1.Olanzapine and chlorpromazine in the accessory treatment of mania episode;再普乐与氯丙嗪对躁狂发作的辅助治疗
2.Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of olanzapine in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome(IBS).目的:观察再普乐治疗肠易激综合征(IBS)的临床疗效。
3.Olanzapine ( 15 -25 mg/d) were acutely administered for 2 weeks.目的 探讨再普乐快速镇静疗法的临床疗效与安全性。

1.A comparative study of quetiapine and olanzapine in the treatment of mental disorders due to use of alcohol喹硫平与再普乐治疗酒精所致精神障碍的对照研究
2."Reappearance" of the Music of Couperin and Rameau in Free Bass Accordion;库普兰、拉莫音乐在F.B.手风琴上的“再现”
3.More Thinking on the Model of Club Teaching System of P.E.Course in Universities;普通高校体育课俱乐部制教学模式的再思考
4.It was generally conceded that the Sequoia Club, its name disgraced and influence diminished, could never be the same again.人们普遍认为,红杉俱乐部名誉扫地,威信丧失殆尽,再也抬不起头来了。
5.A Experimental Study on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration After Cold Preservation of Sciatic Nerve Allograft and FK506 in Mice;普乐可复(FK506)结合冷藏大鼠坐骨神经同种异体移值再生效果的实验研究
6.PRAP Consultants普乐普公共关系顾问有限公司
7.These are the most pervasive of Chinese musical forms.吹打乐是中国最普遍的器乐品种,
8.On Universal Human Values of Music Aesthetics in Yue Ji(Records of Music);论《乐记》音乐美学的人类普遍价值
9.The Influence of School Songs on the Non Major Musical Education in China;“学堂乐歌”对我国普通音乐教育的影响
10.The delight of love had again slipped away.爱情的欢乐再次被错过。
11.I shall not do it again in a hurry.我可不乐意再干这事了。
12.There is no longer the land of milk and honey.不再有富饶的乐土。
13.Play that music once more.把那个音乐再放(奏)一遍。
14.Music! Music!@ he cried. @Please sing once more for me.他叫道:“音乐!音乐!请再为我唱一次歌吧。
15.Classification of the Folk Music in the Han Dynasty and the Relationship Between Elegance and Popularity再论汉乐府音乐的分类及雅、俗关系
16."Yes, I 'd love to. Thanks again. Good-bye. "是的,我很乐意。再一次感谢。再见。
17.The average conductor, faced with such a score, throws up his cards.这个普普通通的指挥见到这样的乐谱便认输了。
18.On Step-by-step Implementation of Vocal Education in the University如何在普通高等院校开展声乐普及工作

1.Residual Test of Propisochlor in Maize;普乐宝在玉米中残留试验研究
2.The effects of herbicides alachlor metolachlor and propisochlor applied for soybean fields had been studied in field experiments for 4 years.通过4 年田间试验,探索出大豆田 除草剂甲草 胺、异丙甲草胺 及普乐宝的 除草效果,结 果表明:这3 种除草剂的最适用量分别为3 。
1.Research on the synthesis of potent decreasing IOP drug Apraclonidine;强效降眼内压药—安普乐定的合成方法探讨
4)conprata pulean普乐安
1.Clinical observation on therapeutic efficiency of conprata pulean in the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia;普乐安片治疗良性前列腺增生症对比研究
1.Delaying progression of chronic allograft nephropathy by conversion from cyclosporine to tacrolimus;普乐可复替换环孢素A减缓早期CAN肾功能减退
2.Effects of tacrolimus and cyclosporine on albumin secretion in cultured human hepatocyte;普乐可复和环孢素A对肝细胞分泌白蛋白作用的影响
3.Impact of multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphism on tacrolimus dose and concentration-to-dose ratio in Chinese liver transplantationrecipients;MDR1基因多态性对肝移植受体普乐可复治疗的影响(英文)
1.Clinical study on the effects of serum lipids between FK506 and cyclosporin A in renal allograft recipient;普乐可复与环孢素A对肾移植患者血脂影响的临床研究
2.Clinical Application of FK506 in Renal Transplantation;普乐可复在肾移植中的临床应用探讨
3.Effects of FK506 on anti-glomerular basement membrane nephritis in rats;普乐可复防治大鼠抗肾小球基底膜肾炎的实验研究

承德普乐寺俗称圆亭子,位于承德市街东的武烈河东岸,面临武烈河,背倚锤峰。建于乾隆三十一年(1766年),寺门西向。由于当时西北各民族与清朝政府关系日益密切,生活在巴尔喀什附近的哈萨克族和生活在葱岭以北的布鲁特族,不断派代表进就朝觐,因此建寺。寺院面对避暑山庄,呈众星拱月态势 ,象征多民族国家的统一。普乐寺山门为单檐歇山顶,山门内有钟鼓楼、天王殿、宗印殿等建筑。天王殿,单檐歇山顶。布瓦绿剪边,内有四天王、大肚弥勒和韦驮像。宗印殿是正殿,重檐歇山顶,殿脊用彩色琉璃瓦拼合成云龙图案,脊正中有大型琉璃宝塔。殿侧有琉璃“八宝”浮雕。殿内供释迦尼佛、药师佛、阿弥陀佛。三尊佛后各蹲着护法神:一只大鹏金翅鸟。两侧有八大菩萨塑像。普乐寺后半部藏式主体建筑称经坛,是集会讲道祭祀之所。它共有三层,主殿称“旭光阁”,外观极似北京天坛祈年殿。阁中须弥座上的主体“曼陀罗”上有一尊铜制的藏传佛教的佛像,即“上乐王佛”,又称“欢喜佛”。阁内的天花藻井,在外八庙诸寺中也是首屈一指的。