1.Optimal revamping of phosgene-recirculation system in TDI production;TDI生产光气循环系统的优化改造
2.Study on optimal modification of phosgene-deprivation system in TDI production;甲苯二异氰酸酯生产脱光气系统的优化改造
3.Research and Application of Triphosgene Instead of Phosgene for Synthesizing Compounds;三光气代替光气合成系列化合物的研究和应用

1.laser gasification spectrum analyser激光气化光谱分析仪
2.The earliest disorder is emphysema after phosgene or diphosgene inhalation.光气、双光气中毒后最早发生的病变是肺气肿。
3.Application of Air Hammer in Gas Drilling in Puguang Gasfield空气锤在普光气田气体钻井中的应用
4.pulsed-flash gas-discharge lamp脉冲闪光气体放电灯
5.photolysis gas chromatography光解气相色谱(法)
6.gaseous discharge lamp(荧光)气体放电管
7.Tunable Fiber Laser Based Photoacoustic Spectroscopy for Acetylene Detection基于可调谐光纤激光器的C_2H_2气体光声光谱检测
8.It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine,-这里气候温和,阳光充足??
9.She is tricked out in jewels.她打扮得珠光宝气。
10.The champagne have go flat.香槟酒的气都跑光了。
11.Atmospheric Acoustics,Optics,Electricity & Upper Atmospheric Physics声光电及高层大气物理
12.influence of atmosphere on optical systems大气对光学系统的影响
13.fluorescent particle atmospheric tracer荧光粒子大气示踪剂
14.transverse-excited atmosphere laser横向激发大气压激光器
15.cell, photoemissive, vacuum or gas filled光电发射、真空或充气管
16.noble gas ion laser稀有气体离子激光器
17.You've let all the air out of the tyres.你让车胎的气都跑光了.
18.You have let all the air out of the tyres .你让车胎的气都跑光了。

carbonyl chloride光气
1.The former was prepared starting from trifluiormethoxy aniline and carbonyl chloride.本文采用对三氟甲氧基苯胺与光气反应制备异氰酸酯,再与邻氯苯甲酰胺反应合成杀虫隆,反应条件温和,易于工业化,产品成本低,三废排放少。
2.Carbonochloridothioic acid s-ethyl ester is synthesized by carbonyl chloride and ethyl mercapta由光气与乙硫醇合成氯甲酸乙硫醇酯。
3.Dichlorphenyl isorcyanate is synthesised by carbonyl chloride and 3,4-dichlorocaniline.由光气与3 ,4 -二氯苯胺合成3,4 -二氯苯基异氰酸酯 ,收率≥90%。
3)Puguang Gas Field普光气田
1.Application of AVO techniques to reservoirs prediction of oolitic beach facies in Puguang gas field;AVO技术在普光气田鲕滩储层预测中的应用
2.Application of Single Point Method for Productivity Forecast in Puguang Gas Field and Its Improvement;“一点法”在普光气田产能预测中的应用与改进
3.Distribution and accumulation of materials in shoal-reef compound gas deposits and reservoir characteristics——A case study of the Changxing-Feixian Formation in the Puguang gas field, northeastern Sichuan;礁滩复合型气藏物质聚集分布及储层特征研究——以川东北地区普光气田长兴组—飞仙关组为例
1.Then it was converted to carbamoyl chloride by treating it with bis(trichloromethyl)carbonate in toluene.2,4-二硝基苯胺与乙酰硝酸酯反应生成N-硝基-2,4,6-三硝基苯胺,N-硝基-2,4,6-三硝基苯胺与固体光气在甲苯中反应,生成酰氯中间体,酰氯中间体再与取代苯胺反应得到7种含N-硝基的不对称脲类化合物,产物经IR、1HNMR、质谱、元素分析表征。
2.It was produced by the chemical reaction of γ-butyrolactone as an orginal material, reacted with bis(trichloromethyl)carbonate and isopropanol et al.以γ-丁内酯为起始原料,通过与固体光气、异丙醇等原料反应,经过酯化、环合、水解等步骤,合成出含量大于98。
3.It was produced by the chemical reaction of 2,4,6-trichloro- phenol as an orginal material,reacted with 1,2-dichloroethane, propylamine, bis(trichloromethyl)carbonate and imidazole one by one.主要介绍了在咪鲜安合成中使用固体光气取代光气的合成新方法。
1.Improved synthesis of mepivacaine hydrochloride by triphosgene;三光气法合成盐酸甲哌卡因的工艺改进
2.Synthesis of copolycarbonate by triphosgene and bisphenol S/bisphenol A;三光气法合成双酚S/双酚A共聚碳酸酯
3.Synthesis of Bupivacaine Hydrochloride by Triphosgene;三光气法合成盐酸布比卡因
6)atmospheric optics大气光学
1.The concepts and contents of modern atmospheric optics are briefly introduced.简要介绍了现代大气光学的概念和内容,从大气分子吸收、大气气溶胶粒子光散射、大气湍流光学特性等方面阐述了现代大气光学的研究和应用状况。
2.In the field of atmospheric optics,distribution of sky brightness is widely used.在大气光学领域中,天空亮度分布有着重要的应用。
