1.Annals of Zuo·the Tenth of King Cheng(左传成公十年)contains a sentence that is Gong Zhi Bu Ke Da Zhi Bu Ji(攻之不可,达之不及),Da(达)was explained by Du Yu(杜预)to acupuncture.《左传·成公十年》有"攻之不可,达之不及"一句,杜预把"达"解释为""。
2.Objective:To observe the prevention mechanism of the acupuncture .目的: 本课题以去势大鼠为研究对象,通过观察血尿中骨代谢相关的生化指标的变化以探讨灸及山茱萸总甙对骨质疏松症的预防机制。
3.Objective:To observe the effect of acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbs on the cellular immunity function of tumor-bearing mice and to afford the scientific experimental basement for the further study on the mechanism of the inhibition effect of acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbs on tumor.我们以前已经作了关于灸、中药对肿瘤模型小鼠的抑瘤作用的实验研究,实验结果提示灸、中药有较好的抑瘤效应,值得进一步深入研究。

1.Cast on seventy-eight stitches and work two inches of plain stitch.起78,织平两英寸。
2.acupuncture technique刺法(法)(刺法)
3.A tiny puncture made by or as if by a pin.眼,孔用或似用刺的小孔
4.A watch have three hand - - the second hand, minute hand and hour hand手表有三根指--秒,分和时
5.A watch has three hands ---- the second hand, minute hand and hourhand.手表有三根指--秒,分和时
6.A watch has three hands -- the second hand, minute hand and hour hand.手表有三根指--秒、分和时
7.disposable acupuncture needle一次性使用无菌
8.single jersey knitting machine单面平织物织机
9.bodkin of iron or steel大眼缝,钢或铁制
10.needlepoint done with small stitches.用小脚绣的绣花边。
11.needlepoint done with large stitches.用大脚绣的绣花边。
12.hand-crocheted and knitted sweater钩及棒手编毛衫
13.en-top sinker type machine单筒多三角织机
14.revolving needle-cylinder machine回转筒式圆型织机
15.circular purl sweater-strip machine双筒计件衣坯织机
16.Please give me an injection of pain killer.请给我打一止痛
17.pin drafter梳牵伸机, 梳机
18.counter pile roller逆起绒辊,逆起毛辊

1.There are two shapes of admonish and needle about the needle in ShuoWenJieZi.现代缝衣的“”字,《说文解字》中有两个形体:“箴”、“鍼”。

《绮疏遗恨》之针【诗文】:乞巧楼前乞巧时,金针玉指弄春丝;牛郎织女年年会,可惜容颜永别离。 【注释】:【出处】: