1.This thesis makes a comparison and analysis on one-to-one attack-defense counterwork of the top 4 U-19 youth women soccer teams in Asia based on statistics,interviews,video observation and documentation.采用数理统计法、专家访谈法、录像观察法以及文献资料法对亚洲实力最强的四支U-19青年女子足球队一对一攻守能力进行比较分析,力图发现各支球队的对抗能力以及目前存在的问题。

1.Joined in or forming pairs or a pair.成对的连成一对一对的,或形成一对一对的
2.deal one-on-one with clients一对一地和顾客打交道
3.methyl p-nitroaniline甲基一对一硝基苯胺
4.We need some more one-to-one training.我们需要更多一些一对一的训练。
5.Allowing the pairing of each member of a class uniquely with a member of another class.一对一的让这一组的成员和另一组的成员一一匹配的
6.a pair of gloves, shoes, socks, ear-rings一副手套、 一双鞋、 一双袜子、 一对耳环
7.a pair of people who live together.一对生活在一起的人。
8.He's been always laughing at difficulties.他一向对困难一笑置之。
9.One couple, one child (as advocated by china' family planning policy); one child per couple; one child for every couple一对夫妇只生一个孩子
10.a couple of sun-perch and a small catfish --一对鲈鱼和一条小鲶鱼??
11.Capable of being put into a one-to-one relationship.能排列成一一对应的.
12.Either of a pair of conjugate quantities.一对结合体中的一个
13.He goes after (ie tries to attract sexually) every woman he meets.他对女人见一个追一个.
14.not a jot aBout对...一点也没有
15."downgrade, to (a loan)"(对某一贷款)降级
16."Not a word about me!""对我一字不提呢!"
17.a well-assorted couple相配的一对 (夫妻)
18.This one will do, will not it ?这一个可以,对吗?

one against one(OAO)一对一法
1.Due to the target-aspect sensitivity of high resolution rang profiles(HRRPs),we first use a modified k-nearest neighbor(KNN) rule for binary-class classification problem,and then extend it to multi-class classification problems using the one against one(OAO) method.针对雷达高分辨距离像的姿态敏感性,利用各目标在各种姿态下的雷达高分辨距离像样本和其局部聚散程度信息,调节各样本的局部有效作用范围,使得其统计置信水平达到可信的范围内,从而对二分类的K近邻测度距离和判决准则进行了优化,最后通过一对一法将其推广到解决多类目标的识别问题。
3)one-to-one correspondence一一对应
1.Analytical formula of one-to-one correspondence between irrational number set and real number set;无理数集与实数集的一一对应解析式
2.Under some special conditions, for example, among Coefficient k i(i=1,2,… ,n ) ,there is one k i 0 =1 at least,then a recurrence formula was got in this recurrence method by one-to-one correspondence.而如果在某些特殊的条件下 ,比如限定系数Ki(i=1,2 ,3,… ,n)中至少有某个ki0 =1时 ,可通过一一对应原则 ,采用递推的方法 ,便可得到求其非负整数解的解数的一个递推公式。
3.The Picture theory claims that there is an isomorphic picturing relation,or a sort of one-to-one correspondence,between language and the world,but this theory owes us an explanation for both what is unsaid and what is unsayable.图像论主张语言和世界之间存在着一种同构的一一对应的图像关系,但是这种传统的语言观却无法解释言外之意和言不尽意的现象。
4)one to one correspondence一一对应

一对一行销  一对一行销,就是直效行销就是运用任何的行销传播活动(广告、公关、促销),将目标对象界定在“个人”的基础上,与之开展一对一的直接关系。  直效行销不仅仅是一项直效广告行销(含DM)方式,它也是综合运用了各种营销组合的一套相对完整的行销理念:1.直效行销的目标是“目标对象群”;2.直效行销的关键是“界定”,即区隔“目标对象群”;3.直效行销的特点是“与之展一对一的直接关系”,即一对一的直接的沟通。