1.Combination of NC Process Technology and Traditional Technology;数控加工工艺与传统工艺的结合
2.Combination modes of air separation units with IGCC power generation and process selection;空分设备与煤气化联合循环发电的结合方式与流程选择
3.Thinking on the combination of the selected topic of city planning specialty graduating design and practical projects;城市规划专业毕业设计选题与实际工程项目结合的思考

1.unite or form a bond between(people)使(人)结合或联合
2.marked by or relating to or resulting from combination.以结合为特点、与结合相关或者是结合的结果。
3.metal binding finger金属结合指(状结构)
4.equivalence association等价结合 -FORTRAN用
5.single-stranded DNA binding protei单链DNA结合蛋白
6.dna binding proteindna 结合蛋白质
7.They should combine their efforts with those of the young and middle-aged.老的要结合中、青。
8.A combination or union thus formed.这种形式的结合或联合
9.To ally inappropriately.不适当地联合或结合
10.Composition is associative.复合是可以结合的。
11.associate in a common cause为共同之目标联合 [结合]
12.To cause to merge or combine together into a united whole.结合,混合使混合或合并到某一整体中
13.(chemistry) combining or causing to combine with iodine.(化学)与碘结合或者导致与碘结合
14.Combining production of wartime products with peacetime products and integrating military with civilian purposes.国防工业实行军民结合、平战结合
15.To connect or combine precisely or harmoniously.使吻合连结或结合的精确或协调
16.The act of forming couples.联合,结合形成联结的行为
17.Tending, serving, or able to combine.结合性的准备、用于或者能够结合
18.Plasma protein binding ratio of ORC was found to be 10 5% at the concentration range of 50~200 μg·ml -1 . CONCLUSION: ORC is well absorbed when given orally and rapidly eliminated via the urine.蛋白结合率低,平均结合率为10?5%。

1.On integration of art and technology in clothing design education;谈服装教育的艺工结合
2.The Inquiry about the Integration of Tourism into Library;图书馆与旅游结合点探究
3.Initial Research on Integration of GIS and ES and its Applications;GIS与ES的结合及其应用初探
1.Network traffic orediction model of wavelet combined neural network;小波与神经网络相结合的网络流量预测模型
2.How to Combine Collective class with Group s class in Vocal Music Teaching in NormalCllege;谈高师声乐教学中如何把集体课与小组课结合起来
3.Two kinds of supervisory syste ms are good and bad each,in order to avoid the conflict and ove rlay of the two,it must combine the ad vantages of the two with easy to render a service to Listed com pany.独立董事制度引入后,我国的公司治理结构中出现了独立董事与监事会两种监管力量并存的局面,两种监管制度各有优劣,为避免两者的冲突与重叠,必须结合两者的优势,以更好效力于上市公司治理。
1.Research of P35 About Its Binding to HCV E1;P35识别结合HCV糖蛋白的研究
2.Selection of specific ouabain conjugated peptides and identification of its binding activity;特异性哇巴因结合肽的筛选及其结合活性的测定
3.Effects of Surface Negatively Charged Amino Acid Mutation on Binding Between Cytochrome b_5 and Cytochrome c;表面带负电荷氨基酸残基的突变对细胞色素b_5与细胞色素c结合和识别的影响
1.Combining Country Safety Assessment to Do Environmental Risk Assessment Well;浅论如何结合农村安全评价做好环境风险评价工作
2.An Exploration of Combining School P. E. and Community P. E.;对学校体育与社区体育相结合的探讨
3.In the course of perform operation,youd better use the method of "avoiding,choosing,combining and using".解答解析几何问题,要用较简的方法解题,在运算过程须采取"避免、选择、结合、利用"的对策。
1.The paper through reviewing the overseas city and countryside space union theory historical research, grasps the course of scientific thought development, combs the systematization and the ecology trend of this domain research, thus provides reference for our country city and countryside space whole plan.通过对国外城乡空间结合理论研究的历史回顾,在把握科学思想发展的进程中,梳理出该领域研究的系统化、生态化走向,从而为我国城乡空间整体规划的探索提供借鉴和启迪。
2.In order to strengthen and improve ideological political work of college students,This paper points out:five ideas should be transformed and five unions should be achieved.为加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作,文章提出应当转变5个观念,实现5个结合
3.There are possibility and necessity in union of report at 17th Party Congress and"Chinese Modern and Contemporary History Summary"curriculum.将"中国特色社会主义道路"科学内涵、"解放思想是发展中国特色社会主义的法宝"、"改革开放是发展中国特色社会主义的强大动力"、"科学发展、社会和谐是发展中国特色社会主义的基本要求"、"加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设"等科学论断与中国近现代史的相关内容结合起来讲授,不仅可能而且必要。

“约束与调控相结合”的两原则“约束与调控相结合”的两原则  【“约束与调控相结合”的两原则】有关资产负债管理的一种观点。这种观点认为,商业银行实行资产负管理,既要实施自我约束,又要服从系统调控。二者相辅相成。按照这种指导思想,资产负债管理应遵循以下两大原则:①负债约束资产的原则。实施总量约束和结构约束。②有利于增强系统调控原则。按照统一法人原则,统一调度资金,增强对全行资金的调拨配置能力,抑制一些分支机构超负荷经营行为。.