1.Investigation of Acute Occupational Poisonings in Chaoyang District of Beijing during 2003~2005;北京市朝阳区2003—2005年急性职业中毒事故调查
2.Influence of parents′ education level,occupation,expectancy,and education technology on mental health of college students;父母文化程度、职业、期望值及教育方式等因素对大学生心理健康水平的影响

1.not of or from a profession.不指职业或非职业的。
2.Career planning and development职业规划与职业发展
3.The Study about the Middling Occupation School Student Inside Occupation View and Occupation Guide;中职学生职业观与职业指导问题研究
4.Minnesota Vocational for Clerical Workers明尼苏达职工职业测验
5.Career Service Center; Job Center职业介绍所(职介所)
6.Occupational disease: Illness associated with a particular occupation.职业病:与特定职业或行业有关的疾病。
7.professional associations, codes of practice, conduct专业协会、 职业道德规范、 职业道德
8.New Viewpoint on Occupational Management of Corporation:Occupational Development View;论企业职业管理的新视点──职业发展观
9.Developing occupational environment to enhance employment ability of higher vocational graduates开发职业环境,提升高职毕业生就业力
10.Professional status, methods, character, or standards.职业水准,职业特性职业地位、作风、特性或标准
11.On the Difference of the Vocational Education Between Service Occupation and Industry Occupation;服务性职业与生产性职业职业教育差异研究
12.start a career in (the specified profession)开始从事(某职业
13.professional player or performer,(esp a sportsman employed by a club) to teach and advise its members职业运动员;职业演员;(尤指受雇于俱乐部的)职业教练,职业顾问
14.employment agencyph.1. 职业介绍所
15.marriage Broker(职业)婚姻介绍人
16.From Vocation to Profession, Knowledge to Wisdom and Skills to Tao: Vocational Education and Professionalism Cultivation;以职为志,转识为智,由技入道——职业教育与职业人格、职业精神培养
17.Prompting Students Vocational Maturity by Acquiring Outlook of Professional Development;树立职业发展观念 促进高职学生职业成熟
18.A Study on the Relation Between Vocational College Students Mentality the and Psychological Education;高职生职业心理与职业心理教育的关系研究

1.The Analysis of the Professional Fatigued Reasons of High Qualification Nurse in our Hospital;本院高年资护师职业疲惫原因分析
2.Embarrassed at teaching the course of history of domesic and foreign architecture which is in the professional training of architect;中外建筑史课程教学在职业建筑教育中的尴尬
3.Technical Appraisal for Motor Car Traffic Accident: A New Profession in the 21st Century in China;汽车交通事故技术鉴定:21世纪的知识型新职业
1.Comparison of Coping Styles and Social Supports of the Different Career People.;不同职业人群的应对方式、社会支持比较及两者关系研究
2.The Construction of The Career Instruction In University;试谈学校职业指导的构建
3.Objective: To investigate and compare the level of social adaptation among rural-to-urban migrants with different careers.目的考察并比较不同职业流动人口的社会适应状况。
1.A Study on Scale of Attitude Test of Vocational Development Inventory;Crites职业选择态度问卷的初步修订
2.Approach to several problems of improving vocational technology education and teaching quality;提高职业技术教育教学质量若干问题的探讨
3.Vocational Humanity: an Area Needs Exploring Urgently in Post-secondary Vocational Education;职业人文:一个亟待开发的高职教育领域
1.Characterization of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents related to metal and metalloid in China between 1989 and 2003;1989至2003年全国金属及类金属化合物重大急性职业中毒的特征
2.Characterization of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents related to organic solvents in Chin between 1989 and 2003;1989至2003年全国有机溶剂重大急性职业中毒的特征
3.Characterization of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents related to irritating gases in China between 1989 and 2003;1989至2003年全国刺激性气体重大急性职业中毒的特征
1.The predominant HPV genotypes infected women of different occupations in Shenzhen深圳市不同职业人群感染HPV的优势亚型
2.The Influence of OccupaThe Influence of Occupations and Diplomas of the Parents on Mental Health of Military Medical University Undergraduates.父母职业、学历对军医大学生心理健康的影响
