1.He believed that religion that exists for a certain reason is a sort of illusion in essence,and some of religious ideas are like fantasy.他认为,宗教的性质从根本上说是一种幻觉,其中有些观点类似于妄想;宗教有它存在的理由;当人类度过童年期后,必然会脱离宗教而进入科学阶段;科学不是幻觉,它有可能使人们获得真正的幸福。
2.In fact,although it does not possess a distinct feature of romanticism,its rich imagination,illusion and emotional environmental description are impressive when making up the images,the connotions of which deserves to be further dug.其实,该书的浪漫主义特征虽然着墨不多,但在形象塑造时丰富的想象力、幻觉以及深注情感的环境描写给人印象深刻,值得读者在阅读接受时进一步发掘其内涵。

1.hallucination of perception知觉性幻觉 知觉性幻觉
2.remembrance hallucination追忆性幻觉 追忆性幻觉
3.Freak out on psychedelic drugs服用幻觉剂而产生幻觉
4.marked by or producing illusion.幻觉的或产生幻觉的。
5.Of or characterized by hallucination.幻觉幻觉的或以幻觉为特征的
6.be subject to hallucinations易产生 [易有] 幻觉
7.pseudopolymelia paraesthetica感觉异常性多肢幻觉
8.Freak sb, out on LSD使某服用麦角酸幻觉剂而产生幻觉
9.A substance that induces hallucination.幻觉剂一种引起幻觉的物质
10.Have you ever tripped out?你有过服迷幻药后的幻觉体验吗?
11.Of or like a phantasmagoria(似)变幻情景的,幻觉效应的
12.trip out on LSD服用LSD 迷幻药后产生幻觉
13.An illusory mental image.幻想,空想一种产生幻觉的内心的假想
14.coholic hallucinosis急性酒精中毒性幻觉
15.anti-hallucination drug therapy抑制幻觉之药物治疗法
16.a powerful hallucinogenic drug.强大的能引起幻觉的药。
17.Photographs about which you've had hallucinations...关于你有幻觉的照片…
18.It must need be a delusion.那不过是一种幻觉罢了。

1.Objective:To explore the effect of false memory in schizophrenic patients and normal persons,and to test whether the false memory had correlation to delusion or hallucination.目的:探讨精神分裂症患者和正常者的虚假记忆,以及检验虚假记忆和妄想、幻觉症状之间的关联性。
2.Method 83 psychiatric patients were assessed with Hallucination Assessment Scales (HAS) ,and the 5 kinds of trait of hallucination were analysed by correlation and other way.目的 在幻觉的几个类别属性中,了解幻觉特异类别属性。
3.Methods 83 psychiatric patients with hallucination were assessed with Hallucination Assessment Scale(HAS),and the 18 traits of hallucination were classified by cluster analysis.目的 在幻觉的 18个属性中 ,了解幻觉属性分类。
4)vision and illusion幻见和幻觉
