1.Clinical features of 332 cases of childhood vitiligo;332例儿童型白癜风临床观察
2)child archetype儿童原型
1.Jungian child archetype theory and sandplay therapy;儿童原型理论与箱庭疗法
3)body figure of a child儿童体型

1.Children s Somatotype - Nourishment HEATH-CARTER Analyse in West Xiang Area;湘西地区儿童体型-营养HEATH-CARTER分析
2.Treatment for polydactyly of the thumb in children and a new classification in type Wassel Ⅳ儿童复拇畸形WasselⅣ型的新分型及治疗体会
3.Experimental Research on PE of the Whole Brain Type among Preschool Children;学龄前儿童全脑型体育教育的实验研究
4.toys for children, in vivid shapes儿童玩具,造型活泼。
5.L stereogram can be used in evaluating stereoacuity for childrenl型立体视觉检测板可以用于儿童立体视觉的检测
6.mother-to-child transmission of Aids儿童经母体感染艾滋病
7.child assessment centre儿童体能智力测验中心
8.Books for children should have a clear and easy style.儿童读物的文体应简明。
9.Research on Relation in 3 to 9 Years Old Children's Sympathy and Temperament3~9岁儿童同情心与儿童气质类型的关系研究
10.segregate sick children from the rest of the group把病童与团体中其他的儿童隔开
11.On the Inter-subjectivity of Children s Literature;与童年对话——论儿童文学的主体间性
12.Differentiation Syndrome of Mycoplasmal Pneumonia in Children and Its Correlation with Test Indicators;儿童支原体肺炎辨证分型及其与化验指标的相关性研究
13.Study of Insulin Receptor Substrate in Obese and Type 2 Diabetes Children;单纯性肥胖及2型糖尿病儿童胰岛素受体底物的研究
14.Research on Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Dissociation Experience with Patients Suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder;边缘型人格障碍患者的儿童期创伤与分离体验的相关性研究
15.Practical study of the compensation of whole brain type physical education teaching for the defects of retarded children;全脑型体育教学对智障儿童缺陷补偿的实践研究
16.Study on the Relationship of Abdominal Obesity Markers and Blood Pressure for 5- to 17-Year-Old Children and Adolescents儿童腹型肥胖人体测量学指标与血压的相关性研究
17.Haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for beta-thalassemia major in children单倍体造血干细胞移植治疗儿童重型β-地中海贫血
18.Prevalence of atypical pathogens in adults and children with community-acquired pneumonia in Taiyuan太原地区成人及儿童社区获得性肺炎非典型病原体流行病学调查

child archetype儿童原型
1.Jungian child archetype theory and sandplay therapy;儿童原型理论与箱庭疗法
3)body figure of a child儿童体型
4)suitable for children儿童适宜型
1.Research and production of mixed vegetable juice suitable for children;儿童适宜型天然复合蔬菜汁的研制
5)atypical child非典型儿童
6)Children abdominal epilepsy儿童腹型癫痫

创造型儿童特征创造型儿童特征characteristics of creative children  创造型儿童特征(eharaetoristics ofcreatiVe chi里dren)创造性高的儿童所具有的心理特征。美国心理学家托伦斯(T。rrance)认为其有如下特征:(1)听人说话、观察事物和行动专心一致。(2)口头或文字表述时能用类比方法。(3)全神贯注地读书和书写。(4)完成教师布置的作业后,有兴奋的表现。(5)敢于向权威挑战。(6)习惯于寻找事物的各种原因。(7)精细地观察事物。(8)能从他人的谈话中发现问题。(9)从事创造性活动时废寝忘食。(10)能发现问题和发现与问题相关的各种关系。(11)除了日常基本生活,平时都在探究问题。(12)好奇心强。(13)有自己独特的实验方法和发现方法。(14)有所发现时精神异常兴奋。(15)能预测结果,并正确地验证结果。(16)不气馁。(17)经常思考事物的新答案、新结果。(18)具有敏锐的观察力和提出问题的能力。(19)学习上有自己关心的研究问题。(20)除了一种方法外,能从多方面来探究它的可能性。(2l)能不断产生新设想,在娱乐闲暇时也能产生新的设想。 (张明撰程胡吴万森审)