram versus citalopram in treatment of generalized anxiety disorder艾司西酞普兰西酞普兰治疗广泛性焦虑障碍对照研究
2.Direct resolution of citalopram enantiomers by chiral stationary phase using CHIRAEL OJ-H columnOJ-H柱拆分西酞普兰对映异构体
3.Efficacy and Safety of Citalopram in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder西酞普兰治疗广泛性焦虑的临床观察
4.Comparetive Study of Citalopram and Payoxetine in Treatment of Senile Depression西酞普兰与帕罗西汀治疗老年抑郁症对照研究
5.A comparative study of escitalopram and fluoxetine in the treatment of depression艾司西酞普兰与氟西汀治疗抑郁症对照研究
6.Efficacys of Escitalopram and Fluoxetine on Treatment of Major Depression艾司西酞普兰与氟西汀治疗抑郁症疗效观察
7.Comparative Study of Citalopram and Fluoxetine in Treatment of Senile Depression西酞普兰与氟西汀治疗老年抑郁症的对照研究
8.Comparative Observation of the Curative Effect of Citalopram Only and Citalopram Combined with Ziprasidone in Treating Depression西酞普兰单用与西酞普兰与齐拉西酮合用治疗抑郁症的疗效对比观察
9.Escitalopram vs citalopram in treatment of depression:a randomized,double-blind,double-dummy,multicenter,parallel controlled study艾司西酞普兰西酞普兰治疗抑郁症的随机、双盲、双模拟、多中心平行对照研究
10.Relative Bioavailability and Bioequivalent of Citalopram Tables in Healthy Volunteers;西酞普兰片的生物利用度和生物等效性研究
11.Study of Mechanisms and Therapeutics of Escitalopram on Depression;草酸-s-西酞普兰对抑郁症治疗作用机制研究
12.Enzymatic Preparation of S-Citalopram Key Intermediate and Its Kinetics Study酶法制备S-西酞普兰关键中间体及动力学研究
13.Study on pharmacokinetics of citalopram hydrobromide tablets in healthy volunteers氢溴酸西酞普兰片在健康人体内的药动学
14.Therapeutic observetion on citalopram combined with aripiprazole to treat depression阿立哌唑配合西酞普兰治疗抑郁症的疗效观察
15.Clinical efficacy of Citalopram in Treatment of Somatoform Disorders西酞普兰治疗躯体形式障碍的临床疗效
16.Comparative study of mirtazapine and citalopram in treatment of depression米氮平与西酞普兰治疗抑郁症对照研究
17.A control study on citalopram and cognitive therapy in the treatment of postpartum depression认知疗法与西酞普兰治疗产后抑郁的对照研究
18.A randomized controlled study of escitalopram in the treatment of elderly depression艾司西酞普兰治疗老年抑郁症对照研究

Citalopram hydrobromide氢溴酸西酞普兰
1.Relative bioavailability of citalopram hydrobromide tablets in healthy volunteers;氢溴酸西酞普兰片的人体相对生物利用度
2.Process Research of Citalopram Hydrobromide;氢溴酸西酞普兰的工艺研究
3.Study on pharmacokinetics of citalopram hydrobromide tablets in healthy volunteers氢溴酸西酞普兰片在健康人体内的药动学
1.Control study of escitalopram and maprotiline in treatment of depression;艾司西酞普兰治疗抑郁症对照研究
2.Pharmacokinetics of escitalopram in healthy volunteers;艾司西酞普兰在健康人体的药动学
3.Analysis of plasma escitalopram by RP-HPLC;反相高效液相色谱法测定人血浆中艾司西酞普兰的浓度
4)citalopra hydrobromide溴酸西酞普兰
1.Effect of escitalopram on behavior and plasma CORT and ACTH in chronic stress depression rats;草酸-S-西酞普兰对慢性应激抑郁大鼠行为学及血浆CORT和ACTH的影响
2.Study of Mechanisms and Therapeutics of Escitalopram on Depression;草酸-s-西酞普兰对抑郁症治疗作用机制研究
6)S-(+)-1-[3-(Dimethyl-amino)propyl]-1-(p-fluorophenyl)-5-phthalancarbonitrile oxalate右旋西酞普兰
