1.Preparation and Quality Control of Nefopam Sustained-release Tablets;平痛新缓释片的制备及质量控制
2.Clinical observation of nefopam and apauvin for anodynia artificial abortion;平痛新序贯安定用于无痛人工流产术临床观察
3.Select the coating fluid prescription of nefopam controlled release pellets;平痛新控释微丸的包衣液处方筛选

1.Preparation and Application of Nefopam-iodomercurate Selective Electrode;平痛新—碘汞酸盐离子选择电极的研制与应用
2.The new drug achieved some moderation of the pain.新药使疼痛减轻了一点。
3.The new shoes pinch me at the toe.新鞋太紧轧痛我的脚趾。
4.If they would simply go home, all under the Heavens would be harmonious once more.如果他们痛痛快快滚蛋,天自然又会太平。
5.Balanced Analgesia for Severe Tension-type Headache:32 Cases Report平衡镇痛治疗重度紧张型头痛的临床观察
6.A synthetic narcotic drug, C19H27NO, used as a nonaddictive analgesic, often in place of morphine.镇痛新一种麻醉止痛药,C19H27NO,可用作不上瘾性止痛剂,常代替吗啡
7.New Peace Party新党平和(新和平党)
8.Xinmin Bao《新民报》(北平)
9.Aspirin is a mild analgesic.阿司匹林是药性平和的止痛药.
10.They groaned under injustice.他们因受到不公平的待遇而痛苦呻吟。
11.The mean onset of headache was 3.4 days (range, 2-32 days) after delivery.结果:产后头痛平均持续时间为3.4天。
12.We also grieve for the loss of civilian life in Iraq.我们也为伊拉克平民的伤亡而悲痛。
13.I have a headache, so I need peace and quiet.我头痛,所以我需要安宁和平静。
14.Pain pulls us out of mediocrity; desire drives us toward excellence.痛苦让我告别平庸,渴望带我奔向辉煌。
15.It is simply an imbalance of pain versus coping resources.它仅是痛苦指数和因应资源的不平衡。
16.Role of GABA_B Receptors in Pain Regulation at the Spinal Level;GABA_B受体在脊髓水平痛觉调节中的作用
17.Analgesic efficacy of transversus abdominis plane block after cesarean section腹横肌平面阻滞用于剖宫产术后镇痛
18.Calmness in the face of suffering and adversity;forbearance.(对伤痛的)忍耐,坚忍面对痛苦和不幸保持平静;自制

Nefopam blank pellets平痛新素丸
1.METHODS: Using the liquidate index as the evaluating parameter,uniform design was adopted to optimize Nefopam blank pellets.方法 :以流动性指数为指标采用均匀设计优化平痛新素丸。
5)New KeTongNing新克痛宁
1.kg~(-1)dose of New KeTongNing had no side effect.观察不同剂量新克痛宁注入兔蛛网膜下腔后反应及对神经组织作用。
6)1-(4-Chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-methyl-1-H-indole-3 acetic acid炎痛美新
