1.In the anterior hypothalamus,a concomitant increase in the basal extracellular 5-HT levels was measured by using in vivo microdialysis in awake rats on Day 4 following KLH administration.当免疫刺激大鼠4天后,其下丘脑匀浆5 羟色胺水平出现降低,同时应用在体脑微透析技术研究发现清醒大鼠腹腔注射血蓝蛋白4天后,其下丘脑前叶细胞外液的5 羟色胺水平增加。

1.HPLC-MS/MS determination of acetylcholine in microdialysates from rats brainLC-MS/MS法测定脑微透析液中乙酰胆碱的浓度
2.Effects of Temporary Arterial Occlusion on Levels of Excitory Amino Acids in the Regional Brain in Aneurysm Surgeries: Studys with Microdialysis;脑微透析法监测动脉瘤术中临时阻断对脑局部兴奋性氨基酸水平的影响
3.Regional Cerebral Metabolism Changes after Brain Injury: A Microdialysis Study脑损伤后局部脑代谢变化的微透析实验研究
4.Application of Microdialysis in Monitoring the Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage微透析技术应用于高血压脑出血患者的监测
5.Microdialysis of Regional Cerebral Metabolism and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage蛛网膜下腔出血与脑局部代谢的微透析
6.Characteristics of MRI, ICP and in Vivo Microdialysis of Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Mongrel Canines;家犬实验性脑出血后MRI、ICP及脑组织间液微透析监测研究
7.Microdialysis monitoring for metabolism changes around hematoma after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage in canis familiaris家犬实验性脑出血后血肿周围脑代谢的微透析监测
8.Changes of Intracerebral Amino Acid Transmitters in Periventricular Leukomalacia of Newborn Rats Observed with Microdicalysis Technology微透析技术观察脑室周围白质软化早产鼠脑内氨基酸递质的动态变化
9.The Change of Excitatory amino acids in the Cortex of Rats with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Measured by Intracerebral Micro dialysis大鼠蛛网膜下腔出血后脑皮质中兴奋性氨基酸水平变化的微透析研究
10.Effect of Acorus tatarinowii schott on ultrastructure and permeability of blood-brain barrier石菖蒲对血脑屏障超微结构及通透性的影响
11.Thrombin Related to Cerebral Edema and Blood-brain Barrier Permeability of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage and the Impact of Minimally Invasive Surgery凝血酶与脑出血后BBB的通透性和脑水肿的相关性及微创术的影响
12.3. 24 patients of the 25 dialvsis patients with cerebrovascular accident suffered hvpertension in the course;3.25例并发脑血管意外的透析患者透析病程中有24例有高血压;
13.On the Examples of Applying Calculus to Circuit Analysis;微积分应用中渗透电路分析实例初探
14.Principle of fluidic lens based on EWOD and its focal zoom characteristics基于EWOD的微流控透镜变焦特性分析
15.Study on the in vivo Recovery of Tetramethylpyrazine Phosphate in Microdialysis Probes磷酸川芎嗪微透析体内回收率的研究
16.Flow Characteristics of the Radial Inflow Turbine Rotor of a Micro Gas Turbine微型燃气轮机向心透平内部流动分析
17.Microdialysis Study of the Spinal Cord during Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in a Porcine Model深低温停循环脊髓损伤的微透析研究
18.Investigation of the influence of microgrids high large penetration ratios on power network stability微网高渗透对电网稳定性的影响分析

brain microdialysis脑微透析
1.By searching the relevant literature over the past decade, the brain microdialysis technique to the profiles, the principle of the brain microdialysis probe and its application are reviewed, hope to be able to engaging in the study of pharmacy workers to provide relevant reference.现通过检索近十年来的相关文献,对脑微透析技术的概况,原理,脑微透析探针以及其应用作一综述,希望能为从事该方面研究的药学工作者提供相关参考。
3)microdialysis in brain脑内微透析
4)brain microdialysis脑内微透析
1.The method of simultaneous measurement of hydroxyl free radical and monoamines neurotransmitters and their metabolites from the brain microdialysis of rats;方法应用脑内微透析技术、水杨酸捕获羟自由基和高效液相-电化学检测器(HPLC-ED)同步监测清醒自由活动大鼠纹状体细胞外液羟自由基和单胺类递质及其代谢产物的水平。
5)microdialysate from rat brain大鼠脑微透析液
6)in vivo brain microdialysis脑内在体微透析

快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐药物名称:芬那露片英文名:Chlormezanone别名: 非脑尔;快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐外文名:Chlormezanone适应症: 1.精神紧张、恐惧、精神性神经病、慢性疲劳以及由焦虑、激动和某些疾病引起的烦躁、失眠等。 2.配合镇痛药治疗背酸、颈硬、骨痛、四肢酸痛、风湿性关节痛等。 3.其他:震颤性麻痹、震颤、瘫痪、血管硬化及脑震荡出血等。 用量用法: 口服:成人每次0.2g,1日3次;儿童用量酌减。 注意事项: 1.有嗜睡、潮红、药疹、厌食、抑郁等不良反应。 2.不宜与氯丙嗪类、单胺氧化酶抑制剂等合用。 规格: 片剂:每片0.2g。 注:参见"芬那露"类别:抗精神失常药