
1.He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes.他声音嘶哑,有时失声
2.Cumming laughed out loud.卡明失声笑了出来。
3.When the grievous news came, she was choked with tears.噩耗传来, 她痛哭失声
4.To howl, wail, or lament loudly.哀叫,哀号,失声痛哭
5.cried the first man.前一个人失声叫道。
6.ejaculated the priest.教士不禁失声悲叹道。
7.To lose the capacity to speak, as from shock.失声失去说话的能力,例如由于震惊
8.What would be most unbearable: losing your voice, losing your sight or losing your hearing?记者:你最不能忍受什么?失声,失明,还是失聪?
9.Lydia gave a cry of loss.利季娅失望地喊了一声。
10.signal to noise and distortion ratio信号对噪声和失真比
11.SINAD (Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio)信号-噪声及失真比
12.The noise had died down.喧闹声逐渐消失了。
13.The sound of his footsteps died away.他的脚步声逐渐消失了。
14.The sound of footsteps gradually died away.脚步声渐渐消失了。
15.sonar dome insertion loss声呐导流罩插入损失
16.sonar dome loss pattern声呐导流罩损失图案
17.The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.枪炮声使群众惊慌失措。
18.The noise of the car died away in the distance.汽车的声音消失在远方.

3)acoustic loss声损失(声)
4)Sound transmission loss传声损失
1.Through testing on muffler on a certain motor,the paper evaluates the static performance of sound transmission loss of the muffler.通过对某种发动机使用的消声器进行测试,对消声器的静态传声损失性能作出评价。
2.The influences of plate thickness,moment of inertia and spacing of stiffeners,boundary condition,plate material and angles of incidence of the plane wave on the sound transmission loss of the stiffened plate and the relationship between angles of incidence of the plane wave and.采用有限元法和Rayleigh积分建立了空气中嵌在无限大刚性障板上加筋板结构在简谐平面声波斜入射情况下的声传输计算模型 ,并研究分析了加筋板结构的板厚、肋骨惯性矩和间距、边界条件、板材和平面声波入射角度等对结构传声损失的影响以及平面声波入射角度与隔声低谷的关系 ,得到了一些有意义的结论 ,从而为揭示加筋板结构声传输特性 ,改善结构的隔声性能提供了一定的依据。
3.The sound transmission losse.数值计算表明 :结构的传声损失与结构的固有频率和激励频率密切相关 ,避免共振仍是首要的 ;改变板厚或肋骨惯性矩后 ,由于结构固有频率发生了变化会使得结构传声损失曲线上极小值的位置发生改变 ;当声波从空气经结构向空气中传递时 ,增大板厚或肋骨惯性矩可明显增大结构的传声损失 ;而当声波从空气经结构向水中传递时 ,增大板厚或肋骨惯性矩也增大了结构的传声损失 ,但效果明显不如当声波从空气经结构向空气中传递时显著。
5)transmission loss传声损失
1.Measurement of transmission loss of a muffler based on transfer function基于传递函数的消声器传声损失测量技术研究
2.In order to reduce the noise of the engine s exhaust system,an improved muffler model is presented,and the transmission loss of both the former muffler and the modified muffler is calculated and compared.文章建立了排气消声器与发动机的耦合仿真模型,利用该模型对排气消声器的传声损失进行了计算,分析发动机的排气噪声。
3.Based on the use of finite element method and boundary element method,a model of sound transmission loss of single window is established.利用有限元和边界元方法建立了单层隔声窗传声损失(TransmissionLoss)的分析模型,在此基础上分析了不同厚度玻璃的隔声性能。
6)misadjustment noise失调噪声

失声失声 失声   病证名。   ①悲极气噎,哭不成声者,称失声。   ②禁不住发出了声音,脱口而出者,也称失声。   ③即失音,例如《秘传证诣要诀及类方》卷十:“有声音不出之人,服冷剂愈失声。”治宜滋阴润肺,方用沙参麦冬汤加减。参见瘖、喉瘖条。