1.Effects of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Offspring;妊娠期糖尿病对子代的影响
2.Function and morphology study on lens offspring of cataract female rabbits induced by homogeneous lens antigen immunization;同种晶状体抗原免疫致白内障兔的子代晶状体功能和形态学观察
3.Alteration of Multiple Systems in Offspring After Prenatal Stress;孕期应激对子代影响及相关机制的探讨(英文)

1.a filial generation【生】杂交后代, 子代
2.Exact Borel Subalgebras and Principal Subalgebras of Quasi-hereditary Algebras;拟遗传代数的Exact Borel子代数与主子代
3.The Change of Bases of Subalgebra U_(A )~+ for Quantum Algebra with Two Ranks;秩2型量子代数的子代数U_(A )~+的基变换
4.first filial杂交第一代, 子一代
5.Advanced Quantum Field Thoery(1) ?近代量子场论(I)
6.Advanced Quantum Field Theory (2) ?近代量子场论(Ⅱ)
7."Nethanel, the fourth, Raddai, the fifth,"四子拿坦业,五子拉代,
8.Lao Zi, Confucious, Mo Zi, Mencius, Zhuang Zi, Xun Zi and Han Fei are representatives of this period.老子、子、子、子、子、子和韩非是这些人当中的代表。
9.the modern age, the nuclear age, the age of the microchip现代、 核子时代、 微晶片时代.
10.Philosophers Study of Han Dynasty and Their Learning --Also on Philosophers of Han Dynasty and Study of Confucian Classics;汉代诸子学与汉代学术——兼评《汉代诸子与经学》
11.C is for children. Children and fools speak the truth.C 代表“孩子”。孩子和傻子都说真话。
12.C is for childern. Childern and fools speak the truth.C代表“孩子”。孩子和傻子都说真话。
13.An arsenic atom can take the place of a germanium atom in the lattice.一个砷原子能取代点阵子中的锗原子.
14.The Derivations From the Lie Algebra of Skew Derivations on Quantum Torus to Its Modules量子环面上的斜导子李代数模的导子
15.Give my best regards to your wife.请代我向你妻子问好。
16.Modern Optics and Optoelectronics近代光学和光电子学
17.ancient. sunspot observation太阳黑子的古代观测
18.canonical divisor of an algebraic surface代数曲面的标准除子

filial generation子代
1.A study on the effect of aged insulin resistance patients with hypertension to their filial generation;老年高血压胰岛素抵抗患者对子代影响的研究
2.It introduced the influencing factors of pregnant with psychological problems in gestation period and its influences of both on parturient and on their filial generation.介绍了妊娠期心理问题的影响因素以及妊娠期心理问题对产妇和子代的影响。
3.Electromagnetic irradiation (including microwave,extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields, pulse electromagnetic fields, electric fields and electrostatic magnetic fields) can not only damage the structures and functions of testes and cause decline of the sexuality and fertility, but also can influence the filial generation.睾丸是电磁辐射敏感的靶器官之一,电磁辐射(包括微波、极低频率电磁场、脉冲电磁场、电场和静电磁场)不仅可以引起睾丸结构和功能的损伤,造成性功能和生精能力下降,而且可影响子代
1.Study on seedling period genetic variation of Phoeloe hournei progeny;楠木优树子代苗期性状遗传变异研究
2.The selection of excellent progeny clones in the seed orchard of Cunninghamia lanceolata;杉木种子园子代优良无性系测定及选择
3.Progeny testing in Cordia africana;非洲破布木子代测试(英文)
1.The morphological characteristics of the backcross progenies produced by hybrids of common carp and crucian carp with crucian carp;鲤鲫杂交(♀)×鲫(♂)回交子代的形态特征研究
2.Progeny test was carried out in the seedling generation in order to understand the relationship between parents and progenies on tuber traits of specific gravity,ratio of long/wide of tubers and eye depth.试验选用20个具有良好加工性状表现的马铃薯品种或品系,配制了16个杂交组合,在实生苗当代进行子代测验,以验证亲本的表型和杂种实生苗当代块茎表现的关系。
6)second filial (F2) generation第二子代;子二代`
