1.Investigation of Detoxification Motivation,Duration,and Relapse in 127 Cases of Heroin Addicts;127例海洛因依赖者自愿戒毒动机和住院时间与复吸关系的研究
2.Effect of morphine dependence and relapse on the levels of neurosteroids in male rat brain regions;吗啡依赖和复吸时大鼠脑内神经甾体水平的变化
3.The Effect of Comprehensive Treatment on Controlling Relapse of Heroin Addicts;综合疗法对海洛因依赖患者复吸的影响

1.Probe into the difficulties to stop drug taking;戒毒难之探索——吸毒复吸机理之新探
2.Relapse is a major characteristic of drug addiction disorders and it has been well established that stress induces reinstatement of drug seeking in the animal model of relapse.复吸是药物成瘾的重要特征,应激是诱发复吸的因素之一。
3.compound imbibition(蔗渣)复式吸液浸出法
4.resuscitation of cardiopulmonary arrest心跳呼吸骤停复苏术
5.Plan for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts预防吸毒和吸毒者康复计划
6.Study on Absorption of Phenol with Attapulgite Composite Adsorbent凹凸棒复合吸附剂对苯酚的吸附研究
7.drug rehabilitationph.1. 对吸毒者的康复治疗;康复训练
8.Study on adsorption kinetics characteristic of a kind of new composite desiccant新型复合吸附干燥剂的吸附动力学特性研究
9.Preparation and Adsorption Properties of Coal Based Superfine Composite Adsorbents;煤基超细复合吸附剂的制备及吸附特性研究
10.Study of Sorbing Oil and Recycling of Exfoliated Graphite Mounted with TiO_2;膨胀石墨/TiO_2复合吸附材料吸油和再生性能研究
11.Studies on Microwave Absorbing Properties of Composite Ferrite Microwave Absorbing Materials;复合铁氧体微波吸收材料吸波性能研究
12.Preparation and Adsorption Behavior of Sugar Charcoal/Silica Gel Composite Adsorbent Towards Removal of Cr(Ⅵ) from Water;糖炭/硅胶复合吸附剂的制备及吸附Cr(Ⅵ)的研究
13.Preparation and Enhancement of Heat Transfer of Composite Adsorbent for Adsorption Refrigeration;吸附制冷用复合吸附剂的制备及导热性能强化
14.Studies on Adsorption of Organic Matter in Raw Water by Chitosan-PAC Composited Adsorbent;壳聚糖复合吸附剂吸附源水中有机物的研究
15.An Analysis of the Improvement Function of Yoga Breath Method to Respiratory System;瑜伽呼吸法对呼吸系统的保健康复作用探讨
16.Study on the compound absorbent;复合型吸附剂对金属离子的吸附性能研究
17.Study on Complex Metal Oxide Adsorbent of FCC Gasoline Adsorption DesulfurizationFCC汽油吸附脱硫复合金属氧化物吸附剂研究
18.Preparation of foaming composites and their oil absorption capacity泡沫型吸油复合材料的制备及其吸油性

1.Objective:To imitate the processes of human heroin addiction and abstention treatment,we set up the model of heroin addiction and readdiction .目的:模仿人类吸毒成瘾和脱毒治疗的临床实例,建立三个阶段的海洛因成瘾、复吸大鼠模型,对其中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)、伏隔核(NAc)的超微结构和全脑(不含脑垂体)多巴胺(DA)的含量做动态研究,为深入研究海洛因成瘾复吸神经生物学及戒断治疗等奠定基础。
2.Objective: To set up heroin addiction and readdiction model with the processes of heroin addiction→abstension treatment of heroin→heroin readdiction→reabstension treatment of heroin→heroin addiction a third time →abstension treatment of heroin a third time,and make clear the dynamic trend of the brain lesions.结果 :3个阶段大鼠脑内多部位神经元胞体、轴突、树突都出现变性、凋亡、胀亡等超微病理结构改变 ,神经胶质细胞、神经毯也出现相应的超微病理结构改变 ,而且随复吸次数增多而病变加重。
3.Objective: To imitate the processes of human heroin addiction and abstention treatment→heroin readdiction and reabstention treatment→a third heroin addiction and abstention treatment,we set up the model of heroin addiction and readdiction.目的:模仿人类吸毒成瘾→脱毒治疗→又吸毒成瘾→又脱毒治疗→再吸毒成瘾→再脱毒治疗的大量临床实例,建立海洛因成瘾复吸大白鼠模型,对三个阶段海洛因成瘾和复吸成瘾大白鼠脑神经元超微结构和脑部分种类神经递质的含量作比较研究,了解海洛因致各阶段大白鼠脑损害的动态趋势。
3)Composite Adsorption复合吸附
4)relapse prevention复吸预防
5)prevention of relapse防复吸
6)relapse prevention预防复吸
1.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of buprenorphineonrelapse preventionof heroin abuse.目的:研究盐酸丁丙诺啡对海洛因依赖者脱毒后预防复吸的效能。
2.The Integrative Model Study to Drug Abuse on Relapse Prevention;目的:了解脱毒后吸毒人员及其家属的心理特征,通过对脱毒人员及其家属采取综合干预措施,改善脱毒人员的心理状况,延长脱毒人员的操守时间,提高预防复吸的效果;同时,通过对家属的干预增加患者家属的配合度,提高脱毒人员家属的物质滥用及复吸预防相关知识通晓率,减轻家属的心理压力、社会压力;探索一套符合我国实际情况的预防复吸的综合干预模式,为预防戒毒人员脱毒后复吸提供参考依据,为政府部门、戒毒机构、社区、家庭及有关组织开展戒毒帮教工作提供科学的参考依据。

内吸除(见单晶片的吸除技术)内吸除(见单晶片的吸除技术)internal gettering 内吸除internal gettering见单晶片的吸除技术。