主导作用,leading role
1)leading role主导作用
1.Simple discussion on leading role of enterprise manager;浅谈企业经营者主导作用
2.The leading role and Enlightenment in the South Korean government on scientific and technological innovation;韩国政府在科技创新中的主导作用及其启示
3.My View on Leading Role of Mathematics Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职高专数学教师主导作用之我见

1.Sometimes she will lead.有时候她起主导作用
2.The Dominance of Theory upon Experience and Holism;理论对于经验的主导作用与整体主义
3.The Predominant Role of Teachers in Middle School Subjectivity Composition Teaching;中学主体性作文教学中教师的主导作用
4.The Leading Role of Enterprise Heads in Building Enterprise Culture;论企业领导者在企业文化建设中的主导作用
5.On Government′s Leading Roles in Market Economy;试论政府引导、管理市场经济的主导作用
6.Teachers Self- cultivation and Leading Role in Practical Writing Teaching;应用写作教学中的教师修养及主导作用
7.The administrative rewards shall only be given to the individuals who play a leading role.行政奖励只奖励给起主导作用的个人。
8.This year, the leading role is still very prominent.今年,这种主导作用依然非常突出。
9.The economy plays a leading role in the rise in crime.??经济状况对犯罪率增长起了主导作用
10.He takes a leading part in the club.他在俱乐部里起主导作用
11.Analysis on the Dominant Function of Government during the Process of Late-modernization;后发现代化进程中政府主导作用分析
12.The Leading Role of Teacher in Low Vision Teaching;浅谈教师在低视力教学中的主导作用
13.Leading Role of Government in Developing Vocational Education;论政府在发展职业教育中的主导作用
14.Discussion On the Ancient Capital Culture s leading role in the Ancient Capital Tourism;论古都文化在古都旅游中的主导作用
15.The Leading Role of Government in Building Economical Society;建设节约型社会 政府要发挥主导作用
16.Tourism Reforming,Government Continues to Display the Leading Role;旅游业转型 政府继续发挥主导作用
17.The Leading Role of the Teachers in Teaching " Three Representatives";论教师在"三个代表"教育中的主导作用
18.On Government’s Leading Function in Improving Peasants’ Revenue;论政府在增加农民收入中的主导作用

leading function主导作用
1.Teacher s leading function in the classroom teaching;谈谈教师在教学中的主导作用
2.The paper states the nature and characteristic of the rural highway network construction, it also emphases the necessity on the involvement and leading function of the local government, and especially the involvement in project financing is key issue.阐述了农村公路网建设的准公共产品性质 ,以及要求地方政府介入并发挥其主导作用 ,其中投融资是这种主导作用的体
3.According to the causation giving birth to center city, This paper discusses the station, leading function and serving function of center city in city economy district.本文就中心城市的产生,论述了中心城市在城市经济区中的地位及其主导作用和服务作用。
3)guiding role主导作用
1.The editor plays a guiding role in editorial activities, but his guiding role is relative and should not be exaggerated.编辑在编辑活动中居于主体地位,起着主导作用
2.Thus how do teachers play their guiding role in video class is the main concern of this paper.因此,如何发挥教师在多媒体视听教学中的主导作用是当前值得探讨的课题。
3.Teachers shonld take the guiding role in class and abandon the old ways of supervision.开放式教学模式是指在老师的指导下 ,由学生自定目标、自选内容、自主练习的“三自教育”为方向 ,学生发挥主体的能动性 ,培养良好的学习习惯 ,老师在课堂上要发挥主导作用 ,但不能用旧的教学模式来管理学生。
4)a leading role主导作用
1.College teachers play a leading role in construction ofstyle study.在学风建设中,教风是关键,教师起主导作用,教师的世界观、人生观、价值观、知识水平、教学质量、道德修养等,对学生有着潜移默化的作用和影响。
2.For this purpose,the government should foster awareness of duty,publicity,focal point,innovation,legal system and people first,and play a leading role.在推进节约型社会建设中应充分发挥政府的主导作用
3.What counts most is the teaching style and teachers play a leading role.学风建设的内容十分丰富,其中,教风是关键,教师起主导作用
5)leading position主导作用
1.Discussion on the leading position of electronic periodicals in the periodical work of college libraries;浅论电子期刊在高校图书馆期刊工作中的主导作用
2.The leading position of government is characterized by the fact that as a powerful organizer and direct participant,with careful plan as well as state financial support,the government promotes development of the countryside in an all-round way.在社会主义新农村建设过程中政府必须发挥主导作用,这是出于对转型时期的现实和三农问题历史成因的考察,同时借鉴国际经验得出的结论。
3.This essay discusses the leading position of piano teachers from three main aspects.从三个主要方面,试论了钢琴教学中教师的主导作用
6)dominant function主导性作用
1.This paper deems that united nation should bring dominant functions into play in internationally opposing terrorism,and should lead international societies to realize real security by making common efforts in the 21st century that scientific technique is developing quickly,economic globalization procedure is constantly accelerating and security threat is daily becoming many-faceted.本文认为,在科技发展日新月异,经济全球化进程不断加快,安全威胁日益多元化的21世纪,联合国在国际反恐中应该发挥主导性作用,带领国际社会通过共同努力与多边合作实现真正的安全。

升华作用升华作用sublimation 升华作用(s。blimation)(1)精神分析术语,自我防卫机制之一,指被压抑于潜意识的性本能冲动转向社会认可的活动中去求得变相的或替代性的满足。如歌德年轻时因失恋的痛苦几次想自杀,把匕首放在枕头底下睡觉,但他终于抑制了这种轻率的行为,把自己破灭的爱情作为素材,创作出世界名著《少年维特之烦恼》。此为化消极为积极的富有建设性的防卫方式。(2)泛指把不为社会所接受的或认一可的动机欲望转移到符合社会要求的具有高尚目标的建设性与创造性的活动上。这是克服挫折的一种积极的方法。 (秦金壳撰车丈博审)