1.Clinical observation on effect of combination of donepezil and butylphthalide in treating old patients with alzheimer′s disease;安理申和恩必普联合应用治疗老年性痴呆的研究
2.The Protective Effect and Mechanism of Butylphthalide for Ischemia Stroke;恩必普对脑缺血的保护效应及其机制的研究

1.The Protective Effect and Mechanism of Butylphthalide for Ischemia Stroke;恩必普对脑缺血的保护效应及其机制的研究
2.Influence of butylphthalide on incidence of post stroke dementia恩必普软胶囊对卒中后痴呆发生的影响
3.Therapeutic effect of dl-3n-butyphthalide(NBP) on acute cerebral infarction of the aged恩必普治疗超高龄老人急性脑梗死疗效观察
4.Observation of the curative effect of dl-3-butylphthalide and Edaravone treating acute cerebral infarction恩必普软胶囊联合依达拉奉治疗急性脑梗死40例的疗效观察
5.The Clinical Effect and Influence hs-CRP in Acute Cerebral Infarction Treated with dl-3-butylphthalide恩必普治疗急性脑梗死临床疗效观察及对血清高敏C-反应蛋白的影响
6.Spruance had laughed heartily.斯普鲁恩斯尽情大笑。
7.I'm going to wreck the Neptune mine.我要捣毁内普丘恩煤矿。
8.Well, it's a beautiful sunny day here in Plymouth.恩,现在普利茅斯这里是个美丽的晴天。
9.Spruance had been a junior skipper.斯普鲁恩斯已经任级别较低的舰长了。
10.NARRATOR: Keynes's ideas began to gain ground.讲述者:凯恩斯的思想开始普及。
11.On the Literariness and Estrangement in Pushikin s Poem To Kain;普希金《致凯恩》的“文学性”与“陌生化”
12.Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.所以你们必从救恩的泉源欢然取水。
13.Personal enmity must be forget at a time of national crisis.民族危机当头,必须捐弃个人恩怨。
14.Personal enmities must be forgot at a time of national crisis民族危机当头,必须捐弃个人恩怨
15.Being adroit at indebted action is a moral culture that every student can do.善于感恩是大学生必备的道德修养。
16.Personal enmities must be forgotten at a time of national crisis.民族危机当头, 必须捐弃个人恩怨.
17.Ken closed his eyes against the unwanted tears.肯恩关闭了对抗不必要的泪滴他眼睛。
18.ZHOU En-lai s Views on Development of Democratic Politics in China;周恩来论中国民主政治建设的必要性

1.Observation of the curative effect of dl-3-butylphthalide treating acute cerebral infarction;恩必普软胶囊治疗急性脑梗死疗效观察
2.Observation of the curative effect of dl-3-butylphthalide and Edaravone treating acute cerebral infarction恩必普软胶囊联合依达拉奉治疗急性脑梗死40例的疗效观察
6)Ernst Kapp恩斯特·卡普
1.The originator of the term philosophy of technology is believed to be Ernst Kapp.技术哲学创始人恩斯特·卡普于1877年出版的《技术哲学纲要》一书,提出了"器官投影说",即人类在制造工具和其他物体时通常使它们与人体有结构上和(或)功能上的相似性。

发心普被恩【发心普被恩】  谓如来最初发菩提心,修习胜行,成就功德,皆为普被法界群生,咸令利益安乐,是为发心普被恩。(梵语菩提,华言道。)