听性脑干反应,Auditory brainstem response
1)Auditory brainstem response听性脑干反应
1.Analysis on auditory brainstem response of traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane;外伤性鼓膜穿孔听性脑干反应结果分析
2.Research on the Specificity of the Effects on Auditory Brainstem Responses of Puncturing Different Acupoints on the Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang;针刺小肠经不同腧穴对听性脑干反应影响的特异性研究
3.Auditory brainstem responses in sudden deafness;突发性聋的听性脑干反应测试

1.Evaluation of hearing thresholds of 40Hz auditory event related potential and auditory brainstem response;应用40Hz听觉相关电位与听性脑干反应评估听阈
2.Examination and significance of ABR in non-deafness tinnitus patients无听力损失耳鸣患者听性脑干反应检测及意义
3.The Application and Characteristic of Auditory Brainstem Response in Children with Otitis Media with Effusion分泌性中耳炎患儿听性脑干反应的应用及特征
4.Comparison of auditory steady-state responses and auditory brainstem responses in audiometric assessment of adults with sensorineural hearing loss成人感音神经性聋听觉稳态诱发反应阈与听性脑干反应阈比较
5.Comparison of ABR and ECG in the Auditory Character Measuring心电图技术和听性脑干反应技术在测定鱼类听觉性能上的比较
6.Study of Acoustically Short Latency Negative Response in Tone Burst Auditory Brainstem Responses短纯音诱发的听性脑干反应测试中声诱发短潜伏期负反应研究
7.Combined application of multiple auditory steady-state evoked response and auditory brain-stem response to hearing screening and diagnosis in infants听性脑干反应联合听觉多频稳态诱发反应在儿童听力筛查和诊断中的应用
8.Application of auditory brainstem response and auditory steady-state response in children with zentrale koordination-storung*中枢性协调障碍患儿听性脑干反应及多频稳态诱发电位分析
9.The coverage rate of screened babies was greater than 60% at 11 hospitals and less than 60% at the rest 10 hospitals.使用之初筛工具,20家是耳声传射,1家为自动听性脑干反应
10.MEDICOLEGAL INVESTIGATION ON EcochG AND ABR OF 113 EARS IN 76 CASES76例113耳的耳蜗电图及听性脑干反应的法医学鉴定
11.Multiple Factor analysis of Latency-intencity Function Curve Slope of ABR Wave V听性脑干反应波Ⅴ潜伏期-强度函数曲线斜率变化的多因素分析
12.Diagnosis of Verterbrobasilar Transient Ischemic Vertigo by ABR at High Repetition Rate-on the Study of the Optimun Test Time高刺激率听性脑干反应诊断椎基底动脉短暂缺血性眩晕──最佳测试时间研究
13.Abnormalities of ABRs were analyzedandinterpreted as peripheral hearing loss (wave I prolongation), neurological brainstem involvement (interwave I-V prolongation or absence of later components) or both.为?解胆红素的神经毒素,本文先就核黄疸病人的听性脑干反应提出初报。
14.The Effect of the Glutamate/Aspartate Transporter Antibody on Auditory Brainstem Response and Morphology of Hair Cells in Guinea Pig's Cochlea谷氨酸/天冬氨酸转运体抗体对豚鼠听性脑干反应及毛细胞形态的影响
15.Effects of hyperbilirubinemia on distortion product otoacoustic emission,auditory brainstem response and mismatch negativity in guinea pigs高胆红素血症对豚鼠畸变产物耳声发射、听性脑干反应和失匹配负波的影响
17.Research in correlation between parameters of frequency domain and time domain on听觉脑干诱发反应时域和频域参量的相关性研究
18.Characteristics and normal value of auditory brainstem response in healthy aged people健康老人听觉脑干反应特点及其正常值

1.The ABR and 40 Hz-AERP were measured before and after exposure.5h及7天、3周后检测听性脑干反应(audi-tory brainstem response,ABR)及40Hz听觉相关电位(40Hz-AERP),扫描电镜观察耳蜗超微结构的变化。
2.Objective To investigate the morphology of auditory brainstem response(ABR) of normal newborns and the establishment of the newborns ABR normative data.目的探讨正常新生儿听性脑干反应(auditory brainstemresponse,ABR)的表现形式及建立新生儿ABR正常参考值的可行性。
3.Method 22 children with mumps meningoencephalitis, 6 uncomplicated mumps cases and 10healthy children without mumps virus infection were tested using Biologic-AUDX and GSI-Audera,compared to the pass-rates and amplitudes of distortion products of otoacoustic emissions(DPOAE)and latencies of auditory-evoked brainstem responses (ABR).方法:将2005年7月我院收治的28名流行性腮腺炎患儿分为两组,一组为流行性腮腺炎合并脑膜脑炎(22人),另一组为无神经系统并发症的腮腺炎患儿(6人),均进行了耳部体检及畸变产物耳声发射(Distortionproductsofotoacousticemissions,DPOAE)、听性脑干反应(Auditory-evokedbrainstemresponses,ABR)的检查,并与10名正常同龄儿童的检查结果相比较。
3)Auditory brainstem response (ABR)听性脑干反应
4)Auditory brainstem responses听性脑干反应
1.Objective To investigate the changes and significances of Auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) in aged rats.目的 探讨老化时听性脑干反应 (auditorybrainstemresponses,ABR)的变化及其意义。
5)Auditory brainstem response(ABR)听性脑干反应
1.The auditory brainstem response(ABR) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions(DPOAE)were detected preexposure and at 0 (within two hours)、2 and 5 day after exposure.目的 以听性脑干反应 (ABR)和畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)为评价指标观察强次声波对豚鼠听功能的影响。
2.Auditory brainstem response(ABR) and distortion product otoacoustic emission(DPOAE) were used to evaluate their effects on hearing threshold and DPOAE amplitudes.观察用药前后各组听性脑干反应(auditory brainstemresponse,ABR)阈值及畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)幅值的变化。
6)Auditory Brain-Stem Response(ABR)听性脑干反应(ABR)

脑干性昏迷脑干性昏迷coma of brain stem  是指由于脑干受损引起的昏迷。在脑干内存在上行激活系统,与维持意识的觉醒有关。如严重损伤,将引起脑干性昏迷。昏迷特点是:昏迷程度深,常伴有瞳孔的改变,可出现锥体束征及脑神经损害,同时出现生命体征改变等。