1.Effects of morphine dependence and withdrawal on neurosteroids and amino acid transmitters of rat amygdala;吗啡依赖和戒断对大鼠杏仁核神经甾体和氨基酸递质水平的影响(英文)
2.M_1 and M_2 receptors in hippocampus and fear activated memory and the content of glutamate in amygdala;海马M_2受体调节杏仁核内谷氨酸的释放与学习记忆的研究
3.Electroenciphalogram changes of hippocampus and parietal cortex in epileptic rats kindled by kainic acid microinjection into nucleus amygdalae;海人酸杏仁核点燃癫病大鼠海马和顶叶皮层脑电图改变

1.Volumetric Measurement of Hippocampus and Amygdala Based on MRI人体海马及杏仁核体积的MRI测定
2.Expression alteration of CaMKIIα and pCaMKIIα in amygdala neurons in PTSD ratsPTSD大鼠杏仁核CaMKIIα及pCaMKIIα表达的变化
3.Expression of c-fos in Amygdala and Conditioned Immunosuppression杏仁核c-fos的表达与条件反射性免疫抑制(英文)
4.The amygdala is activated by stimulus that elicits certain forms of negative affect, particularly fear.杏仁核易被消极的感情刺激所激活,尤其是恐惧。
5.Volumetric MRI analysis of the amygdala and the hippocampus in patients with major depression抑郁症患者海马及杏仁核容积异常的MRI研究
6.The Study of Effects of Qingyangshenlycosides on Kindling Model;青阳参总甙对大鼠杏仁核点燃模型的作用研究
7.The Study of Inhibition of Midazolam on Amygdala Kindling in Rats;咪达唑仑对大鼠杏仁核点燃抑制作用的研究
8.Inhibition and Mechanisms of MK-801 on Amygdala Kindling in Rats;MK-801对大鼠杏仁核点燃模型的抑制作用及机制
9.Inhibition and Mechanisms of Topiramate on Amygdala Kindling in Rats;托吡酯对大鼠杏仁核点燃的拮抗作用及机制
10.Research on Exercise and Amygdala Oncogene c-fos;运动与杏仁核原癌基因c-fos的研究综述
11.On Functional Lateralization of Amygdala Involved in Emotion;杏仁核情绪功能偏侧化的成像研究述评
12.Change of Apoptosis and LTP in the Amygdala Neurons of PTSD RatsPTSD大鼠杏仁核神经元凋亡及LTP变化的研究
14.Morphologic change of myelin sheath in amygdala of anxious symptom rats suffered from morphine withdrawal吗啡依赖戒断焦虑大鼠杏仁核髓鞘结构的改变
15.Comparative study of amygdala volumetric measurements between Midob and Aquariusws software两种测量软件在杏仁核体积测量中的比较
16.Effects of exhausted exercise on the expression of NF-kappa B in amygdaloid nucleus in rats力竭运动对大鼠杏仁核NF-κB表达的影响
17.The Role of Amygdala in Emotional Memory:Evidence from Neuroimaging Studies杏仁核参与情绪记忆的脑功能成像研究述评
18.Apoptosis and Synaptic Ultrastructure of Amygdala Neurons in Rats of Posttraumatic Stress DisorderPTSD大鼠杏仁核神经元和突触的超微结构研究

1.P-glycoprotein expression in cerebra of epileptic rats by kindling of amygdale;杏仁核点燃癫癎大鼠脑内P-糖蛋白的表达
2.Expression of P-glycoprotein in brain tissue and peripheral blood in refractory epileptic rats with amygdale kindled by electricity and kainic acid杏仁核电点燃及海人酸点燃难治性癫大鼠脑组织及外周血P糖蛋白的表达
3.The affection of emotional arousal to amygdale, and the interaction among amygdale, medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex were specially emphasize该文简要介绍了近年来国内外有关情绪和记忆的研究,着重讨论了情绪在记忆中的作用、情绪影响记忆的途径以及参与情绪和记忆交互作用的脑区;特别强调了情绪唤醒对杏仁核的影响,以及杏仁核与其它内侧颞叶结构和前额叶的相互作用。
3)amygdaloid nucleus杏仁核
1.The effect of 5-HT microinjection into amygdaloid nucleus on the gastric mobility in CUMS treated-rats;杏仁核注射5-HT对慢性应激抑郁大鼠胃运动的影响
2.Effects of exhausted exercise on the expression of NF-kappa B in amygdaloid nucleus in rats力竭运动对大鼠杏仁核NF-κB表达的影响
3.To understand the relationship of neurotransmitter between the striatum and limbic system such as amygdaloid nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.为了解大鼠纹状体内的神经活性物质与边缘系统重要结构杏仁核和终纹床核内相应神经活性物质之间的关系。
1.The Inhibitory Effect of Alcohol on Seizure Activity in Amygdaloid Kindled Rats;乙醇对大鼠杏仁核点燃的抑制作用
2.Objective: To study the effect of rhynchophylline on NMDA receptor 2B subunit (NR2B) in nucleus accubens and amygdaloid of amphetamine-induced condictioned place preference (CPP) rats.目的:研究钩藤碱对苯丙胺依赖大鼠伏核和杏仁核中NR2B蛋白表达的影响。
5)Central amygdaloid nucleus中央杏仁核
1.Microinjecting substance P into the central amygdaloid nucleus inhibits gastric electromechanical activity in rats;大鼠中央杏仁核内微量注射P物质抑制对大鼠胃电-机械活动
2.Ultrastructural observation on indirect connection pathway between solitary tract nucleus~-,parabrachial nucleus~- and central amygdaloid nucleus in the rat;大鼠孤束核-臂旁核-中央杏仁核间接纤维联系的超微结构观察
3.Objective The present study was to analyze the role of ACh-lateral septum(SL)pressor system in the Central amygdaloid nucleus(AC)-emotional pressor circuit.目的本实验在于分析乙酰胆碱-外侧隔(Ach-SL)升压系统与中央杏仁核(AC)情绪升压环路之间的关系。
6)central nucleus of amygdala杏仁中央核
1.Effects of electrolytic lesions of basolateral or central nucleus of amygdala on feeding behavior and body weight of the rat;电解毁损杏仁基底外侧核或杏仁中央核对大鼠摄食和体质量的影响
2.Aim:To investigate the inhibitory effect of the deep peroneal nerve(DPN)on the cardiovascular responses induced by excitation of the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus(PVN)and the role of central nucleus of amygdala(CeA)in this effect.目的:阐明电刺激腓深神经(DPN)对下丘脑室旁核(PVN)兴奋后的心血管反应的调节作用及杏仁中央核(CeA)在此作用中的地位。
3.The effect of microinjection of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) into the central nucleus of amygdala (CeA) on blood pressure was examined in Wistar rats anaesthetized with pentobarbital sodium.在戊巴比妥钠麻醉的大鼠,观察杏仁中央核(CeA)内微量注射促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)对血压的影响,并对其中枢机制进行初步探讨。

杏仁核杏仁核amygdaloid nuclei  杏仁核(amygdaloid nuelei)参见“基底神经核”。